Steemit Post's Explained (The Good, The Bad and The Ugly). My Point of View :)

in #steemit8 years ago

Every Author on this site is different and the Stories they portray are unique. From a Mother posting about her children and everyday life from her perspective, to a programmer who has a brilliant mind and only needs a place to voice his ideas. I am not a Veteran or Whale, so please take this post with a grain of salt and understand, this is only my point of view on some of the post's I have read and why I think the time spent really does matter in preparation of publishing. Most people start off the same as I did, with the posts about news or a How to approach at grasping the attention of a slight few (here's looking at you, U wonderful Whales U), without realizing that your content is being broadcast to so many others, is often forgotten. Your post takes off because you have interesting Content and yeah 30-40 people upvote it, however you still get discouraged, due to the little value ticker at the bottom of your post. Now that post starts to get a great number of reply's, in which most go unanswered because you are not thinking of those other readers, just blowing up in a hurry. Engaging on here is a crucial part of establishing who you are and I found that out first hand.

Answering those replies can not only help you build a foundation, but the ideas some of the other Authors give you can be used as building blocks to further you Content production. Now going back to my title for this post and what I am trying to explain, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly post's and why this is.

The Good- A good post is never one that comes from copying and pasting stuff from other Websites, it is Genuine and in your own words (Trust me there are brilliant people on here and they can tell when BS is being blown their way). Sharing ideas are huge and any thoughts on ways to better the community are always appreciated, but simply stating ideas is not how to do this. Put together a Model or an Example (Beta if you will, right Programmers). This helps to bring your Idea and your thoughts to life. Now if your like me and am like a Monkey with a keyboard when it comes to programming, just be yourself. Write stories from your heart that makes the reader feel what you were feeling when you composed the Story. Emotion is a major factor in keeping interest and drawing back repeat views on your posts.

The Bad- A bad post is obviously the opposite of what I explained in the Good post section, but I will explain this out in a quick and to the point sense. Stealing others ideas or article from online word for words is obviously plagiarism, this is not the way to go. Re-writing interesting stories or articles can be done, but you must give proper notice to the one who originally wrote it in the first place, after all if you spent hours writing something and you see a similar post but rewrote, you would be upset. Getting discouraged, well this can honestly be a helping factor, depending on you. If you choose to take this discouragement and flip it to motivation, it can help to put power behind your voice. However if you simply piss and moan and expect everything should be handed to you then you are barking up the wrong tree.

The Ugly- An ugly post is more of a self destruction mechanism and should be avoided at all times. This is a post in which the Author has gotten discouraged and blames the readers and the site for their failures. Do not commit self image suicide. Before getting to the point of F this and Fake that, step back and take a look in the mirror. You are better than that and can harness that negativity and use it to better yourself (Where did you go wrong, why is no one reading, are my stories any good?). Don't say something you are going to regret, because that will be the sinking ship and in this scenario Rose is going to let your ass drown. (Titanic reference, sorry love that movie).

Why did I just write to tell you all of this, well because I am a testament that you can and will make it if you do not give up. There are people on here who care and want to help you, it just takes time. There are so many posts going up every minute, that scanning through them takes a little bit. Be patient and be positive, if you write it, they will read. Just make it good and Genuine.

In the end of my post I just wanted to also throw a shout out to @dragonslayer, he is proof that if you genuinely try on here, you can get noticed. Trying to hard is a killer and he helped me to understand that. My whole outlook on my Content has changed and because of him and others who have supported me, I am proof that this system can and will work.

Be true to yourself...
Don't stop fighting...
Write how you feel...
Just enjoy yourself....



11 months late to this, but you have actually motivated me to do more of what I always intended, make good posts and content that people can actually learn from.
Thank you from the bottom of my GINORMOUS heart :)

I really liked this post - I wrote a post which is a little more "in your face" when it comes to why no one reads your posts. The facts are the facts and you hit the nail on the head when you basically said, "Be genuine." I enjoyed your article.

Hi! This post has a Flesch-Kincaid grade level of 8.8 and reading ease of 75%. This puts the writing level on par with Leo Tolstoy and David Foster Wallace.

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