In recent downtime Steemit lost my post that took me hours to write in this recent downtime (due to a glitch) , it was about solar powered submarines that could deliver packages around the world, tried to rewrite it here!

in #steemit7 years ago

Here is what I could re write from the post that steemit deleted during the recent possible DDOS attack or unscheduled downtime .... I know it sounds impossible but I am perhaps the only person who can say they had their Steemit Post deleted. I had my post in my Submit.html page, I hit submit and the possible DOS attack on steemit happened and Steemit went down, it just came back up and my post was still there saved, but not posted, so i hit submit ( I should have copied it first but how was I to know? Apparently it was because I submitted the post before the nodes had fully come up online and there even might be a chance the post is lost somewhere in the nether world but it won't happen again after this problem will be prevented in the future) and it showed up on my blog, even gave me a link and now its gone :( so I will try to speed through the post and try to get as much as I can from memory:

So here was a Video of the Drone in question, solar powered, cheap parts, GPS, etc and we can use it to launch from one beach in Florida for example and send packages to Africa and @tj4real or @xpency or @richforever in Ghana or Nigeria can go to the beach and pick up the drone and walk out to the beach, open the drone with a QR code or phone app using wifi to unlock it and get the package and send the drone off to its next location, and we could have a whole system for steem blockchain to have a peer to peer delivery system decentralized where the builders of the drones can launch them and make dividends off the money the drone will get to make off people scheduling to come and then go delivery items to any coastal city in the world

here is a diagram

And then i had thi whole clever thing where I surprised my readers with some blockchain education:

I write this for any new readers: DPOS or Delegated proof of Stake is the technological basis for Steem blockchain and is how new steem is mined (But it is NOT mined the same way Bitcoin, Reuther and other Proof of Work (POW) coins are mined ) , it is based on a proof of stake system but with votes hence DELEGATED Proof of Stake , ( and "proof of stake" are the coins where you mine for new coins by simply buying the coins and holding large amounts of the coin in a staking wallet and a certain amount of new coins is allowed to be created this way, while Proof of Work (POW) coins like Bitcoin or Ethereum, litecoin and many many more use the CPU/GPU processing power to actually create new Bitcoin out of Math, the more processing power you have the more complex of a math problem you can create/solve and the faster you can turn electricity into Bitcoin! It takes up much more electricity to use Proof of Work coins than Proof of Stake and Ethereum is actually transitioning from proof of Work to Proof of Stake soon. The proof of Stake model was limited and then @dan came along and made Steemit and the Steem Blockchain with his creation of Delegated proof of Stake with a Blogging social media system so people can either make money by buying the coin and holding it (waiting for the price to go up in price) and up voting good content (curation rewards) BUT ALSO if you have no money at all Steemit still let's anyone with an internet connection and computer/smartphone access to signup free and start from $0 without holding ANY steem coins and yet still earn some steem by POSTING or even commenting!

(GREAT infographic from @stellabelle which i think we might want to expand and show like examples of proof of work and proof of stake on, and then delegated proof of stake separated as really a third system. So many math and computer science based people will get much more interested into Steemit when they actually understand how it works visually!)

When you first come here and you don't know anyone here you will probably have a healthy skepticism but once you start earning followers and you are making a few dollars in steem per post or comment then you start to get excited. And then you REALLY feel evangelical about Steemit as soon as you start cashing out your first $100 in steem to bitcoin then cash and actually spend money you made off your steemit, THEN you start to really appreciate this thing! When you start to earn from steemit you start to accept just how unique and interesting this blockchain is with the way it mixes the social media with the cryptocurrency in such an elegant way! And you would never know how advanced Steemit really is because the creators are super humble! Steemit even seems to attract people who appreciate this sort of elegance and I feel sorry for anyone who does not understand the gracefulness and complexity and simplicity of steemit, it is probably closer to a living organism more so than most any other website.... Steem blockchain with its witness nodes are like mitochondria in a cell or the blockchain is the DNA maybe, well those analogies are always slippery but I am sure many biological bio-mimicry analogies can be made with Steemit network! And hey i just googled it and I actually found this great article on ether direct first published on Medium's Consensus X the crypto section of medium, and It's titled "Biological parallelisms inside blockchains: Homeostasis, hormesis and blooming/migration in Bitcoin"

