How much would STEEMIT or BitShares be worth as SHARES on the New York Stock Exchange?!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

You know things have gotten really out of hand in a particular sector when one crappy public company after another is trying to pivot and "reinvent" themselves as "blockchain" and "crypto" companies! You may wonder how high can you stack a pile of shit...

Well, once Wall Street gets its greedy little paws all over it, pretty much the sky's the limit, until it isn't. Currently, this pivot to "blockchain" is the latest in a trend of companies rebranding, refocusing, or announcing new efforts related to blockchain and cryptocurrencies, sending their stocks soaring through the roof!

But as I described in my recent article, "SEC clarifies its perspective on ICOs, and guess what... YOU'RE GUILTY!!!", where the SEC comments on the "safety" and legality of ICOs, just know that with the SEC looking out for your best interests, just be comforted in knowing that you have nothing to worry about.

The SEC is right there by your side, well, except for completely missing the boatload of sham companies and "rebrands" unfolding right in front of their nose, on the exact markets they're supposed to monitor, and for the investors directly in their jurisdiction that they should "protect".

Here are a few recent examples this madness just from the past week alone:

UBIA ... will probably change its symbol to "UBIO" for "your biotech" when biotechs become "hot" again lol

(WOW! UBIA, or the "UBI BlockChain Internet Ltd. / China" company, has both China AND BlockChain in its name... one can't possibly go wrong "investing" in this soon to be worthless crappy OTC stock!)

LFIN soars to over $7 BILLION+.....! 😱

Did "LongFin Corp" (LFIN) just scoop up...

STEEMIT????????! BitShares? EOS?
Perhaps, All Three Combined?!

Noooo, nothing of the sort.... just some "blockchain-empowered" something or other startup called Ziddu. Ziddu's not even listed on coinmarketcap. But it does seem to be trading as an ERC-20 token for around US 19 cents per token. With 100MM tokens outstanding, that's a whopping pure value of US $19MM, locked up behind the Ethereum fee "paywall" and stuck behind a bunch of CryptoKitty transactions. Oddly enough, this one is probably the most real one of the bunch I'm covering today! 🤣

As Bloomberg writes:

Fintech plus cryptocurrency equals about $7 billion. That’s how much the value of LongFin Corp. surged to after the microcap’s stock rocketed by as much as 2,600 percent since debuting Wednesday. Most of the gains came since Friday, when the company issued a press release saying it bought, “a blockchain-empowered global micro-lending solutions provider” that transacts only in cryptocurrencies.

(get that... a valuation of nearly $7 BILLION, for smellcrap smallcap stock worth a small fraction of that!)

LongFin joins a growing list of little-known companies that have seen their values soar after simply announcing plans to join the digital currency craze that’s pushed the value of bitcoin past $300 billion. The microcap rallies are reminiscent of the height of the bubble, when virtually any company that put tech in its name found favor on the public markets.

Link: Bloomberg: A Small Fintech Stock Surged 2,600% in a Week After Announcing It’s a Crypto Company

And if you really want to have a good laugh, watch the CEO's recent interview on CNBC where he stutters and stumbles through more like a drunken sailer than the head of a public company! Perhaps even more amazingly, the stock jumped even higher the next day after his disaster (perhaps only from my perspective) of an interview! 🤣

Link: CNBC: CEO of cryptocurrency play up 1,000% in 2 days to $3.1 billion: 'This market cap is not justified'

CRCW ... Crypt Co would probably be better off buried in a Crypt rather than stinkin' up the joint with the stench of its rotting carcas! lol

The next one is Crypt Co. (CRCW), a crap pink sheet stock that had so little volume that the stock chart doesn't even make sense. While the SEC did temporary suspend trading in CRCW based on "concerns" about accuracy and adequacy of information about the company, I can only wonder how such questions only became a concern to the SEC at such a late stage "in the game".

I mean, aren't all those numerous rules and regulations in place to protect investors from such debaucherous debacles?! Well, in theory perhaps, just like in theory, the federal reserve is also supposed to prevent and protect us from those "rare once in a lifetime" market crashes that seem to take place every few years.

Link: CNBC: SEC suspends trading in Crypto Co., small cap that has surged as part of bitcoin mania

FTFT ... Fruit Juice on the BlockChain?! Give me a sip of that digital kewl-aid and COUNT . ME . IN!!!

Here's another one for ya, from this CNBC article, a fruit juice company gone... FinTech?!

Traders on Twitter were quick to link the company [FTFT] to blockchain technology and the bitcoin craze, since Future FinTech announced in June it had changed its name from "SkyPeople Fruit Juice" to focus on financial technology.

