Curation income might be more lucrative than originally thought for small investors

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Thanks to @furion, and the top curator list by aAPR, we are now in a position to better understand the "game" of curation.

At the time of this writing, the top curator is getting 63% return on his SP, per year - without calculating interest on SP gains, or daily increases and how these affect the annual result. By the way: that's an account with just 373 SP.

Interestingly, we can also see that he's most probably a human, because his last vote was 10 hours ago. That implies that his curation percentages are achieved without sitting all day in front of the monitor to curate - but only upvoting when he is online. 

Again, that's 63%

Now if one gets 60% per year, for, say, 5 years, and without factoring in the inflation effect that would fetch even more, if one starts at 1.000SP, in 5 years they'll be at 10.500SP (!).

If the effect is calculated daily (because curation income is increasing SP on a daily basis, which in turn increases the next day's SP income) then the 60% becomes 82.12%

Now, this means that after 5 years, one has turned 1000SP into 20.000SP while assuming for a fixed SP supply that gets 0% inflation (!).

At 30% voting returns (where the top20 curators are right now), this is an actual 35%, which in the fifth year has turned one's 1000SP to 4500SP (again, assuming fixed supply). 

Smaller accounts have an edge over the "whales"

A minnow can upvote something when it is at 0.01$, with their 0.00x$ upvote, and pretty much be assured of curation success even if it hits 10$ or 50$. 

A whale will only be more profitable in terms of returns percentages, if they manage to get far more upvote value in the posts that they vote. 

So far, as we can see in the curation list, this isn't happening, perhaps because the second whale that piles up on the first one, doesn't get as much (the first whale gets the most). Another reason is that curation has become better into spreading smaller rewards to a larger pool of authors and artists. 

The game theory of whale curation is somewhat different than the minnow curation game theory, as whales also have to ensure the well-being of the platform, spreading the rewards to motivate authors and artists, etc.

For small accounts I think it's relatively easy to hit 40% returns. I'm actually doing around 27-34% (actual is around 35-40% - if calculated with daily increases) by even voting on things that won't fetch me much - and I know it when I click them. I also don't upvote with a constantly maxed out 99.7% account, I fall to 80-85-90% pretty often, which costs me.

If one has a dedicated curation account, that is not affected by personal likes and dislikes, upvoting of comments on their articles, upvoting friend posts/replies/comments etc, it could probably go up to 50% (effective 65%) or more, which would multiply one's SP by 12x over 5 years (!).

Curation from an investment point of view

I think there is definitely a market for small-sized investors to buy small quantities of SP (500SP - 30.000SP) to try their luck at the curation game. They can first try with small amounts, like the top curators right now, and if they are successful they can have a go at it with larger quantities.

The main problem for successful curators is that near the 40% mark they are maxing out the amount they can withdraw: The 1/104th slice of the powerdown will allow one to withdraw less than their curation earnings per week. So in that sense, while investing in curation does make financial sense, it also has built-in disincentives for the very successful curators that are hitting 50-60-70% (effective 65-101%) which cannot withdraw their profits quickly enough.

Of course the remainder that is larger than the weekly powerdown slice, will increase one's SP holdings, also increasing future weekly income - provided one does a powerdown reset often. 


The profits made by curation, as a percentage of one's Steem Power, can be pretty significant if one is good at curation - which in my opinion is not hard at all. Right now it seems to be an "under-the-radar" and underdeveloped market, perhaps due to the lack of metrics up until recently. Things might get interesting in the future as a professional curator-investor market might develop. 


My mind is blown by the fact that such a thoughtful and well-reasoned post has only earned $4.37.

It was morning, EU time, so US side was sleeping :D

This is a great article. A number of small SP holders do very well by guessing on popular posts. But I don't want to give people false hope, either, so I think it's fair to point out that most of the accounts on your 'top curators' list are operated or assisted by bots. Humans can do well, but not that well.

Initially, when votes were piled up on a few posts, curation was hard. Now, with hundreds of posts getting upvoted per day beyond the 10$ range, and 33 (in my current count) beyond the 100$ range, it's far easier.

One simply needs to do 4 things

  1. Upvote good content
  2. Do so while it's early in terms of money (below 1$ if possible - my preference is below 0.10$)
  3. Don't go too early in terms of time (try after 10 minutes)
  4. Keep voting power near 97-98%.