(As you can see they compare the bitcoin network to things like firefly synchronization, fungus mycelium networks and even make comparisons between bitcoin and bitcoin cash miners and Algae blooms discussing opportunistic migration, and how bitcoin miners inevitably migrate physically to whichever country and city has the cheapest electricity costs (I wonder why Oil rich states who don't really pay much for electricity don't build diesel power plants to run Bitcoin mining off their Oil supplies XD hah I'm sure plenty of people are thinking about it in venezuela and if the venezuelan government just embraced the bitcoin miners and worked with them they would do a lot more to help venezuela and I am sure there must be some government workers in Venezuela who still want their people to be wealthy even if they also happen to be socialists, and who would also be willing to ditch the socialism once they realize where it gets we should really reach out to actual government workers in places like Venezuela and Zimbabwe who actually have the ears of the politicians and people in power, and their own self interest can be our vehicle to entice and tempt the governments of these nations to not only allow and fully legalize but encourage and accelerate widespread adoption of Steemit and bitcoin to their entire populations as a plan to make everyone in their country wealthy and become heroes for their people.

( screenshot of recent story about Bitcoin prices going past $7000 in Zimbabwe, we realy need to help them get cheaper bitcoin! There has to be many ways to electronicaly send money to people in Zimbabwe like amazon gift cards, prepaid debit cards, etc or a way to allow people in zimbabwe to send us money so we can send them bitcoin, and see it is hard for me to think of ways that can actually work and the same with vnezuela and so this is another reason why Steemit is hat they need the most so they can trade their time and brain power to get steem and thus Bitcoin for themselves! )

Zimbabwe's government could even make up for all of its mistakes and teach the world that things can get better no matter how bad it looks and no matter how bad the zimbabwe dollar gets because as soon as zimbabwe switches to using Bitcoin as their national currency with some sort of new bitcoin backed zimbabwe dollar for people without smartphones but maybe the zimbabwe banks could allow some sort of bitcoin balances, we need a solution for people without smartphones and the zimbabwe government would need to just keep printing fiat money until they could buy enough bitcoin miners to gte create enough bitcoin to start paying their government budget so they can ween themselves off addictive paper money, same with venezuela who is also just printing money like crazy. But in Venezuela and Zimbabwe the problem of sending people items in the mail via shipping is huge and it is very expensive and takes forever, and so imagine if we could use a fleet of solar powered drone boats and semi submersibles to go through the worlds oceans delivering packages for us all on a steem blockchain, allowing someone to pick up their item at the beach as they wade into the water and open the compartment on the boat by scanning the barcode on their phone they would receive!

(Image of the SeaCharger solar powered drone that made it's first voyage earlier this year, nearly 2413 miles from California to Hawaii and then almost made it to new Zealand but the rudder broke 300 miles short of the goal which is not a big deal and is still a major success for one guy and his children building this thing! check it out at and check the article here )

The Ocean is the nation of steemit since the ocean borders almost all nations on Earth and the ocean can allow us, through shipping, to reach almost everyone else via the coastlines of the world and ports. I hope to one day build a fleet of solar powered drone ships or drone submarines with solar panels, lithium ion batteries and small motors and GPS like the seacharger shown in the images above and below, to let steemit users ship things CHEAP and FAST using steem from beach to beach! Just imagine going to a beach and just launching a solar powered semi submersible with solar panels into the water and it just starts swimming through the waves and goes out into the ocean and it would just use GPS and go from California to Nigeria and it would just go around south america and across the atlantic so i can send extra cheap android smartphones and battery chargers to my friends in Africa without waiting months! Still waiting to hear from @ortigas100 if he ever got the two USB solar chargers i sent him, but he warned me it might take a few months and it is because there is not that much shipments like that to Africa yet but SOOn that will change either with more traditional shipping or solar powered drones like this below:

A decentralized shipping service (maybe even for steemit??) would be one of the missing links here and allow us to create a physical bridge between the digital and physical worlds and I am surprised drug dealers haven't found a way to replace the legal postal system and fedex UPS DHL with some sort of black market courier delivery system, or maybe it exists and I just am not aware of it! I bet a decentralized courier system to bid on allowing people top transport packages around the world would be HUGE. I know they already have a website to allow you to rent out space in your luggage to transport packages around the world and I am sure people secretly use that for drugs! I mean the App is even called "AirMule" App lol just kidding I am sure people check the packages and dont risk carrying drugs for others! Anyway the service it IS cheaper than shipping conventionally and it is genius to allow travelers to register and accept packages to take with them (that they can inspect of course to avoid drug trafficking) and then the recipient can pick up the package as soon as the traveler arrives at the airport allowing people to get Air Mail package delivery speed at super cheap rates and allowing travelers to make extra money taking extra items with them.

