I've gotten 747 likes combined on 6 posts on my Instagram advertising Steemit! First Report of my now Daily SEO/SEM Social Media Marketing work for Steemit (And why you too should post Steemit related posts on IG FB Twitter etc)

in #steemit7 years ago

So I've gotten 747 combined likes on 6 different steemit posts on Instagram which were all Steemit Screenshots of both my blog wall and the trending pages showing how much I have made on a Good week and how much people make everyday! I was inspired by @JerryBanfield and his Social media Youtube Advertising Campaign posts like Todays post https://steemit.com/steemit/@jerrybanfield/steem-facebook-and-youtube-video-ad-2-results Where he shows how anyone can create a youtube ad telling people top jpin steemit, buiy steempower and follow you, and end getting more than enough money from a combination of steemit youtube ads and steemit posts about the ads, to self fund a cycle of steemit ads and posts discussing their results to create this MACHINE that helps bring people to steemit!!!! By upvoting THIS post you can help me create my own Steemit Social Media Loop, and show people that it pays to go post on social media about how great Steemit has been for you! And youll make enough money to do this everyday until we have 1 billion users and Steem is $1000.

I would like to begin doing daily posts reporting at least 10 or 20 different social media posts on Instagram or Facebook Twitter Youtube comments and I want to encourage all of you to do this Social media marketing work with me where we all pledge to make at least 10 Steemit related Social media posts OUTSIDE of steemit (This is crucial) everyday. To earn some extra money, you can take screenshots and show all the steemit related content youve posted on other social media websites, and turn it into a daily steemit Post and I promise you, whales will love seing a minnow start to do their own steemit marketing campaigns! You WILl get upvotes and you WILL end getting paid to do this!

93 Likes on this most recent post!

104 likes I got on this one!!!! These are RECORDS for me on Instagram!

Just look at how I have posted screenshots of my own Instagram posts showing off how much people make on steemit by just showing a basic trending pages! I already can tell that Ive gotten a few people to Signup since Ive gotten Hundreds of likes and dozens of comments on my Instagram Posts! people responded very well to how I am showing off how much I make and how much others make on Steemit! Ive already been posting alot of crypto currency news and have many bitcoin and blockchain and cryptocurrency related followers and instagram friends, so this is the perfect audience for steemit! Same with my Facebook and Twitter since all my instagram posts go to them (and tumblr) automatically.

88 likes! and plenty of comments by interested people! i bet a lot of them signed up!

74 Upvotes on This screenshot of my own wall showing how much i was just making from blogging!

29 likes on one of my first posts about steemit on instagram (And remember all of these posts also are on Facebook Twitter and tumblr, they get posted to all my accounts, my facebook is facebook.com/oneworldwithin

And my Twitter has alot of Steemit posts too, https://twitter.com/synergysponsor with a screenshot below of some of just a few of my recent Steemit related posts and likes and retweets of Steemit Branded Videos on Youtube.

And so I will start even showing some of the Youtube Comments I will strategically place on Videos ABOUT making money and working online like all the top videos that come up on a quick youtube search for "Work at home" ok soi here is the top video for youtube: "Work at Home"search

(See the idea of "Work at Home" is So popular that they make p[o[p songs about it!)

But see how the number one video (besides the Music video lol) about work at home opportunities here has half a million views? Its a good place to start commenting about steemit! if we ALL start leaving GENUINE comments about steemit being the ULTIMATE way tio make money easy, we can bring thousands of new people onboard just from this Youtube Video. Let's all try an experiment, let's all comment about Steemit on this Top Youtube video about work at home methods.... Its the perfect place to advertise steemit! (or one of the perfect places) Just leave comments about how great Steemit is as a Passive Income work at home website ANYONE can use to make money! And you make money by just by doing what you normally do on Instagram or Facebook for free or just tell people to use steemit instead of reddit and just leave a comment here on this video by @JustinBryant ! like this!

And so as you can see, we can get ALOT of social media work done if we just try! I have almost 2000 Followers on Instagram, and over 1700 Facebook Friends over 1000 Twitter followers and i hope to have more steemit followers than any of the rest! I have already gotten almost 2000 Steemit followers in just a few months and it took me a few years to do that on Instagram! I have hiogh hopes for steemit and I believe if we all just start our own little mini ad campaign for steemit where we just comment 10 times a day and make 10 social media posts about steemit and make 1 video on youtube a steemit review, a day, then we can flood the internet with ads for steemit and with the money I make from THIS post I will use it to pay to run an actual Steemit Video ad on youtube where I ask people to join steemit and follow me! And Ill post on steemit about it like @jerrybanfield and get alot of Youtubers attention when they see al these people in youtube ads talking about steemit!

If we ALL do a little bit of social media marketing with AUTHENTIC genuine steemit reviews all talking about how amazing it is to make a few bucks just from a post or a comment and how fun steemit really is and how exciting it is to make $100 in Bitcoin and cash it out all from making posts online or how amazing it is when the price iof steem goes up, our stories will be REAL and theyll REALLY work! Like my instagram posts! they were effective because I built up an honest to God organic Instagram page with lots of active searching for Bitcoin related news and always adding Bitcoin related accounts and so now anything blockchain especially steemit is going to be VERY interesting to my followers!

