Inspired by teamsteem and stellebella I am Inviting 1700 facebook Friends to Steemit and 2000 Instagram followers and 1000 twitter followers!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

While writing my post here about being inspired by @teamsteem about inviting my 1700 facebook friends to steemit through a facebook event, I accidentally dragged an image over , the last image I was going to use before submitting, I sincerely hope this problem can get fixed because other people will loose alt of their work from this simple mistake

(image from @rani )

so ill jut go over the highlights

I was inspired by @teamsteem who invited over a thousand of his facebook friends so I basically just started invited my 1700 facebook friends using an event invite like @teamsteam did! And like @stellabelle I started only posting on faceboook ABOUT steemit! Here is her facebook if you want to see!

Here is my facebook event!

here is @teamsteam post on how he did this facebook event invite to invite all his facebook friends to join steemit! even offering to pay some!

I offered to pay first 10 people who contact me $1 for singing up on steemit!

I also want to rent a ferrari and put steemit logos all over it and hand out flyers I made to 1000 people!

Local Ferrari rental schedule LOL We should really just find a steemit user with a super car to use, or find a cheaper rental for just one day and make a video to promote steemit! Show people how serious steemit is if we can afford a ferrari !

I will do this without the ferrari even and just hand out the fliers and record myself doing it!

Here is the type of post I have been posting to my instagram and facebook to tempt my followers and friends to start making MONEY off their social media posts!

Instagram Post of thus
Facebook post

Here is a Banner I made ad printed out that I will hand out in real life to people in sa diego!

I said to them, "
Many of you already have a social media fees with lots of followers just start posting into steemit instead and bring all yor followers over to steemit me you'll be making hundreds of dollars per post!

Steemit is seriously making people their own bosses and I'm finally working from home and steemit has paid off better than most of my crypto currency Bitcoin altcoin investments too!"

feel free to use that or a similarly worded phrase to promote steemit to YOUR facebook snapchat instagram and all social media followers and friends!

Another banner I made and printed out to entice loccal people to singup for steemit!

BitcoinBannerFor Car.png

I believe I can get alot of Real life people in san diego to join stemit not just my facebook friends!

Any steem from this post I will put towards this campaign! I probably will buy some printer Ink as I am almost out of black ink now! And i will also save this money to give out signup bonuses to promising new users who I will recruit!

So go ahead and start recruiting all your facebook twitter instagram snapchat tumblr and all social media friends! Sure their upvotes wont be worth much now but they will eventually grow to become more and more powerful users and youll end up getting alot of powerful followers eventually when some decide to buy steempower as an investment!


Awesome! I'll resteem! I'd love to see more post like this guys. I'll reward them. I'll post this on my Facebook!

Awesome. I will resteem your post too

That is exciting news! What is your facebook? I am and hey we should do something with my secondary account I made called @steemitescrow we should give it to a trusted person to run!

And also you shouldd have the audio of this video running in the backgroundd and listen to this guy talkig about why he thinks steem ecosystem will be worth more than 500 Billion dollars which I agree with since facebook is worth 200 billion and we will be doing alot more than dinosaur facebook !

But thank u so much for posting this to YOUR facebook LOL U are a real friend man! I will really help you when I can showing your account to new users to get you lots of new followers! I realize followrs are where its at!

I will give it its chance eventually. I added you on Facebook.

nice chance sir................

I wish there wasn't a waitlist to get in!

I wonder why they do that. Scaling?

Thank you for your tireless efforts to promote Steemit!

I will support you any way I can.

There is now where you CAN make your own account or if you have an accountyou can singup friends, pay the 9 STEEM fee to createthe account
or u can create an account like 4 other ways if you know some tec stuff like the API method, or POW Mine steem and u can register your account that way, so u can have even MORE confidence in steem yes if you wanted to you COULD creatte accounts WITHOUT and now with it makes it SUPER easy!!!!
Ths just came out like yesterday! It allows you to make new accounts for people instantly if you want to on board someone and start sending them steem thatt hey can then have access to when they take ownership of the account , its so cool! steemconnect! man guys are amazing

Oh! You have so many friends! I would wonder as you have such a lot of friend, if all your friend upvote you, then you can become super rich in a very short time. Have you also think of being a YouTuber? As you with such a lot of friend and follower, you can earn a lot I think.

