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RE: How To Optimize Time/Profit Settings On SteemVoter...?

in #steemit7 years ago

The key, outside of timing the vote as close to 30 but before a bigger fish than you, is looking at what the user usually makes on a post.

For example, a 50% vote (25c) with my 5000 SP, is going to yield a different result than a 50% vote (4$) than your 100,000 SP account.

Also, your vote power (20%) means you need a 4 day break from casting votes.

I suggest taking a look at @miniature-tiger's work on curation if you are really into the numbers.



Though I’m a bit confused by what you mean by, “your vote power (20%) means you need a 4 day break from casting votes...”?



This number is still precariously low! I'm sure if you lay off the voting, manually and with a pause of the steemvoter, in 3/4 days you'll be back on track!

The alternative is to lower the %'s on steemvoter to try and build your power up whilst still distributing votes.

Cheers (for mine recently!)

Compare our voting power (top left) and amount we can currently cast with a 100% vote.

If you were at 95% power then your 100% vote would be 20 times (5000 sp here, 100,000 for you) larger.

It will take about 4 days to get there I think.

hmmm, not quite sure I fully understand, though is interesting that my voting power is only about worth double yours, while 8x the Steem Power...

You have Steemvoter enabled?

Hit the 'Pause' button for a few days if so.

If you are following any trails on Streemian, you'll need to disable those too.

Then keep an eye on the % in the top left here:

Hope this helps!

Yeah, though most of my curation is done via @biophil’s bot, so not as easy to pause. No worries. Trust it’d equal out between not voting for a few days.

Hadn’t heard of Steemians until now though, looks like a cool service, so appreciate that share. :-)

Maybe get in touch with @biophil and ask for a pause there?

I see he's at 25% so it looks that that's the issue!

You want to get up into the 90%'s, your vote will be exponentially more valuable.

Although, make a note of your curation rewards for the past week, and then when you have more voting power, make a note after a week at that level.

Phil's bot could be doing you no harm at all :)

Mmm... so say I pause voting for a few days to get back up to 100%...

Do you know how long it’d take for the power to drop back down to what it’s at now? / How long would it stay up there until started dropping again?

It's always trying to move up, you can watch the screen at and it will tick up (or down) every couple of minutes.

also on that page (which i'm not affiliated with but do find very useful) is the time left until full recharge, should you not vote at all in that period.

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