New User @christianv24 powers up $200 worth of Steempower + More @elgeko Memes + Steem Ghana+ @Inertia reminds us of Kiva Microloans

in #steemit6 years ago

So @christianv23 powered up $200 worth of steem and even gave me credit for convincing him to do it!

I hope he can get some upvotes and followers thanks to THIS post I am actually making about him, I want to show him how steemit users like to reward young new userswho invest in the platform, and how we may even reward you so much from this latest post, that you could end up making MORE than the $200 you just invested into steempower!

I rarely ask for attention on new users posts, but this young steemian who comes onto discord chat has a bright future here, and if he gets enough rewards on his latest post about powering up $200, then he could end up making that $200 back, and al of his friends and family would be so impressed that he got his investment that fast, that many new users would join all around him.

He reminds me of @heroinehero or @dreamm or@boycharlieplays who also has a great idea with his Pokesteem Dlive streams (mixing pokemon and Steem is a GREAT idea, but he also has Steem RPG and Steem School learning tool ideas hes working on

Here is a post by @boycharlieplays that shows what I am talking about, its got a lot of potential and he has shown A LOT of excitement about his plans to introduce steem to his entire school, and yes he hits roadblocks like many of us do with people not believing him about how REAL steem is... but as he earns more money and starts "flexing" (showing off his wealth) more of his classmates and professors will believe him and signup!

So I upvoted all his recent posts with some $1.40 upvotes to get them past tha t$0 mark, sad to see new users on under 41 on their new posts, but he DID already have a $24 gaming related post! So hes off to a GREAT start

I believe we should also make sure to pay attention to @emmanueloppong @desmond41 @tj4real @mcsamm and others in Team Ghana who will end up as Steemit WHALES one day soon, so its best to be friends with someone BEFORE they become wealthy so they remember you as a friend BEFORE they made it! We will get a LOT of upvotes from future whales in developing nations but let's focus in on GHANA! Ghana is the MOST business friendly African Nation, and my experience has been NOTHING but Good Impressions! MANY of the "African Scammers" are actually just Europeans and Westerners who pretend to be African, and no one in Nigeria will admit to being in Nigeria if they ARE a scammer! But alas, Nigerian prince scams have given African Internet users a bad reputation, and Steem will help reverse that bad reputation,. and in the future, when people hear about Africans making money online, they will think of STEEM and not Western Union! :D

So to help support our plan to rent a PHYSICAL shop in Ghana, to sell items for steem, here is a Post from @emmanueloppong you can check ouit, and maybe upvote if you want to help the dream of renting a shop for STeemit in Africa

An upvote on this post will go to paying Deposit and Rent and Paint and Steem Logos, and we WILL have MULTIPLE shops where people will be able to uy food, laptops, clothes, and even use VERY low cost wifi IF they are a steemit user , but they will be able to pay for their wifi with steem AND even use one of the laptops or tablets we can buy and have setup for new users to signup or to start posting!

And @tj4real has SO many great postson his wall, he resteems so many new users to steemit and they all endup getting good rewards but they COULD be getting more ;) I could not even decide which post from @tj4real I should link here to show you all, I think this one is a good one:

And now as promised, here is some funny memes to lighten the mood and remind us all that if we cannot have fun making money then we can never be truley happy (most of us at least) but if we learn to laugh and have fun while we earn money we can live with a lot less stress and too much of a stress molecule known as 'cortisol" can end up leading to an early death! So let's have fun on steem!

