¿How to be popular in steemit?

in #steemit7 years ago

Make known our post in Steemit, it is simply necessary, in this way, we increase our possibilities of success and growth in the platform.

Hello community, how are you? I hope you are having a great day

Today I will tell you about how to make our texts known on the platform, because sometimes it is quite difficult to excel among so many users.


It has not happened that they do a great post and simply goes to the depths of the Blockchaim? Without any comment, without any vote, without any kind of attention? Surely the answer is, yes and a lot!!.

I hope this post is not one of those jejeje.

This usually happens for several reasons and I think they are the following.

  • We publish in a bad schedule.
  • We are new to the platform.
  • Lack of promotion.
  • Lack of interaction.

In the next few days, I will make a post on the first two topics, today I will talk about the last two, and without so much roll we go to it!

Join communities.


We know that the Spanish-speaking community is growing, so in a certain proportion, groups of Twitter, Facebook and Discordapp are created, where their main function is to bring together the whole community and to talk, to know each other and this is where , thanks to this interaction we can make known, commenting that goes our profile in Steemit, draw attention, contributing ideas for the growth of that community or even some communities have channels for you to put your post.

Hopefully, some user opens just the channel where you left your post and if you call your attention and open it, read it and if they like, surely leave you a upvote.

¿What community can I join?

There are several communities, including cooperación, cervantes, reveur and in which I have contributed most and in which I have felt at ease DCO.

In relation to Steemit, the community of DCO is in diapers, but all start in the same way, no?, in the coming months, we will be one of the biggest!

Use voting bot.


These characters, are the most controversial currently on the platform why? Because many users use it for a particular benefit and not for the community.

Using voting bot, without a doubt is a necessary piece if you want to move faster in the community of Steemit.

These bot, apart from giving us a remuneration in steem dollars and Steem power (if we use them well), increase the visibility of our post in some of the categories, either trending, hot or promoted (if we use promote). Thanks to these characters, we significantly increase the number of people who see us and if the content of the post is interesting, surely we get a comment, a reesteem and the so precious upvote.

I hope that this post, get, at least 100 comments:D

Which bot do you recommend @alexicp?

Currently used @minnowbooster and when I see a guaranteed opportunity, I use the Steembottracker bid bot, I also plan to use @smartsteem, its initiative to use a white list of users, is very good, if the other bot join or apply that Strategy, many post garbage will be stories or not see them in the Hot or trending section, leaving space for those who deserve it.

Comment The post of the other steemian@s.


It is not to comment any nonsense or the famous follow me and you followed, it is to give your opinion, to say what you think about what you are reading, it is to leave a comment of quality in the post of the person, in this way the author can notice that if you read his article.

Like the first point, it is to create links or connections between members of the community and if you have a post, which is related to the one you are reading, then link your post to the comment.

What do you get with this? So here you kill up to three birds with one stone, if 3!! Check it out.

  1. Promote your post and get new users to read you.
  2. interact with the other steemian@s.
  3. You can win a vote in your comment and surely in the post.

Remember, it's better quality than quantity

Some advice I read a few weeks ago and I share to you is next.

Create a list of users who prefer to read and every time one of them publishes a post, you should read it and leave your point of view. What is accomplished with doing it every time?

You know the answer, don't you? Well! If you don't know, I'll tell you again.

Create friendships, make our names remain recorded in those users and very surely when they see our post in Steemit, get a comment or a upvote of them!

Participate in competitions.


Every day competitions are published on the platform, and these can help us to get acquainted and help us grow faster.

When the organizers publish the winners, the vast majority of participants enter the post and read them and see if that person really deserved the prize. If you have participated and won, the vast majority of participants will read you and if you like your post, they will leave a comment or a upvote even win followers and potential readers in the future.

In addition to participating you will have those cravings to win, which makes you strive and better your post, apart from that you can promote your talent.

If the post was to your liking let me know in the comments and with an upvote, see you in a next occasion.


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