
Cool article. I just helped it get a massive upvote from @theycallmedan. I guess he also liked it.

Posted using Partiko Android


Good job, mate. We've all got to start talking about how realistically to fix our problems. There are people on STEEM/Steemit with thousands of accounts. This creates havoc ... as @theycallmedan discovered in his recent STEEM Delegation contests (dPoll manipulations). At some point, real world ID's are going to have to be attached to each one so as to eliminate the abuse.

There's a lot of misinformation and misunderstanding about Biometric ID's ... yet more uninformed assertions about Big Brother tyranny. Articles like the one cited help to clear the air.

BTW, I'll be posting a follow-on article regarding the MEOS ("Voice") launch later today (I wasn't impressed). Stay tuned.

@theycallmedan ... welcome back from your honeymoon. No more playing. Grindstone. :-)


Very nice article, thanks for the link. I had a feeling this is how it could work. I just didn'trealize this is how it works. We still run into the issue if issuig proofs for people without fingerprints.

Posted using Partiko Android

I travel and get checked by immigration many times a year. My fingerprints don't read and they have to get a supervisor. Does this dan guy want to read my eyeball or what? And why does he need this info for me to blog with his new baby?

What are you afraid will happen if you do not know the identity of someone who blogs? Do you know the identity of most of the people on STEEM? Why is this even an issue? It will be a HUGE barrier to entry I think. At least bernie will not be able to get over there into the club, lol.

Anonyminity is a trade off for other things with more value. I can have a real profle on some sites and a secretive profile on others.
I remember everyone saying Monero would be huge because it was private. However it is like 1% of the total crypto market cap.

idk - I think this is a non-issue except for cyrpto-nerds. Never heard of monero myself. I am a weight loss coach content creator and have no thoughts for following dan anywhere. steem has people and dApps I like. Maybe some flood of people will go to this new place and get scanned to do it, but why?


There is going to be a lot more of it flowing around the verified kyc blockchains and social media networks.
It's centralized and you lose privacy, but hey, money.

Posted using Partiko Android

I live off what I earn from my blogs at steem so it is all about the money for me. Since dan would only let me have one blog, I am still saying a big NO to his new project.

Living off Steem is pretty cool. I hope the changes don't hurt your income.

Maybe it will be like google where you have 1 real account but can have multiple profiles and emails to keep your various interests and communitues separate. I prefer this to alts especially if it is secure.

Posted using Partiko Android

What changes do you foresee that might hurt my income? My rent in Kuala Lumpur is 85 USD, to give you an idea of my needs.

85 a month isn't difficult with your account under current conditions.
If steem value goes down a lot, or if you aren't putting in 15% a year to manage inflation, it could be a problem. Never hurts to add more channels. I don't think mEOS will he the only one, or a steem killer, but the more the better.

If people decide to stop buyig Steem the value will crash quickly since demand creates value. So anyone trying to make momey from Steem needs to keep investors best interests in mind. If content alone can do it, then no worries about Steem.

Posted using Partiko Android

Anonyminity is a trade off for other things w0ith more value. I can have a real profle on some sites and a secretive profile on others.
I remember everyone saying Monero would be huge because it was private. However it is like 1% of the total crypto market cap.

Posted using Partiko Android

Anonyminity is a trade off for other things. I can have a real and a secretive profile.

Posted using Partiko Android

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