Here is a meme from @elgeko showing Ackza and his new EOS tablet (lol) I hope we can find a balance between working to enrich humanity AND create dank memes so humanity can laugh... I want to wake up in 10 years and find out that there is so little hunger and poverty on this planet that we have to actively go out and HUNT for poverty and malnutrition just to find it! I believe we can fill in ALL the gaps with Steem, there are enough jobs for everyone with steem and I am a STRICT believe in the FACT that Steem and other GOOD cryptocurrencies based on solid tech, are BETTER than ANY fiat, no matter how fancy the fiat is,no matter how beautiful the paper dollars or bank notes may look, I still trust crypto over fit paper trash, and I do NOT consider paper money as "real" I ONLY consider getting REALLY paid when I get CRYPTO, i dont believe in paper money, so when you cash out you're just throwing your profits away. DO NOT believe those weirdos who go around telling you that "It's not real profit until you cash it out into fake paper fiat money" they are just stuck in the old paradigm, and as @inertia has said over and over again, this could be a new paradigm, (it is the new paradigm) ALSO....taxation is theft, the end ;)

And WOW at we can see Steem's performance! See we PERFORM better than ANY other blockchain, because even when bitcoin and ethereum do have more transactions than us, they can barely handle them and the eth and btc networks STRAIN under all that pressure while WE can handle more and more, and so the money WILL flow onto the system that can HANDLE IT! Companies and individuals and even governments wont be able to hold money in blockchains that make them wait 2 days and $20 to send $1....sorry its a fantasy that ethereum or bitcoin will ever be used for widescale mass adoption.... bitcoin will be drained of all its value and it will all flow into Steem, just like ethereum's BUBBLE will be POPPED and all of its value will FLOW into the EOS ecosystem.

And look at this! @trevonjb Is BACK baby! He sold ALL of his Altcoins almost $1 million dollars worth and bought over 100K steem and powered it up! Seems like he agrees with me that the future of crypto is in STEEM and not in Bitcoin or any other shitcointhat cant even handle more than 3 transactions per second HAH what a joke!

Im happy for him and I believe he will see I have been his loyal supporter since I joined back in march 2017, and I have always been watching and liking his content from youtube to Instagram!

And inertia has been on reminding us of Kiva the developing world microloan service which we can integrate with steem one day, but which already has steem group somewhat active within Kiva... Imagine when people find out that they can use steem to pay employees, or use as collateral to borrow money to use to START a business!

Here is even the press credentials we can officially use for "Free talk Live" that @inertia showed us in chat

Just IMAGINE what we could do by mixing Micro-lending with STEEM! @mcsamm in Ghana with @desmond41 and @emmanueloppong and @tj4real ahv ALL talked with me separately about this idea of letting trusted steemians in Africa use their future rewards as collateral to buy things in the present... @ehmkannde already has an existing shop so he is winning the race of having the first shop to accept steem and SBD, he should make a post about it soon, and we can start looking into the best way to ship electronics phones laptops etc to Ghana and Nigeria so our steem shops can be filled with the BEST consumer electronics and other survival tools like portable solar battery chargers and LifeStraw (water filters) , etc whatever people want or need we should be able to find online and SHIP to them and if we cannot we can use to arrange airline flights with items in peoples luggage, like the Airmule system provides, peer 2 peer shipping system where the person flying on the airplane gets their ticket paid for just for bringing extra luggage and WE get cheap shipping prices! This is going to be SO fun building our empire of steem shops in Ghana and then all of West Africa and then our model will be used across the developing world!

So @destinysaid asked how much the average Steemian made per day, I pulled up the $inflation command on

YearSupplyInflationNew Supply

And $dist came up with this
banjo [AITJ]BOT - Today at 4:59 PM
Active 3 months ago:

$MVlevelacctsaccts %stake %

So we should really understand these stats, they are very very very important, and start reviewing @penguinpablo stats and come to chat and use the $inflation command the $supply command (to check the amount of liquid steem etc ) and make sure to thank @inertia for creating a lot of the tools and bots we use on their like @banjo and @drotto

So anyway just work hard everyone, if you are new, you may need to be told that you WILL make may take a while but it WILL happen.... just find a NICHE .... or just go promote steem (stickers flyers etc) in your local area and post the results, you cannot go wrong with that strategy! or post funny memes! Like this!