In this case there isn't even a mention of "blockchain," "bitcoin" or anything crypto-related in the release or the company's November presentation to investors. However, that still didn't stop people from "speculating" on FTFT's potential involvement in "future fintech" possibly related to "blockchain". As such, the stock pumped up over 200% before settling down to a "more reasonable" 67% higher. lol

Link: CNBC: Crazy town: Tiny fruit juice company soars on speculated move into bitcoin that likely isn't real

LTEA .. How about investing in a blockchain-related Ice Tea company?! Or was that an Ice Tea related blockchain "opportunity"... cuz hey, ya just never know!

And here's the last one I'll share from today, cuz it's also just too frickin' funny, where the "Long Island Iced Tea Corp" renamed and rebranded as............... did you guess it.............. "Long Dong Blockchain Corp"! 🤣🤣🤣 Okay, okay, that's not completely accurate. I added the 🤣🤣🤣 "Dong"! 🤣🤣🤣

This pivot to blockchain is the latest in a trend of companies rebranding, refocusing, or announcing new efforts related to blockchain and cryptocurrencies, sending their stock through the roof.

Shares of Long Island Iced Tea Corp. (LTEA, +174.59%) blasted higher by nearly 6-fold in premarket trade Thursday, after the seller of ready-to-drink beverages said it was changing its name to Long Blockchain Corp., and will shift its focus to exploring investment opportunities that leverage the benefits of blockchain technology. The company said it plans to request Nasdaq for a new stock ticker symbol, and has reserved the web domain of "". The company said it will continue to operate Long Island Brand Beverages as a wholly-owned subsidiary.

Link: MarketWatch: Long Island Iced Tea's stock rockets nearly 500% after changing name to Long Blockchain

So what's your point? How's this relate to STEEMIT?!

For all the problems and issues we may face with STEEMIT or BitShares, it's still more real, and more revolutionary, than any of this crap being pumped out there. And that goes right up to all the crap now appearing on the highly government-regulated public exchanges!

So, imagine if STEEMIT took say 10 MILLION STEEM and rolled it into not an ICO, but an IPO (Initial Public Offering) on the public markets. Given it'll be the most real blockchain company ever to list on the public markets, I expect there will be GLOBAL exposure through worldwide media coverage, along with a likely $1 BILLION valuation, just for that 10M tranche of STEEM alone (and potentially a lot more, I mean, LFIN was worth $7 BILLION! lol)! And if it really goes nuts, have a SECONDARY offering! There are countless ways the proceeds could be used to further benefit the community. For example, the shares could be issued directly to verified STEEMIT users as a "reward" based on their stake and reputation at a special "pre-IPO" price. What a great way for STEEMIT to potentially divest from some of its STEEM holdings, while also directly benefiting the community at the same time.

And when you're good and ready to kick it up a notch, then announce that you'll be the first blockchain IPO to... wait for it...


The STEEM that's held in reserve could also be delegated to the highest bidder! Those "dividends" can be paid back out to shareholders, and STEEMIT can take 15% off the top for their "trouble". Effect to stock price? Oh, at least another DOUBLE!

And the entire graphene ecosystem, from STEEMIT, BitShares, Golos, EOS, PeerPlays, and Smoke Network could all potentially take advantage of this, making all the related chains potentially much more valuable, especially once more people realize that the graphene chains have blocktimes of under THREE SECONDS!

(and just imagine if Smoke Network rebranded itself as the "PotChain of China", that would be like THREE hot sectors all wrapped in one!)

It still seems the crypto-world largely under-appreciates the ramifications of proven blockchain technology that can steadily and reliably maintain such fast transaction times. The closest competitor would be Ripple with its 3.5 second blocks. And on that note, many of you may not be aware that the graphene and bitshares tech has been stress-tested as capable of achieving block times down to 500ms!

And while you may think the regulatory burden in the U.S. too overwhelming, just think ... "Fruit Juice Company gone Crypto"! lol

If it does appear to be too difficult to first float in the U.S., the shares could first be listed in Hong Kong, with an ADR (American Depositary Receipt) floated for access to the U.S. markets.

However, buying up a shell company and proceeding with a reverse-merger may be the "easiest", more timely, and most cost-effective way to go.

In a reverse merger, investors of the private company acquire a majority of the shares of a public shell company, which is then combined with the purchasing entity. Investment banks and financial institutions typically use shell companies as vehicles to complete these deals. These simple shell companies can be registered with the SEC on the front end (prior to the deal), making the registration process relatively straightforward and less expensive. To consummate the deal, the private company trades shares with the public shell in exchange for the shell's stock, transforming the acquirer into a public company.