I have the perfect demographic on my Instagram so i will definitely keep posting steemit related posts there! And I NEVER get that many likes on ANY of my posts! the most ive gotten was ;like 60 so 100 shows me that I REALLY hit a nerve here and I will be making A LOT more instagram posts about Steemit and Videos too! Wish me luck! Ill report back here EVERYDAY now and I wont skip a day! its TOO important and TOO much of an opportunity to NOT be more of a part of steemit! Its like theres a BUNCH of executive positions available at one of the most interesting new successful companies in the world and we ALL have a chance to WORK our way to having a large stake in this amazing company! I am grateful for every CENT I receive here and I am HONORED to be apart of this team! Thank you steemit!

If you have questions about bitcoin steemit crypto or making money mining like this email [email protected] or text/call me (619) 302 0398 and....

Follow @Ackza


Awesome post my dude. I checked out Jerry's post too, it's such a good strategy.

I am still waiting before I cross-platform, to grow purely organically, but yeah awesome. Keep up your hard work.

50 percent almost 10 cent upvote for you! (Ive been scared to give out full upvotes i usualy stick to 10 percent upvpotes that give at least 1 cent as im trying to get my vote p[ower up as its constantly down as im always upvoting everything)

the secret is to nOT wait before corss platforming just START posting ABOUT steemit and THAT will GET you the audience!!!! you use Steemit ITSELF as the attractor as the magnet! as the market your niechze is steemit! just go look at craig grant and trevvon they basicaly have thousands of youtrube subscribers BECAUSE they make steemit related videos and its just all Steemit users!!!!!

I feel like since my instagram posts were so succesful You shoyuld be going on Instagram and just searching for people with Bitcoin in their name, thats it, add them all, go like and comment on their profiles, just go find peopel whop post about bitcoin, add em, and talk about steemit!

just make one steemit post a day!

Well yeah, of course it'll explode things on Steemit, especially if you have a decent following on other platforms. I have like 30K+ followers on Instagram, but what I am saying is when I joined Steemit, I decided to challenge myself to only built my page organically (on Steemit alone). It's simple a challenge I set for myself :)

Anyways, we should engage with each other's content more often. Talk soon.

Nice work Zack. Glad to see you giving props to @jerrybanfield. He’s very much under appreciated for his contributions to Steemit.

i dunno hes pretty apreciated, he will blow uyp,

the reason he is "under" appreciated maybe is because he has to like realize that hes super nerdy and its just like ...hey i hate to be like that i sound like a bully but im not, u know what i mean, we all know, and his wife is never gonna tell him i have a feeling...or maybe she does and he doesnt give a fuck but Jerry seems to live in his own little bubble of success where he is SO positive and SO happy all the time thatr it turns alot of cynical people off!!!

Alot of people see jerry and they go "Well HAt guy is obviously always on and works realy hard so thats NOT for me!" and I want Jerry to grow beyond his current followers, he could have MILLION youtube subscribers!

and if we helped jery seinfeld get 1 million subscribers we could get like 10,000 steemit users to join or maybe he could get ALL of his subscirbrs on board to steemit!

dude yeah i would love top just make a video ABOUT jerry to help him get more subscirbers and hire a special socia;l media consultant who can spiff up his image

he has SO much potential to become one of those self help gurus that helps people achieve financial sucess

and NOT one who promises some MLM progam where u have to make sales to amke any money NO he can just get 100 people in a room and have em all signup top steemit!

he can walk them A:L throigh how to write a good intro post about themselves (people LOVE writing about themselves) and they can ALL sghow how they are with jerry banfield, and jerry will get ALL of his followers to HELP all thesenew people!!

jerry should just hold a free seminare where he helps like 100 people make money online!

MOST online courses make u buy some shit and u NEVER make any money!

wioth STEEMIT its almost a GARUNTEE that peopel will end up making money and fAST and so lets just get 100 people in a room with Jerry and me and we can hold a LEcture on how to make money!

we will make sure EVERYONE in the room has ALREADY signed up with steemit and is in the system!

it will be REALLy easy to get steem to $100 by end of this year if we can get 100 million new users it IS possible! if we ALL do our part!

you are like the cracked out first draft version of jerry banfield imo xD


Good friends experience. thanks for sharing

@ackza, great job. You are enthusiastic about steemit. I love that. I posted about steemit on my facebook yesterday and got a lot of calls.

yes keep posting and make a CRAIGSLIST ad like I did where i said i have a great way to make monety with bitcoin and cryp[to currency and i tell people how to mine and then i ALWAYS tell em about steemit too!

some peoipel will just se yoru add and see steemit;com and signup and may never talk to u but u WILl get new signups that way! and some peopel will call u and u can A:WAYS refer them to me! 619 302 0398 just have em call or text me if u want to explain this stuff or have me explain it all

Look steem will be $100 probobly before the end of the year! and then next year could be $1000 or nmaybe in 2 years $1000 but still, is that realy that long to waiit to become amillionaire?!?!?! if you can just save up $1000 today in steemppower, with stem at $1, then when steem hits $100 you will have $100,000 abd when steem hits $1000 youy will have $1 million dolars! Id be happy to wait FIVE years to turn 1 thousand dollars into 1 million dollars! But We have the chance to do it in justa few years from now! maybe sooner!