(See this is me and I am helping the children of Africa and the developing world to make money :D LOL Maybe I should ask African Steemit users part of Team Ghana and team Nigeria to take pictures of myself and make a funny meme, maybe showing me as African king or showing me as Boss of an African Gold or Diamond mine, some Dark humor,and you can make fun of me in any way you want, roast me Africa! haha but not literally, im not a witch i promise! (Actually in terms of a ROAST like comedy central or friars club ROAST where they make fun of a celebrity on stage on TV, @fyrstikken was actually talking about that with me on chat and how we should roast actual celebrities without their permission and CGI them into our own studio or just CGI @fyrstikken from HIS studio onto the already existing friars club roast videos, just replace that bald guy Jeff who roasts the prisoners in prison, and put fyrstikken in his place, and we can roast any celebrity we want using CGI, PLUS we can Roast @dan and @ned oooh wouldn't that be fun?

So to all those out there who are new and who want to make it BIG here on steemit... just work hard, never powerdown and never sell your crypto this year, wait until 2019 or better yet, wait for 2020 to sell any Bitcoin steem or EOS, and just thank me later :D


If you need a free trial of Ackza's LifeCoach program for Crypto email me at [email protected] or text 619 500 3748 Signup under me at Binance here and....


steemit is awesome platform

Wow so glad to see you guys helping so many Africans to get their first real savings accounts!

I can see steem and crypto currency taking over the developing world!

and in the future, when people hear about Africans making money online, they will think of STEEM and not Western Union! :D

Steem is going to handle all transaction, it should be the only currency we spend.

@ackza check this old xmas post I may be closer than I thought... I think I will make a post about it and get a couple friends to lauch and make our first steem buy transaction there

I remember powering up $80 when I joined steemit..... Selling all my altcoins and buying steem to power up, now I've withdrawn soo much and invested bought back some coins again.... With $200 @christianv24 you would go far.... Keep it up,

Steem is powering up to go to the moon



I am moving to SD some day...

How does it feel to be spot-on, and 10 years before your time?

I was doing the Kiva 2 weeks ago, I think it's really cool.

Pretty sure you have seen this.. but just in case, let's make sure we share with the Nigerians and Africans:


bitcoin will be drained of all its value and it will all flow into Steem, just like ethereum's BUBBLE will be POPPED and all of its value will FLOW into the EOS ecosystem.

I do agree, this could happen.

Thanks for talking about some promising newbies. I have adopted a plankton of my own (@glenalbrethsen) who has a lot of potential. He does great writing and has bought about $400 USD worth of Steem and is looking to buy more.

I will also check out the Kiva loans, it does sound interesting.

What a great way to invest. Not only in steem but in someone who you think has potential. Hope your plankton makes it through. The idea is really fascinating (would love to have a mentor myself)

Lol what... Ethereum draining XD it has more developers than any other blockchain, 30 times more, it has more about it and is more together than any other blockchain and more importantly it works. It works beautifully while EOS is still just words in the air.

The point about devs is the most key point, without devs in large numbers a blockchain isn't going places. Check out Dfinity if you want to see what its killer must do.

It’s great to see this community helping others and supporting their projects . Newcomers need that motivation and guidance on the path of success

I believe that, I am a new user can you tell me again how can achieve more SBD & steem power in shortly.
Already I can understand steemit is awesome platform.
Upvote & resteemed

you MUST post quality content, network with whales, get whales and dolphins 9peopel with lotsof steempower0 to upvote your posts...

IN SHORT.. simply befriend a whale and find out what they want.. ask wat the rich steemians what.. caer to them.. they are probobly rich steemians because they are smart.. so they probobly want whats best for evryone.. they probobly have plans for big businesses that may need your help.. maybe you can simply follow @tj4real nd @mcsamm and @emmanueloppong and @desmond41 all in Ghana or @xpency in Nigeria, they are all on the right track promoting steem in their local areas, creating paper flyers (the firststep) andthen local radio and TV ads and billbaords, big signs on the sides of buildings advertising steem... just remember to actually put your heart into this and it will happen, it wont be overnight UNLESS you are a good writer! you CAN make money overnight, you must tell a GOOD story and get a LOT for whales to see it do NOT spam us wit it tho, but come too to learn from !!!@fyrstikken 's methods but dont end up hero worshipping him like so many others hah its ok its just funny, we have the BEST chat room in the world.. and everyone knows it .... we turn boring people into worldwide celebrities..... we teach people how to be rich and powerful (and famous just as a byproduct)

so just be true to yourself, write about what you LOVE but also LEAR to love some NEW interests some NEW hobbies that some billionaires and millionaires also share... like if you end up playing on the favorite game server as your millionaire or billionaire friend on steemit, then he may get a little upset when you tell him you have to "leave the game t go to work" and he may just upvote you so much that you can quit your job!

