
Globalists who want to see the destruction of our way of life and the freedoms espoused in our Bill of Rights, are funding people to expose our nation's historical bigotry.
Regardless of the Party in control, they are hitting us in a political soft spot creating class warfare, but if anyone can look up to Marx, Castro, Che, Mao, Chavez, et. al., and the destruction they've inflicted on their people, there is a problem because that ideology will turn our Nation into poverty central, as the elite hoard the wealth in fear that the masses will take it all. And make no mistake, they will eat our proverbial lunches if left unchecked as they are beginning to now, as we bomb their countries into oblivion for middle eastern religious reasons but politically expedient for us.

The refugees are like barbarians at the gate, but they are barbarians that we created; or I should say, the elite created while making money on war and putting us in debt for it. Trump was right, we should have taken the oil fields and sold the oil to pay for their liberation from the dictator our government put in power in the first place.

We are one Nation. The Flag and Pledge of Allegiance and National Anthem are all symbols of our nationalism. This tension will boil over and destroy our nation. This tension is a weak spot that Foreign Globalists are using to undermine our Nation.
Nationalism was given a bad rap by Nazi racists but nonetheless we have a real nation and it needs to include all races of citizens being protected by the Bill of Rights and our pledges of fealty to the fiction but promoting individual economic accountability not communist genocide of the creators of wealth.

" political soft spot creating class warfare"

the only thing that can take down the ruling class or the "globalists" as you call them, is class warfare.

nationalism is retarded

That moment when you take pride in stuff you literally had zero part in

My ancestors did help to create our Nation. The United States. And yes id agree that nationalism has gotten a bad rap because of the Nazi gangbangers of the 20th century. But what we have created in America defeated the Nazis and will defeat commnism which works to defeat the soul of mankind. Unfortunately there are a few global competetors who want to rule America like They do in China from the ashes of the class warfare they are financing.


"But what we have created in America defeated the Nazis and will defeat commnism "

actually the USSR was the biggest factor in beating the nazis. Also how can believing you are better than another group because of the luck of being born there not lead to the nazis lmao

we are already the most imperialist country in the history of humanity, we are already killing millions of innocent people. What else do we need to make us nazis? Blind faith in our leader? Oh wait I forgot


"My ancestors did help to create our Nation"

you had no part in it

But I'm happy to reap the benefits and keep it going. That much I've done and to point out how we've strayed from the origins. To call attention to it.

"They do in China and from the ashes of the class warfare they are financing."

the capitalists were literally slaughtered in that class warfare. They did not finance it retard.

So who did the killing? Communists? Who did they buy their guns from? Where did they get the MONEY to buy them. They didn't make them. Maybe the gun powder but not the weapons if war. Have you seen the slave dorms they operate to manufacture the cheap goods they sell to Walmart? That's what you're advocating for here. No middle class - just elite party executives and the laborers. You're advocating eliminating all of the Upstarts and peoples ability to become an upstart, to one day build their own financial independence. That's freedom baby. Not the soviet hammer over the head.

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