It helps if steemit as a whole is more welcoming, lenient, less critical and generous to new steemians

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


When promoting steemit to new users, we always make the comparison with other social media platforms like facebook, instagram, etc. And that those never ever pay users anything and steemit does. All very fair argument... until....

It doesn't take one long to realize that steemit is not exactly a social media platform in the traditional sense as ranting randomly most likely would not get one much upvotes. Steemit is more accurately a blogging platform and it takes much more than a regular facebook post. It takes some planning, formating and proper writing, all which most are not exactly comfortable with.

It also doesn't help that if one is new on steemit with a rep point of 25 and below, there's probably little attention to his or her post. Like it or not, most steemians would not even bother looking into a lower rep point minnow's post because generally these are not the ones who can reciporate with valuable upvotes.

So someone new here unless being very determined and somewhat stubborn will likely give up very fast when results are less than encouraging.

In my humble opinion, although we do want quality contributors on steemit, unless we grow in the number of active steemians, it will be difficult if not impossible for steemit as a platform to grow which directly and indirectly affects the value of steem. If steem is low in value, it leads to a chain reaction of more difficulty and less motivation to attract quality contributors to spend time here which in turn makes it a less than quality platform.

I have noticed that it's mostly the whales who are making a killing here and I agree it's their every right since they are the ones who have more stake in this. But unless there's a healthy growth of active new steemians, steemit will have a very bleak future.

So in conclusion, I think it helps if steemit as a whole is more welcoming, lenient, less critical and generous to new steemians. Without new steemians, growth will be impossible and it will just be whales reaping the fruits off steemit until one day when there will be no more fruit to reap.

I think it's also fair to note that I am in no way encouraging those who take advantage of kindness and generosity with spam, plagiarism and nonsense. Those we can do without.

What are your thoughts? Can we grow otherwise?

We are all on a journey, remember to enjoy the sights and sounds along the way, and do good as often as you can and as much as possible.



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Steemit community is really welcoming and generous and I experienced it during my first month here :) It's a magnet for new users and thanks to that Steemit will be HUGE soon :)

Yes, I experienced great people who were ever willing to give me guidance but that's the thing, one would have to at least hang around long enough :) I am hoping that steemit takes off soon.

Good article Alex. I'm new to Steemit and I'm often finding the replies to comments are overly polite with no real disagreements which is fine in most cases. I'm wondering if this politeness is in some way false as it seems the motivation to a lot of users is the money. Say something nice and someone gets $0.01.

I noticed that as well especially on posts by whales but it's only logical since pissing them off would greatly lower the possibility of an upvote on the comment from them. This is sad but very real fact here... Frankly as each day passes, my confidence in the platform taking off and adopted by the masses drops... I'm still not giving up yet but I am also not sure how long more I can sustain. They say it's not always about the money but when there aren't even many eyeballs on my posts... hmmm... over 900 followers?

Maybe I'm just missing the hate from YouTube :-)


Sometimes I feel the same... just to get attention. But, yeah, we can decide what to do... follow, ignore, etc.
Big hug
Steemitri The Mannequin

I got to learn about this post through a project handled by @abasinkanga
I must say that the whole issue and problem with the platform is on the mouth of almost all minnows.

The main thing is proffering solutions. It is only way to see the plight of minnows being upgraded.

Also, keep pushing. Who says something good comes easy. Well done.

Congratulations !!!

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Thanks, very much appreciated :)

This is the general sentiment of people in steemit... The complaints about the large disparity between the whales and minnows and the lack of efforts from both parties to bridge the gaps have been making the rounds from various authors on their posts on these same issues... Some also give helpful suggestions too like you have done, while some are only letting of steam not caring who gets burnt or not.

In the end analysis, steemit is a work in progress, and everyone must do their bit to fit into this ecosystem, adapt to it and excel in it... Its like walking a path of self discovery, in quest of what works best for us, there are bound to be mistakes and failures along the way, but giving up is definitely out of question, because that would mean you accept failure in your ability to surmount or overcome the steemit challenge.

Like it is well quoted abroad "dont say what your country can do for you, but rather say what can i do for my country"

I enjoyed reading your post. It is concise and well articulated. Well done!

please accept this gift

Thanks for your thoughts, it's enlightening. I agree that everyone has a part to play as with any community.

Happens wherever there is too much competition, and the attraction of money.

It also doesn't help that if one is new on steemit with a rep point of 25 and below, there's probably little attention to his or her post.

I grew my rep in a month to 48 by making thoughtful, useful comments and some good posts that provide good information. I think it does work that way, although it can be too tough for most minnows, especially those who have maybe just an hour for Steemit a day.

So someone new here unless being very determined and somewhat stubborn will likely give up very fast when results are less than encouraging.

It's similar to very tough training in real life like say the Navy Seals. Giving up is much, much easier than continuing with it - it gets tougher with each level upto probably the mid-60s in rep.

There are some major problems like spam and plagiarism that could invite the wrath of the giants on the internet(like Google) which can have a long-term effect on Steemit. But, at the same time there are an increasing number of efforts to make things better on Steemit.

Thanks for your thoughtful comment :) Not that I have a solution but I just thought that by raising the issue might perhaps make more think about it since those are still around after a month or two probably would like to see steemit continue to grow.

Love anything Roor. Exceptional work my friend. Lets give it a whirl this weekend! Keep up the good work.


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