Anyway I hope we can start building steem blockchain connected hardware and drone vehicles like this to create a sort of physicality to back up the steem network! A simple drone ship like that could allow two steemit users across the world to send and receive packages and even food aid smartphones and solar powered batteries, it can land on the beach and be sent back to another part of the world and the person receiving the boat can then get PAID to place a new package in the boat or to simply push the boat off and send it on its way to the next location where it will pickup whatever and then deliver! It could even provide a sort of low cost delivery system for all Coastal Steemit users making the Ocean the great common denominator for all of Earth's Peoples!

(Here is the Map of Global Shipping Routes and very little goes top Africa so we need to help Africans to get cheaper shipping and we can allow people to ship things via steemit!
I know there might be some regulatory restrictions but I believe this project can literally fly under the radar and since it has already made its voyage across the pacific I know it will be able to go from Florida where we will order cheap smartphones from China, and then send the drone to Ghana and in 41 days it can go 2400 miles so yes over a month is a long time but it will end up being very cheap or free even.

We will all be able to live on a Steem Island!

I had more info but because steemit lost my post during the DDOS attack I had to rewrite everything so I will now just hit submit and hope i was able to remember everything i wrote!

Thanks to @tytran for the steemit swag and we have some cool stuff planned! I had to rewrite this entire post but I did have a lot of stuff down here, man whatever it sucks having to rewrite a whole post!

If you are in San Diego come to the san diego steemit meetup by @captainobvious here is the post And if not many peopel come we will just create a new meetup! eventually we will have a large San Diego steemit group

Steem is going to $10 soon, then $100 then $1000 and I have been very entertained by the Discord chat and please check out the new @curiosity bot by @gyzimo and @frystikken and you can now send and receive tips for SBD live in the chat!

If you have questions about bitcoin steemit crypto or making money mining or marketing, feel free to email me [email protected] or text/call me (619) 302 0398 but iPhone stuck in reboot loop, so instead just please text 619 500 3748 and....

Follow @Ackza


I Lost 2 posts during the period of time Friday or late Thursday.

damn yeah i was reading about that! i heard some peopel lost a lot of posts too! oh well, i was able to write some ofmine formmemory, and it was ok, its hard buit these are rare occiurancs, and NOW you can make a post ABOUT how steemit lost your post and make more money off that ! so u can amke lemonade out of these DDOS lemons!

Hey man! What up? How u been . Is ur phone not working? All me text me! Cryptocurrency thriving. Been super busy, let's catch up

You better ducking call me! lol bitconnect was legit mofo!

@monkimo , @ackza is busy planning is next big story. This one of the desentralized submarine as a delivery service is a super disruption. This are first test of something huge in the future. Just upvoted the post and this comment. @gold84

u scared me when you were gone for like over a month i figured you guys packed up and left the country or something

good to see u here again!

yeah my iphone has garbage apple software that keeps it in a fucking startup loop and it wont even go into the recoivery mode because itunes is also a retarded piece of software with no fucking simple way to get an iphone fixed like this, which is insane when you think about how simple it is to actualy do the physical act of fixing a sfotware problem WITH fucking OTHER software, and the iphone has NO fucking excuse at thispouint for nothaving some backup system to allow someone to access the iphone software even if the phone is tuirned off, a SIMPLE way to actually access the fucking godamn mekmory of theiphone without needing to have it on teh same way you can take an SD card out of a fuicking rasberry pi and alter its software iuf you need to

the fact that my iphone can just brick itself without me doing anything, AFTER a fucking software update, its fucking disgusting. Thefact that they are so irresponsible that they FORCE you to update your iphone, which is NOT broken, and if its not broke dont fix it. and yet they bricked my iphone, if i had not backed things up i could have lost a fuck ton of money! Thank god i am aware of how unreliable apple products are. No android device of mine has ever ever EVER bricked!