If I did the above, I'd be hitting 40%+.

Curating blindly, for less than 5 minutes per day, without even reading anything, and without optimizing my voting power (could be in the 80's range) or votes (I could be spending some on friends, or in posts with amounts over 5-10-20$ - which is not good for curation potential), fetches me >25%. And I'm like "who is posting? Is he usually making money? Is the title and image nice? Great, upvoted....".

I think the hard part is getting in the 60-70%+ range. 20-30-40%, all these are pretty doable.

As you said cashing out isnt easy and the STEEM/BTC price is going the wrong way right now. But with crypto it usually pays to get as many tokens as you can for when that price upswing comes it will be worth it.

Very good post @alexgr !
I curate and write as well and it is awesome and I agree on what you wrote :
A minnow can upvote something when it is at 0.01$, with their 0.00x$ upvote, and pretty much be assured of curation success even if it hits 10$ or 50$.
I love this site and I like to find good content and I like it I upvote and follow so I followed you too now!

Blowing my mind too. Awesome post @alexgr!

Not 100% sure if cygnus is human. He is not following anyone and has no followers and has not submitted stories. He has made 5 comments so far. A Bot can be programmed to do a number of upvotes per day and then stop in order not to exhaust the voting power.

cygnus un-vote @marsresident/symbolism-culture-and-gods 17 hours ago
cygnus upvote @marsresident/symbolism-culture-and-gods 17 hours ago

I think
a) a bot would operate round the clock
b) it wouldn't unvote something (unless mirroring - which would also necessitate another 63% performer in the list)

Btw, he voted this too :D

And from what I'm seeing he's not even maxing his potential because his voting power is at 85%, while if I had a bot, I'd not let it go below 97-98%.

Yes, you are correct, but consider this. I'll need to invest about 20 000 $ to be able to make about 200$ a week curator reward ( if I'm very good curator)
Compare it to another example from traditional economic.
If I want to be a taxi driver and earn about few hundred $ a week, I never need to buy 20000$ car to start, there will be lots of companies ready to provide a car for me and share my earning.
If Steemit want to be a new economic system and not just blogging platform, it have to provide similar service.

If you see it as an investment, rather than weekly income, there are not many investments out there that can multiply your money like that, while controlling the outcome to some degree.

@alexgr I'm still new to this cryptocurrency concept. And I guess I am lucky that I found Steemit so early on. I would love to see a article wholly dedicated on how to get the maximum out of Steemit . Your strategies , tips ,etc. Thanks again :)

If I'll see it as an investment I would also have to consider that my money could be not only multiplied, but nullified as well.
But I think for most people the goal would be a stable weekly income (and opportunity to quit quickly )rather than risky long year commitment, we can see it here, we can see it everywhere.

Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

You seem to ignore about 90% of world population )

Well, I'm making 40$ a month on curation, by clicking upvotes (!), without even maximizing the curation system, without ever investing a single cent in steem (all my SP is generated from content), while living in a country in a state of economic depression which is abandoned even by its own citizens who are trying to find a better future abroad.

These 40$ can pay my phone, my internet connection, my mobile, and even my transport for a few days. And that's just from curation income - not author income.

Well,I'm making 40$ a month on curation

Yes, 40$ a month is a good bonus, but not many would invest something like 2000$ and be satisfied with this outcome, that's my point. And from my experience to get this result it would be something like "full time job", it requires to check every 20 minutes what's going on. Whenever I reduce my curating to 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening, my rewards sunk dramatically.
People like abovementioned @sygnus or @better should realize very well, that if they would have 10000-30000SP instead of 100-300 now, they would encrease their income 100 times, but they are not powering up ( for whatever reason)
But I guess, if they could borrow some SP they might go for it.

And from my experience to get this result it would be something like "full time job", it requires to check every 20 minutes what's going on.

In my experience, not really. Even if I vote blindly (a few minutes per day spent - not even reading the posts), and without properly using my votes or voting power, I'm still over 25% (instead of 30%) - which is still in the top-end of curation.

That is really good news for minnows. Thanks a lot for the analysis and insights.

Thanks for your post, very interesting analysis :)

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