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in #steemit7 years ago

Altruism can get you kiled! but yes steemit REWARDS you for being a god person! , And IF you are actually a generous person, Steemit pays you to be yourself! Not just virtue signaling, and PRETENDINg to be compasisonaitw, the only peopel who actualy carte about others are the ones who consistently help others, and oh wether or not they do it in front of the camera makes no diference in how "god" of a person they are
So what if someone wants to make alil money off the act of giving some homeless person some money? Its not taking away from the kind act...the god dead is just being monetized! and some peopel just need to get over the fact that somepeople have figured out a way to profit from being kind! if you can make $20 off a post about how you juyst sent $10 to someone to help them out, then why not do it? Youll then be able to help ANOTHER person out with that extra $10 youmade AND make the original $10 back! Whats worng with this? It's foolish and childish to believe the only TREUE good deed is one that goes on in teh shadows! It has to be a SECRET when u helop someoen! NOONE can know! hahah its crazy man, people are CRAAAZZZY jelous about everything and will make up so many different excuses as to why its not their jelousy but soo many other reasons when nah its just people being jelous!

Im not disagreeing with ir post just making these comments for the peopel who have argued about how god deeds must ioccue in secret in order for them to be authentic!

Honestly if u just give away ur money all day u end up broke and homeless if youre not careful! Why not find a way to actually make a profiut off your generous donations to the needy, so that the act is sustainable?

people have this fear of profuit and associate profit with stealing somehow, its socialist marxist thinking and i HOPE people soon realizethat greed is good but selfishnes is not greed, and collective sustaiunable greed is what we want, we want a systrem where simply everyone has a chance to succeed with hard work...and then i say its fair, and most would agree

even if some are born poor, as long as you can make money from $0 then the potentail is there for anyone to succeed and meritocracy is the way of the futiure! Steemit will facilitate this meritocracy in Africa

and people will be motivated buy the idea that hard work will pay off over steemit! Many i am sure in Africa become depressed over the corruption of public officials and their local business scene, so making money online and the use of bitcoin as a reserve currency in Africa is HOPE for al the young businessmen and women who want to find a way to make money OUTSIDE of their country, and the internet and steemit might just be the ONLY way to accomplish this for MANY MANY unskilled uneducated workers, who can STILL learn to Blog and end up making a GOOD living off steemit! And it wont take long for a small fortune saved in steem will end up becoming a very large fortune .....


You have a deep valid point dear friend, just that most religious people are advised not to publicizes helping others cos its show of pride and no blessing will come from doing that....

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