Link: Reverse Mergers: The Pros And Cons

Also realize that these would be the most real, already operational, publicly-traded, dividend paying, truly blockchain-related companies ever to be listed on the NYSE or the Nasdaq Stock Exchange!

So that's my "big idea" for today. Feel free to comment and critique, and tell me how crazy you think I am for thinking this could possibly work, especially if it's done before the musical chairs in this "Bubble of Everything" comes grinding to a halt! lol

So how's that for a good day's work! 😁

As always, I appreciate your upvote, your follow and all your comments!


This is a brilliant piece, worth sharing, resteeming and most definitely upvoting! Thanks a lot for sharing with us all this precious information. Many people asks us about Steem and the SBD as well and wonder how worthwhile it is, whether it is a scam and so on. Your information will help us all share the information beyond the propaganda.

Namaste :)

thank you Eric for your kind words, and for your resteem and vote! :) Needless to say, such frothy markets as this are never healthy, and as I believe we're already starting to see unfold, a decent "correction" is in order to bring the markets (and the people only asking for a "measely" 100% return) back to some modicum of reality.

Also, these kinds of stories are quite scary as well:

Had a long talk w/friend who’s a smart realtor. She dropped $200k into BTC at highs and wanted to drop another $300k. She said she knows is a bubble but plan to sell BEFORE the bubble pops, maybe in a year. She says she’s not asking for much just to double her money.

She says her dumb friend put $30k and is up $100k. I asked did he sell? She says no. She agrees it’s all FOMO based why she wants in. Sees all these ppl making money. I said to her so it’s that easy eh. She says apparently so 🤷‍♂️ and can time it #gettingRichQuickIsEasy

Excellent reply! As far as I am concerned, I think that Bitcoin fame and crypto-access it is giving to the new-comers is still going to give it a huge boost of value over the next while maybe a few years, at least. then, as people are going to become more savvy, they'll know better than to stay with Bitcoins and they move toward the most powerful platforms the cryptocurrency world has seen so far: BITSHARES, STEEM, EOS, ERISTICA, and the likes... The bubbles are so similar to what happened with the so-called ".com" bubble of the 90s. Yet, the value is going to do the very same thing for the cryptos that are worth all the while. ;) A bit of patience is paying off immensely already and it is only the infancy of it all!

Namaste :)

just wanted to post an update on our good 'ole "Sky People Fruit Juice" company gone FinTech, up 135%! While bitcoin may be way down, I suppose elsewhere the party goes on... 🤣

Future FinTech Group enters contract for the development of a customized blockchain system; Currently halted for volatility $FTFT. This is former juice company Sky People Fruit Juice

I couldn't make it past 1:09 of that CNBC interview. I usually tune out to the talking heads, but really strained to listen to that load of bull.

The big question looking at the year ahead ... is 2018 like the year 2000? Or 1998...

yeah, that's always the big question, isn't it! lo

Brilliant post it is. This is worthwhile and worth of minutes of the time spend to write it. Genius u are.


thanks for the kind words, and yes, it took many minutes, probably even some hours too, to get it just right! :)

Great post. High quality. I like how you not only point out the idiotic bandwagon jumping (low hanging fruit) but also suggest something positive to be done about it! Upvoted.

thank you john for the kind words! :)

Thanks for the great insight! I look forward to your upcoming posts!

thanks for the kind words, glad you found it interesting and insightful, and thanks for the resteem as well! :)

@alexpmorris I love the way how you can always put everything sarcasticly but with full truth out there. This is just way to technical over my head to even give a proper response on that behalf, but just reading the post brings a smile to my face

I'm glad I was able to put a smile on your face! :) The thing is, the more you are exposed to these concepts, the better they tend to sink into your subconscious mind, until all of a sudden you get that little "light bulb" moment when you think to yourself 💡💡💡 OMG, I totally get it now! 💡💡💡

As for the fun and humor, it's definitely the best way I've found to speed along the process, and offer readers the best chance for it all to "sink in". :)

Great piece Alex. Really enjoyed the thought process. I do think you're crazy, but I loved it none-the-less ;)

I think we need to be avoiding the mainstream, centralisation route that any sort of stock market listing would create.

Thanks again for putting the time into opening up the possibility!

thanks for the kind words @forexbrokr, and I'm sure you're aware of the old saying, "it's the normal ones you've gotta watch out for, cuz all that means is that you just haven't figured out their type of crazy yet"! lol :)

I really am amazed at how these companies are playing dress up with crypto trying to get on the blockchain train and reinvent their images. Great post!

The day we are going into the mainstream, we will go to Trillion and Trillion for all the crypto, like x1000 Because even Them true "market" are in reality the wall street wolf home.

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