Said Goodbye, but Like a Fiend I'm Back

in #steemit8 years ago

I tried to walk away from Steemit, but like a Fiend I had to have more. Pushing aside my Online life, I attempted to go back to Reality, but quickly realized that I was missing my interactions with people on here. It is weird that something so Common as a Social media Platform could grab a hold of your heart and make you actually miss your time when you are away. Facebook doesn't even do that to me, I guess it goes to show that just how different the two really are. I have decided to come back, but change up my strategy a little bit. This time around I am going to not spend so much time on huge posts, this is what was frustrating in the past. This time is going to be different, so here I am Steemit, back with you wonderful people.

Best way to Embrace the Platform

I think if more people had an experience on here like I did it would help to make this Community much better. You guys took me in and treated me like everyone else, I did not have to be Voted way up in my introduction or be sponsored by a whale. I simply wrote about what I believed in and Commented on others thoughts and beliefs. Interaction on here is on a whole new lever and when you can get a good conversation going in one of your posts or participate in someone elses you will soon realize just how much people are really listening to what you say. Learn to love what you post and others will Follow.

I'm back Steemit....Hell I really Missed you Guys


Welcome back, to the real world! ;)

Welcome back @alwaysfelicia
You are in my FEED, easy to lookup.
@bullionstackers see what you have miss on my page while you are away. ❤️👍✅🆙

Thanks Bullion I will check your stuff out. I am so glad to be back, my stress level has already dropped immensely. Thanks for Welcome back. :)

Welcome back. I didn't even realize you left. I also just noticed you are one of my followers so thank god you decided to stay. I have read a few of your posts and have noticed you have a great outlook on life and steemit can use Authors like you. So all i can say is keep on doing what you do and we are glad to have you back.

Yeah ltndd1 I left for a little while to get back to Reality, this was a big mistake. I did Follow you a while back because you have some really interesting Posts. Keep Steeming on. :)

I agree with you. I think it comes down to whether we enter our Steemit 'relationship' from the perspective of what we can get from it; or what we can bring to it.
I feel too many have come to Steemit believing they are going to be bought a car or house on their first date.
Whether that is down to the false expectations of 'minnows' or Steemit marketing/advertising itself as something other than it is, I'm not entirely sure.

There are too many who are getting frustrated way too easy if their posts do not get Voted to the heavens. This factor has caused a lot of issues, but I feel the Patient will survive and the road ahead look bump less and bright. Thanks :)

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