Big thanks to @ackza for his ability to teach me and thank you to everyone that has come over to my blog and checked out what I am about. Hit us up in the steemspeak discord and lets all interact to build Steem

You crack me up with your humor haha. I will definitely not powerdown. Although it creates a question for me who is a minnow here, should I exchange my SBD for steem and convert to steempower. Coz I would love the idea of rewarding others for their great comments and posts

yes while SBD is high like this its a great way to build up cheap steempower.. wel it was when steem wa sliek a few dollars and SBD was like $15 man .. i thought that was actually lieka test for minnows to see who is actually dedicated... the whales put out a test.. and every minnow bewlow a certain Steempower line who was powering up all those expensive SBD would be given extra upvotes... basiclaly everyoen who showed DECICATION to powering up all thsoe expensive SBDs was then BOOSTED with free whale upvotes.. powering up prves you arent gonnatry anf ocnstantly put sell pressure on the token and drive it down and when were early like this it helps everyone wh is here to havea higehr tseem price! weshould be hopingf or steem t get as high aspossible and nothing less! if you havent bougt soem steem by now, its a sham ebut we cant hold the door open for EVERYONE... this elevator door is goan close soon and we are all gone be on our way up... but dnt worry there will be staircase called the Reward Pool for everyone of yoru freinds and family who is still not on steem.. but who you want to help.. youll be able to UVOTE everyone you kow.. youll become the most popuylar person INyour social circle.. ad peopel will come oafter you for your keys.. so keep yoru keys safe iut dontw orry if yu are powered up, then no one can TAKE your keys because even if ysomeone takes them, as longa syou have a copy u can report it to account recovery and @steemit canactually RECOVER The accountf or you, and the blokchain can SEE who is teh attacker and who is the orginal user and the original user can be easily provne via skype or pictures etc and then given the nEW password, but ANYOEN cnbe set as yru recovery person not justs teemit so iuts not some csecret centralizatin easter egg n its still fully decentralized lol

but yeah steem is SO safe that even if soeone TRIE STo hack youa nd suceeds, they woudl have tow ait 1 week for first of the 13 week power down payments right??? and youd get yoru account back WAY before the first DAY of you reporting it! u have a whole week and even then teh attacker could only take 1/13th of ur accounta dn has tow aiyta SECOND week for second p[ower down hahah so honestly YOU are th wallet

bitcoinis NOT like this, in bitcoin u are FUCKED when someoen hasur keys the coisn are GONE FOREVER bye bye and wity steem, NO ONE cn take ur steempower! as longa syou report teh stolen account ur good u wil get everything abck just dont leave liquid steem or SBD in ur account JSUSt steempower! YOU become the wallet!

I am so honored with the dedication you made in replying. I am definitely in steemit for the long run. Right now, im bringing some of my freinds whom I know could contribute to the platform. But not all though, only who are willing to learn about ths system as well.

Anyways, Im very thankful for your reply. Basically I should have bought some steem when the price of Sbd was high and steem was low. But im not sure if i already joined the platform at that time. Im looking to expand in a community with advocacies. I want to pursue my own vision of making my country better through steemit. This is the reason why I want to power up. I want to help others by curating their posts and I want to inspire others.

Thanks so much for this! Hope to read more of your posts

I want to join you in helping others as well. Let me know how I can help

great job @ackza! keep up the hyping and all shall be well! :D


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 59876.72
ETH 3191.77
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.43