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RE: Steemit: The Curation Leagues - SBD and Delegation Prizes!

in #steemit6 years ago

What a lovely comment, thank you Dave!

The motivation for me to continue with this post comes from these kind of comments each week and it's now a real pleasure to find so many encouraging comments here.

The entrants range from brand new Steemians to ones that have been here a while, but both the new and old are still learning from the game and from what others are adding to the post in the comments - ace!

The prize fund is rather bumper this week, but I wanted to give some more back due to the interest you have raised over the last week - we had around 40-50 new names added!

The delegations are a product of what @fulltimegeek, @stellabelle, and others (included #stewardsofgondor) have done / are doing for the community. The movement has started, and I'd much rather support community builders and the pay it forward mentality by getting involved in what these pioneers have started. What I wish is for other large accounts to see that this is what will make Steemit great and put their best foot forward, and I think the best way to encourage that is by showing the outcome - A post with 100+ positive comments is solid reference material!

Thank you for your participation, promotion of this blog, and being fully worthy of at least 10 times the delegated SP you currently hold!


That is a wonderful thing you said at the end and I'm honored that you would even think that! Thank you Asher!

As far as your point about getting the larger accounts to notice, I completely agree with you. I realize that there are many people that are competing for their attention, and honestly of course I wish they would look at your efforts. If they have any doubt as to whether or not you are on the right track, they should just look at the responses in both words and actions! It is incredible to witness :)

My thoughts are that we all do our best, with a clear objective and a pure heart. If we keep doing these things then sooner or later people will see that it is in their interest to help nudge us along. Building a community (as you describe it) takes energy and time, but the reward is that the bonds that come with it are deep. I think that all the new people that have shown up in just the last week will be the next generation to help you, @fulltimegeek, @stellabelle, and the #stewardsofgondor to fulfill that mission... My goal in making that connection between your world and mine was to provide the path forward for many of the newer but promising members. It is a great thing for them and also for you all, because we all just became a little more connected! ;)

Thank you again for all your hard work. I know it was a lot of work for you and I'm happy to see you accept the challenge! I know what it feels like to be in your position and you should be feel good that you are able to help so many with your efforts!

Have a great week and hope you get some rest! :)

Thank you Dave, your comments are very much appreciated - I agree wholeheartedly and could not have put this better myself:

My thoughts are that we all do our best, with a clear objective and a pure heart. If we keep doing these things then sooner or later people will see that it is in their interest to help nudge us along. Building a community (as you describe it) takes energy and time, but the reward is that the bonds that come with it are deep.

As above, the rewards for hard work come by way of the type and number of comments on these posts - I'm really glad to be a part of such a great movement and community.

Thank you!

Asher we are really glad you are apart of it too... Me especially! I am so excited about the future and can't wait to get up every day and see what happens next! So thank you again!

ps...I think this is the biggest sticker I've ever won in school or work! lol .... I love it!!! (and if you don't mind, I'm going to borrow it when I want to send someone else a smile) ;)

I've just woken up ready for action and this is the first reply message of the day. Without coffee, it won't be my best work but I'll just say thanks Dave, you're doing a great job here, and I'll need a bigger sticker soon 😁

hahaha... that's funny!!! I'll keep it up just so I can get that bigger sticker!!! ;)

Well, none of us are veterans for that matter I think. But you have shown prior to the delegation from @fulltimegeek that you are doing something for newbies with your work.

You are one of a selected few who are #stewardsofgondor and that proves you have done something and hence selected as SOG, isn't that something proud feeling?

That's very good of you to mention this!

It was strange how the curation league began and has evolved - It started mainly about financial curation and has now moved to be mainly about engagement and has over 160 accounts registered!

Thank you for your support and kind comments as always @coolguy123!

Thank you @abh12345.

It was strange how the curation league began and has evolved

Yes, this is really turning out to be a game changer and it's not that everyone can start something and have 100's of members join that. I think, as many times I have felt, more than the financial support, this is an opportunity for all of us to interact and interact with others and in the process find some more friends. Having said that, even an 1 SBD or 1 Steem of prize will be a lot for someone who starts on Steemit. Hopefully many such guys tops the list and gets that deserving reward than others who are already made some mark.

As this delegation process for league toppers started, I feel I can also add some of my SP to the delegation(I know I am still not earning that much SP on weekly basis, but even a small amount hopefully can help someone really needs) you do and I will be happy that I am supporting someone who is founded by @abh12345 through his leagues. Do you think this can be done or if you feel otherwise, I am happy to discuss.

Thanks for the message regarding delegation to good performers in league 2.

To me, a good placing here (top 20), especially on a frequent basis shows that the account is a regular good engager. I hope you can feel confident too that the list is a good way of showing who's working hard, and perhaps needs some delegation to take them further.

I'd be happy to see you or anyone using this list to decide who to share some SP with. Cheers!

To me, a good placing here (top 20), especially on a frequent basis shows that the account is a regular good engager

Yes, that is something to be proud of as it proves that someone is doing good.

And thanks for the green signal on using the list to delegate SP to deserving ones. Instead of researching outside to find the deserving people, we can use this.

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