I have never had or heard of an android device even getting caught ion a startup loop, linux is not fucking stupid and thats why but apple doesnt give a fuck about actual good software and so i get to be left holding the brick

i have this number u can reach me at for texts its a google voice number, it may have calling but no mic on this desktop and google voice app is basically blocked on android smartphones and tablets no idea why but it has never worked but ist always been this feature that makes you believe you could make a call with just google voice on an android device, but it never ever works, but it DOES work on a fucking laptop or desktop computer, because...well we are a retarded species that actually builds devices with things as selfish and greedy as planned obsolescence, or for example another example of this sort of shit is how Apple built the fucking iphone with a fucking FM radio built in, but refuses to turn it on because they dont want people getting free music from the radio so they have to buy music on itunes....and thats not even how things work but apple is so greedy thats how they think and the federal government had to BEG apple to turn on the FM radio to allow fucking Hurricane flood victims to fucking use their goddamn smartphones to receive information but NOOO that would be allowing customers to get FREE FUCKING DATA and not have top PAY for it.... and sure there might be some hidden agenda to i dunno, blast us with more radiation or haha io dunno, i am sure theres some hidden meanings behindthat whole FM radio thing with the iphone but baicaly they are admitting that if they WANTD tothey could basically give people free access to data, peope could get streaming data on their phones over FM radio signals.... and Apple tried to claim the new phones didnt have FM chips, ignoring the fact that most people still have the old phones and they would still help tremendously but wqe nopw have these wanna be tech nerds in charge of companie siek Apple who PREETND to know about tech but really just get all the best tech info from their subordinantes and then they fuckin act like they are above even the federal government lol its crazy man

ANYWAY haha wow i realy went off on that one subject !

here is a number u can use to reach emnow on my desktop and tablet so i can still be reached

619 500 3748 text me there if anyone needs me , goes for any steemit user who reads this, sorry if i have missed calls recently

was also sick and crazy how fast u can feel overwhelmed by even a first world lifestyle, just dont let your work stack up i guess, tghe more i go through the more sympathy i have for others, but the more money i make the more i realize why it is that the wealthy seem 'selfish" and i understand it more and more, andthere comes a point where you have to just statistically see who can use the money to make more money and who wastes it, but theres also some things we can just spend money on which still help create a better human experience on this planet but we do not have to take the money from others to help the have nots, the free market will be the best hope for our type 1 civilization dreams, and yes once we get closer to a type 1 civilization i raly do believe we wont have poverty anymore it wil be an antiquated concept like imagining what it was like to be hunted by sabertooth tigers or what it was like to have to hunt and gather before agriculture, those are problems we dont worry about anymore and dont even understand how it even must ahev felt like! Povertry will be the same Children in 50 to 100 years from now will learn about thepeople living in our time and wonder 'How didthey allow there to just be a billion peopel who didnt even have enough money to Eat everyday and went bed hungry every night (800 milion chronicaly undernourished people today in 2017) and yet the wealthy humans were wasting more food in restaurants and grocery stores than the worlds hungry could even eat! Its insanity that our system is this broken that it can't even take care of everyone yet it allowed them to be can we have a planet that allos 7 billion people, grows the food for everyone but doesnt allow them to eat because of.... money? its not moneys fault its greedy asshole humans fault and its not rich peoples faults its governments faults, (except the peope who are rich from working in gov like venezuelan hugo chavez family and thos escum bags who are a;;l wealthy from stealing money frotheir country )

Hey man yeah sorry i am really wound up right now

I write my posts in and then just copy paste them in here. It is a real safety net.

Alternative clean green sustainable renewable energy loving it. Nice one mate. Cheer$;)Gazania.jpg

no not realy the lithium ion batteries are not environmentally friendly if you really wanna get gritty and i mean it is ok if you ue batteries like elon musk wants to then yeah its cool and we should have been using electric motors and nbatteries decades ago but fuckin oil companies seriously did hinder the growth of civilization whihc is INSANE

and then imagine all these things getting lost in the ocean, lots of lithioum ion batteries in the ocean, i bet teh solar panels cant be friendly either, and theyre all madeof plastic basically, so they need to be built with god GPS trackers so we can make sure they dont fall off and camn be terieved etc

but yah nnothing eco friendly ever competes in thsi world and the trith is nothing is really eco friendly and its all just word games and i mean look at Oil, it spills and peopel freak out but it goes away and naturally breaks down necause its a natural subtsnace and yes thre has been massiuve tectonic actiivty in the past where oiul does naturally spill up and yes humans drilled but the oil spill in gulf of mexico spmehow took acre of itself and fukushima was WAAAAy worse

Now fukushima is irresversable damage that we will never be forgivven for

future generations will never forgive uis or the fucking Japanese for thir shitty craftysmanship and thier selfish greed to build a nuclear power station that close to the ocean and that badly designed where any fucking tsunami can just take out the reactor? japanese think they are so smart but the reality is the are human like everyone else and they should be held responsibel for their crime against humanity

THE us companies that helped build the japanese dai ichi reactor should also be held accountable and executive shsould be impriosoned i am sick of this planet allowing criminals in high places get away wioth crimes, if we dont imprison CEOs and nuclear power people we will neevr teach anyone in powerthat they cant do this shit