Yes I see now that followers or sfollowers withsteempower is how you amke your money here on steemit and so if i can convince my instagram folllowers tocome here, earn or buy steempower and then cotinue following me here and uvte my works i will nd up becoming ver ich yes

i a getting fined a local social media marketer to join steemit so he can use his web marketing skills for steemit Yes i have a youtube channel, i had videos with over 100,000 views but that was before monetization, my youtube channel is Brand Ackza or ThebestYoutubeChannelEverTimesInfinitty and i am now startin to post steemit and bitcoin related videos bt have been lagging! i need to prepare myself for a good comprehensive videos an ive been too busy with steemit to make a full video showing everything ive learned to help others make money at home online with steemit and crypto

I also want to just do videos where I hand out flyers for steemit with info on how to singup and how to start posting the BEST of your favorite instagram facebok or twiter contet from your past, and bring only your best to steemit tat will be like step 2 of an instruction pamphelt ill make, it will jst say like 1 singup 2. start postng your best content from existaning soocial media, 3. invite all your friends and followers from other social media like facebook and intagram to join you on steemit as way to help each other make money together! and step 4 will be to keep growing your folowing and keep psting what people seem to respond to most with their upvotes, it will me a whole little guide on one page to sow how to singup o steemit ndhow tp sttart aking money, and maybe a blurb at the end of a lin on where to learn how to convert stee or SBD to bitcoin and then to cash , but we wont focus on that just fcus on showing steemit as a potential side job like UBER the way uber or lyft markkets themselves as just a side job anyone can pickup and do to make extra money!

we should be the uber or lyft of social media offering to pay people to just come online and start posting HERE instead of all these other places for free! like why drive your car around when u could drive around and make money doing iT! why pst online at all when you an post online on steemit and make MONEY doing it!

yes i think this idea has a brght future and thanl you for all the support steemit! and @linuslee0216 I am impressed that your comment got 16 upvites and 86 cents already just on one comment! bravo!

Actually I am helping to test one of the steemian's apps that why I have the these vote from them. But it would not lasting long. Steemit is a great community and many people have different funny idea. I also know someone told me that if we send some big whale SDB then we can recivied their vote randomly!

nice thinking bro

Just one thing to have in mind when promoting steem is that people are constantly approached by people that want to lure them in scams and pyramid schemes and make them give them money.
So from my one perspective, I believe that when you post about steem and you are trying to inspire people to come over you have to be really careful with the words that you are going to use.
For example, if I saw a banner like the one you posted above I wouldn't be so confident to signup for steem because I wouldn't trust you, even if we were friends on Facebook(i had a lot of approaches from my Facebook friends to get into pyramid schemes etc.).
That's why I believe that the best way to do this is to educate the people first for the whole crypto world, tell them about blockchain and explain the whole system and then tell them about steem. At least that was how I got involved, from all the hype around bitcoin, i made research to learn more and I stumble upon steem on the way in.

Ofcourse I would like to read some thoughts about this, maybe the way I see it is not how the majority sees it.

I know! i always find myself SUNDINg like a scammer when promotng steem!

Im like "Just join and u ccanamke money online!" sounds bad lol but i tell em they canamke money doingw hat they already do on instagram and that its tiallly free damn u know what i should start saying that they dont need a credit card to join, but they can STILL get paid! and wont need any bank or anything! I should really just make each message custom taiilored to each person to prove its no scam like i usually do, anpeopel can look at my profile and theyll see its no scam but yeah

ALSO remeber that banner is ffor PRINTED paper NOt for online!

