
private property is something one person owns but another labors on. This is generally used with wage labor to extract profit from the worker like a parasite.

The workers build, use, and even manage this property. All the ruling class does is control it through the use of the police and military. If they choose not to use police and military and instead hire their own force of guards, they literally are now a government.

This is nonsense. I own and labor on my own property. The only parasite i am aware of is government. They are the only actors that generate 'revenue' via coercion and compulsory payments. Private property owners in the market cooperate peacefully, every day, and avoid relying on government. Mobs and gangs are usually the result of government interference in the market, (drug laws, etc.) And I don't recall any wars between private security forces...
We need More private property rights, not less.

" I own and labor on my own property. "
not everyone can own private property. You own the people that are forced to labor to survive, not just their labor. The means of production are created by the workers, and the ruling class control them by force you parasite.

" Private property owners in the market cooperate peacefully, every day,"

yes, its the working class you fight against. 20 million die of poverty a year because of you

". I own and labor on my own property. "

ownership is a human construct. It's just a nice way of saying control.

so let me fix that for you.
"I control the labor on land I control."

wow that sounds a lot like the government, doesn't it? In fact, you can't control something other people use without force. It turns out that force comes from the government. You literally are no different.

Omg you convinced me..
No one dies OF poverty. Being poor doesn't kill you. It is the lack of food, clean water, and medical supplies which people die of and it is because the government hampers markets from working in those parts of the world.
Want to keep people from dying in poverty? Let markets work.

"Want to keep people from dying in poverty? Let markets work."

people in china made 60 cents an hour in sweatshops. The people started striking for higher wages, so all jobs moved to places that would do it cheaper and the Chinese starved anyway.

capitalism does not raise people out of poverty, capitalism needs poverty to function.

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