Oh shit... this is pretty blatant

in #steemit6 years ago

So, I like to read Benjamin Fulford. He states a lot of things. Some have come true. Some have not. This time he's mentioning Qanon, which is an alleged military insider that's attempting to bring down the Deep State. I had a friend on Discord show me images of how a group tried to persuade him to help run the Qanon Larp. Does that solidfy 100% that the whole thing is a LARP. No, but it doesn't help it.

This got to a whole additional level though. Google Chrome is putting the above warning up while heading to the site. Mozilla Firefox isn't putting up the same dystopian message. This is our future of mainstream media. The powers that be (powers that were) will put up roadblocks to sites that they don't like. Now it's not for you the reader to decide whether information is good and worth acting upon. it's now up to your friendly neighboorhood big brother corporation to decide that for you.

I tend to think this is a conspiracy. I think the world's most powerful people who can print trillions of dollars at a whim work together with corporations like google, facebook, and twitter to silence critics. You may not like Alex Jones or Ben Fulford, but you'd have to be the most oblivious statist to believe that they shouldn't have the right to share their views.

This isn't a satire piece. That's not a futuristic funny image of what Google Chrome will show you in the future. That's on the site now. Today. Welcome to Orwell's future.

Oh, and seriouslly Facebook isn't any different. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-10-11/facebook-purges-over-800-accounts-millions-followers-including-conservative-meme

I'm literally here on this platform because these assholes like to silence dissenters. In a weird way I'm really grateful. The power of blockchain is really only evident because of how shitty this system is, and the immutable nature of the Steem platform wouldn't be quite as powerful if Facebook and the other major media asshats weren't censoring conservative voices left and right (that last part is a pun).

Anyway, if you happen to know any of the facebook groups that were banned try to steer them here please. You might not make a free lambo on day one with your intricate posts detailing reptillian scrotums being used to euthanize gay priest babies, but at least you're going to have the ability to have your article immutable on the block. For me speech>lambo and hopefully for those with counter culture voices they'll continue to take up the charge that "even if I don't agree with what you're saying I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


I have started putting together a plan to onboard some of the millions of users who are seeing this censorship up front and personal. I am personally having 50%+ of my comments on Facebook that includes Steemit links in them deleted in realtime (I have recorded screen grabs of this in action several times). Your help would be appreciated in whichever way you prefer here:


I tend to think this is a conspiracy.

Of course it is a conspiracy. Several companies, meaning, quite a lot of people have all conspired together to do something.

So many companies all banning Alex Jones at once is a conspiracy.
A group conspired to do something, and did it.

The only conjecture was, "why all at once?"

For the same reason all gas prices change at the same time ... Its just a freak of nature nothing to see here .. Move along ...lol

Google. Ugh. They're trying to turn us all into babies and idiots.

Did you just coin the ultimate new STEEM tagline?


That should be in the Steemit.com header far as I’m concerned instead of “beta”. Bout time.

Ha ha. Yeah, great tagline.

I was wondering what Qanon was up to. I hadn't heard anything on my usual wires in some time...

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Wow, no words. Yesterday Jeff, my son and I attended the Trump rally in Erie. 12k people attended20181010_182106.jpg

I’m gonna go ahead and exercise some free speach here to ask if that’s the rally he decided to attend instead of relating to the fact that human induced climate change just helped decimated a pair of Florida cities? Hope he really grabbed y’all “by the pu$$!es” while he continues to fleece the world! Sorry, I realize part of this is incredibly rude, but I feel like since I’m directly quoting the president it’s an acceptable use of freedom in communication :-) I don’t usually get this worked up publicly but this new UN climate report has me feeling like speaking our minds and enacting change is of rather timely importance.

Do a bit of digging into the IPCC and their reports and you might be surprised what you find. Personally, I'd start by checked out the work of @corbettreport. The science certainly isn't settled as they would have you believe. Trump is a puppet/moron like all POTUS but that doesn't mean he isn't right to call out the UN and the IPCC.

Famous quotes by aggroed, version one point one.

"Speech > Lambo"
"We're all going to the same moon."

You might not make a free lambo on day one with your intricate posts detailing reptillian scrotums being used to euthanize gay priest babies, but at least you're going to have the ability to have your article immutable on the block.

I loved this sequence of words so much.

Thanks Aggy. I don't even always agree with myself. So whether or not I agree with you on any given subject doesn't mean I don't like to read and hear about what is twitching your chain,

I will defend to the death your rights and everyone else. It's absolutely what makes the blockchain valuable. Nobody can take it away.

Is that Voltaire at the end?

I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
Voltaire, (Attributed); originated in "The Friends of Voltaire", 1906, by S. G. Tallentyre (Evelyn Beatrice Hall)
French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 - 1778)

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