Steem hasnt really "Mooned" Yet but it WILl happen! Just like Bitcoin or Ethereum, steem will jump from its currentvery low price, to a very HIgh price, like how ethereum went from $1 at beginning of the year to around $300 now? well steem is going to do that...the reason ir hasnt is because steem has a HEALTHY econopmy a REALISTIC market where no small group can "pumnp and dump" and make the price swing because no one person can effect the price, because its more evenly distributed across MANy more people

steem has the most users the most transactions of any Altcoin and i wouldnt be surprised if we had more transactions and active users than bitcoin or ethereum! of course BTC and ETH have larger marketcap but that wont be true for long!

steem will ALSO have the multi billion dollar marketcap and will be #1 ion coin market cap!

when THAt happens irt will be just like last year when steem was #3 reember that? Many of us werent even on steemit yert but it went Bitcoin then Ripple then Steem and people thought steem could actualy be the #1 bliockchain but steem porice started going down and it took a WHILE for peopple to really start using steemit but now we are unstoppable! NOW weve been battle tested and proven and honestly when a system is in beta mode youy cant be to upset with the price going down so far....it did go from $4 to 10 cents biut 10 cebnts is NOT 0....and it went right back to $2 almost 3 now its back to around $1.50 and wil be back to $2 and then $3 VERy soon we will ALL have our money back and then people will not be able to get ENOUGH of steemit!'

when price goes up people starrt making MORE content more people join people have a fear of missing out

and honestly EVERYONE should want to join steemit! its like BONUS money its EXTERA money for peopel! youy make posts like u normally do ion instagram and u end up making extra cash! and yeah ALOT of people will join and just cash oiut and never save steempower, but most people WILl save ALITLE steempower as a way to save money....which they will be gratefuyl for when they see steem go way up!

most peopel are aferaid the price will go down so they wont invest! But another group KNOWS the price WILL gop up an people like ME will NEVER power down and just lice off their steempower! You can never power down and liveoff curation rewards!!

(steemit meme i made to explain how peopel DONT trust this idea but those who do are futuristic and i have proof it ork sjust look at @thejohalfiles he just makes money off curation and makes thousands a month (he had a few hundred grans in march now has multiple millions all thanks to steemit!)

Would be interesting to see how this works out on a brand new Instagram account without a pre-existing follower base.

it will work, but thats like asking how far a Car will gop witghout any gas lol

actualy thats abad analogy because even withiout followers, u can still TRY by adding peopel with the word "bitcoin" in their name of just do a search for bitcoin hastafg and add all the peopel posting aboutr bitcoin! thats how u do it!

and go like and comment all the instagram bitcoin related content , u will end up with lots of blockchain friends on instagram! add me im ackza770 i will even give u a shoutout help u get followers etc IF you have a good propfile thats high quality like mine is!!!!! I end up getting legiot celebrities like cara delevigne and other famnouys models and rappers like the R3jects (Cat daddy song) who folow me and give me likes on my Canabis photos of 707 headband and my instagram is all abourt the cutting edge Extra TErerestrials Keylontics Blockchain Bitcoin fractals pyschedelics all the cool pyschedelic stuff u know, fractals man....technoshaman ...ayahuasca plants, its all theree, all the cool stuff....i try to have al the coolest stuff on my instagram feed! celebrities love that stuff

anyway just post about steemit on a brandnew poage and tag me ackza770 and ill ;likle and follow so u will automatuicaly get likes from em at least and my followers so try it! shopw screenshots of ur wall etc but START witrh givoing nEWS about steemit! take screenshots of cointelefgraph news stpries about steemit etc, and get ur fed all prepped to be just a streemit feed! u will end up with every steemit user ecoming ur friend!

theres just ahandful of steemit related accounts on instagram u can get advantage by making ur account name on instagram something with the word Steemit and Bitcoin in it! liuke SteemitBitcoinWorkatHome or somethiong
and u will end up finding the steemit uysers ON instagram! see how easy it is?!!? its FUN! and u get to look at cool pictures al day!

see its actualy useful for us to "waste time on reddit" or instagream like people do while theyr AT work they get in troiuble for "fucking around" on social media wel maybe we al should e doing what we love?!?!?!

Yeah I see what you're getting at. What I noticed that is if you've got a good Insta profile you better be following all the cheap followers or they'll unfollow you. When you do, they will wait a bit and unfollow regardless as the goal is to get as many followers as possible with as few followed as possible. That's my observation.

wow. thats incredible

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