so yeah its TOTALLy different when u seethat banner inperson in your hand as aprinted sheet of paper! its just made to show all necisary information on one page for posting it up at cofee shops an tekephone polls outside etc like i have done

and also yeah i ALSO do your method, i do bring people into the wolrl of crypto firts,

but u see i am not just dealing with a cuple people, I have thousands oof followers here to convert...i have to do it like this too! but i DO go one on one with peopel and have wole talks about crypto u gave no idea...i am dong like 2 people a day now

Hi @ackza, I am new to cryptocurrency more especially steem. I was wondering what I will benefit in recruiting people into steemit until I read this : "So go ahead and start recruiting all your facebook twitter instagram snapchat tumblr and all social media friends! Sure their upvotes wont be worth much now but they will eventually grow to become more and more powerful users and youll end up getting alot of powerful followers eventually when some decide to buy steempower as an investment!"

This has really answered my concern. Upvoted, resteemed and followed.

lol oh good i cliekd your message thinking i was about to have to expplain it, then the message expanded and I saw you had read what i wrote and get it now!

yeah followers eventually start to get steempower and their upvotes start to really mean someething! and SOMETIMES u get a follower who is new who just decides they dont wanna mis out, and they will buy a lot of steempower lik @gigafart an all of the sudden boom on of your followers is starting to make your posts go up by like $1 or $10 like @stellabelle or @teamsteem who makes my posts go up multiple dollars because of how much steem power they have! SO yeah you never know when one of your followers shows their wealth! People here on steemit may have a good job in real life or some money saved, and one of your followers of yours might end up buying themselves som steempower and youll both benefit! Theyll end up making more from curation rewards (upvoting a good post before it gets super popular) and youll get money from their upvotes!

and the free money comes from the steem that is mined, witness or nodes mine it, peopel volunteerto min basicaly! Ok i dont exactly know how that part woorks but am guessing there is a system where when u ine steem a portion goes to the reward pool but i also know u ca mne steem and not give any up to rewards pool, so i assume our witness and nodes sacrifice some potential steem they could be keeping, for the rewards pool, but these people aret crypto currency miners so they dont seeit as a loss, theyre just using their computers to do something useful so they do it! Not veryone sees eery spare MegaHash as a penny that coul be made mining bitcoi like I do now! hahaha

but yeah we shoud be focusing onbringing as many people as we can to steemit!

And trust me you wont findd sme sort of "catch" some peopel spend days weeks months trying to find the big answer as to how peopel are getting paid so uch on steemit, and they assume it must be some sort of ponzi becausethe origginal ccreators are making the most money, but THAT is just ecause they have the most followers and produce the best content that their aducinec likes an theyknow their audience by now! They knpw whatthey apreciate to see! the develpers post the proress of the wprk they do for fun bsiically and steemit community loves seeing the work get doe espexialy peopel who make a living or their fortunes off steemit! They have a "vested" interest (steemit pun YES) in keeping steemit rich with nes few features and cooler to use and t continue developing it! people want tp see subreddit style miro comunities for steemit and that is coming! so are private walets like monero pivx and btecoin ahve, we will ovrtake alll other altcoins and maybe even bitcoin

steem is as good if not better as a crypto currency even better an more advanced than bitcoin!

Very clever. I've been so sick of facebonk shadowbanning my steemit links.
Great idea to do it as an event.

Hm. I wondered why no one was even commenting on my Steemit links at all. I'll have to figure a way around this. It's like they can't even see them. Now I see this is entirely possible. They can't see them.

Post a buzzfeed link and everyone you've ever met sees it twice.
Post a steemit link and you may as well not have opened your browser.

I post the same exact content directly into Facebook and it gets 30 likes in about 5 minutes. Post it as a Steemit link 0.. So yeah they know they're in the crosshairs.

wonderful post to alert your friends...and a personal guidebook you made to motivate them. It's cool!!!

Great promotion ideas here!

Yes thank you! check out @teamsteem and n@jerrybanfield doing the same thing even funding the video ad campaign with the steem theye nd up making on the post ABOIU the very same ad campaign idea! Like a self funding money ad loop

STEEM the Facebook killer. kaBOOM!

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