@fyrtsikken was talking about how peru will have no problem putting its ex presidents in Prison if they break the law and my heart is filled with such joy at hearing how there is a nation on Earth that has the balls to put its politicians in prison for being evil and in this case carrying out forced sterilizations on the indiegnious mountain people..... I mean the fact that this was why he was put in prison is even more sweet, thatthey actually take the life of the human being as the most serious thing, that they actually put human life above some sort of bribery or unrelate d fiancial corruption scandal, or any other typical political crime you may hear about, because a nation that is willingto value human life is automatically bette rthan any other nation on earth because I know for a fact that my country does not value human life, and I know China doesnt and there are not many countries i cn think of that value human life whatsoever

Anyway i dunno whats gottenintome but maybeit was steemspeak

In sincerity, i dont understand a thing in all i've read , but i must confess it is a beautiful post put altogether... Çontinue to soar

its all just about steemit and how steemit works and then my idea for a system of robot boats that can deliver simple packages without needing any sort of infrastructure or postal service just beach to beach p2p human to human

very interesting......

Nice post , a lot of useful information. thanks for sharing.

Why ur phone not working?

iphone stuck in a reboot loop and i have another samsung android phone nowbut i cant figure out if my iphoen even has a simcard or how the whole att app works andit sucks i just wish my iphoen would turn on, fuckin apple forced me to run an update and the iphone restarted and just bricked, the update fuckin broke it, so lame, and itunes wont recover it the iphone 5 just turns on apple logo, and the l;ogo turns off and thats it

i feel ;ike im missing so many calls and like im jusyt loosing productivity and i am not reaching anywhere fucking near myu potential

Very interesting and informative post shared followed . @ackza Wish you the best with all your future endeavors.

Hey man! Please make a post about this: (or resteem my post or whatever) We need to get the word out!

WE NEED ASSANGE HERE, this could be huge!

oh i know! steemit is the new wikileaks ! check out the @theshadowbrokers account for some examples of hacker groups already using steemit to post updates knowing that no one can ban them or remove the posts!

We need more people using Steem blockchain as their ultimate censorship proof reporting tool

and beware of the hidden flaw in steemit, they do have a DMCA takedown notice process where you can get something removed from (but not the blockchain i dont think) if it is against copyright or whatever, which was for legal purposed, and i hope that we expose this more, and it was actually @sneak who works for steemit who actually told me about this while i listened in on discord chat but it was clear to me that he knew it was a problem and wished it wasnt thre but explained how it was a legal issue and steemit inc was restricted and as a US company they have to do what the US law says or risk getting shut down and he made it clear how yeah steemit,com is great but he wished steem user would use other steem blockchain gateways and how they funded to have a backup and how they need a fucking bunch of gateways and man its frustrating knowing the weakness of steemit which is that it coudl be TOO good! steemit inc which runs this website is great but its central and they know this and they just wanna stay up to allow steem yto grow and yeah one day people will use the app which is different....and we just need multipel gateways...

but hey i shouldntw orry about THAT too much, i shouldnt focus too inward on steeit and i shoudl worry more externally about things like using steemit for good liek wikileaks and yeah steemit will still be an amazing asset for wikileaks type operations

I just have yet to see someone test the limits of free speech here on steemit

i have tricked many steemit witnesses or whales, and even peopel whow ork for steemit, into evealing how easy it really woudl be to take someones post down, but this is not good, iw ant steemit to NOT be able to take down ANYONES post, not even in an "emegerncy" because then for example the existing copyright take down noticem would be used in the case of wikileaks style leaking of classified documents for example, andthey would then use thf ucking copyright laws to claim those documents were ccopyrighetd etc etc, and get peopel in trouibkle for posyting them etc etc, and peopel will say steemit has no business leaking classified documents, but the whole point is that peopel had to leak them to reveal the corruption, like what if someone found clasisfied documents and had to "breakltyhe law' in order to reveal an upcoming genocide about to eb acried out by the government? Oh but we have tow orry about thebeaing of the laws of copyright now? its crazy peopels porioirties are messed up, we need to get maximum free speech on steemit!

Whatever its just lame that we have to live in a world with such yterrible people throughout history, and yes its teh same families of peopel who have opressed humanity for ages, its not like its just "Human Nature" No its the nature of the asshole humans who rulke over us!
I cant WAIt for the decventraliaed future we are building tio go m,ainstream and for everyone to hve an increase of freespeech and freedom AND income through technology

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