Steemit-Ironchef Round 7 ~ Leek&Mushroom Fricassee and Mashed Potatoes with a Twist 💛💗💚

in #steemit-ironchef7 years ago (edited)

I had a very easy to make but extremely delicious and very comforting soup - perfect for cold wintery days like now - in my mind the very first moment I read about the new ingredient for #steemit-ironchef this week. ( Week 7! Not week 6, like I wrote on my proof tag 🙈 but the date is correct. Now I am glad I was too busy to prepare it at the beginning of the week. I noticed I wasn't the only person who thought soup would be a wonderful idea. So on the last moment - actually over night - I changed my mind and here is what I finally made:

These were my ingredients (all seasonal and locally grown again):

Leek, Button mushrooms, oyster mushroom, potatoes, parsley, one beetroot, plantbased (oats) milk, oat cream, walnut oil, salt, black pepper, smoked salt, marjoram, vegetables oil


First I peeled the potatoes and cooked them in a pressure cooker with some salt and caraway seeds. The good thing about this thing is that it doesn't need that much energy because I turned it of when it started to boil. Then I let it sit on the oven with energy turned off and prepared all the other things without the risk to forget and burn the potatoes. Perfect thing for me!

I peeled and chopped the beetroot and blitzed it up with some oats milk in my smoothie mixer. I poured the mixture into a bowl and bitzed up some chopped parsley with some oats milk. The colors of these two liquids were wonderful!

I prepared the mushrooms and chopped the leek into rings.

I heated some oil in a pan and gave the mushrooms a briefly roast.

Then I added the leek, continued to sauté for about five minutes and stirred occasionally.

Now I added the few spices: a dash of marjoram, fresh ground pepper (I love to use mortar) and salt. The secret spice is my smoked salt. This stuff is great! I never was a fan of bacon, actually I always hated to chew on the tiniest piece by accident. But I always liked the smoky smell. This salt smells soo amazing! Better than real bacon ever could! But it is important not to use too much of it!

Then I poured some oat milk and the oat cream into the pan and let it cook for 10 minutes maximum. I don't want my leek to mushy.

I chopped more parsley for decoration. The stems of the parsley also went into the pan...

Inbetween I mashed the potatoes together with a little bit of oat milk and seasoned with some salt and nutmeg. I like my mushed potatoes not too fine but with small chunks of the potatoes in it.

Then I devided the mashed potatoes into three. I mixed the first part with the blitzed beetroot, the second with the blitzed parsley and the third one with some walnut oil. I seasoned all three parts with salt. What a beautiful combination of colors!

And this is the whole dish. Enjoy!

The result was so delicious! Even it was not a soup it was the perfect dish for a icecold winter night. 

Everyone who would love to participate into this contest as well should read the rules in the original post by @progressivechef: STEEMIT IRON CHEF 2018 Act 01 Round 07 .

Thank you for reading! ☀️


How I am happy that you did not go with the soup and went for this awesome plate my friend...there has been quite a lot of soup entries this week!
Oh yes, smoked salt is really the thing...give such a nice flavor to your dishes!
All the products that you use in all your recipes are just amazing!
Great entry as usual coming from you!

Thank you so much! This plate was one those I liked eating most. I always loved mashed potatoes and mushrooms and the simple aromas reminds me to the food of my childhood. Very familiar and cosy, filling and satisfying.
Thank you again for your nice comment!

This looks super delicious! Leek is one of my favorite winter veggies and combined with the creamy mushrooms - YUM ♥

Thank you! It was really delicious and the good thing is, there are some leftovers for my today's lunch ... Fast food quasi! 😜😋

I always love to cook more and have the leftovers the next day, you save so much time :)

I love how you combined the raw with what you cooked you can see that it is delicious and with a lot of color so yummy !!!
Thanks for sharing
Have a nice night @pusteblume

Yes, my intention was to get as vibrant colors as poss., so I kept the juices raw. But it also created a fresh and fruity, earthy and green taste. Thank you!

Apart from the beetroot, I'd gladly devour the rest that is on the plate 🥘 It looks great!

Oh well, I will have an unhealthy Banitsa for breakfast 😁

Actually I couldn't taste the beetroot much. It was more the look. But that's just me - a beetroot lover. 😜
I had to google what a Banitsa is ... It's kind of similar to Börek, right? Looks good! Well, healthy - unhealthy ... Many things we love to eat are actually unhealthy. I wouldn't eat it because of the dairy inside. But I have a theory about what's the most unhealthy thing: I might be wrong but it sounds logical to me: Foods can be more or less good for your body, but if you eat something, you should enjoy it while eating and afterwards. If you feel bad or guilty because you ate something particular - at least then I am sure, it will be bad for your body. So, if you loved your Banitsa, everything's fine!

Yes, it's very similar to the Börek :)
You have a very good point about how certain foods make you feel during and after eating. That said, I always feel terrible (physically speaking) when I overeat, regardless of the food.

P.S. Pff, that filter on my phone oversaturated the photo

I think can be easily veganised with some vegan cheese and be equally as good minus the feeling terrible.

Apart from the cheese, it also has eggs 🐣 and butter. I guess the butter could be replaced by olive oil but the eggs?

They can be replaced by vegan butter and egg replacers. I personally like coconut oil for the butter, depending on the recipe. But there are many brands. For baking I replace eggs with flaxseed 'egg', 1 tbsp of ground flaxseed and 2 tbsp of water.
There are also real vegan eggs, not sure i would try them... :))

Why am I not surprised by the egg replacers? :) A few years ago, I even ate vegan salami, lol :D

:-))) You're so lucky. They are usually made with gluten and I am allergic. I was told that this one is yummy

It looks crispy and delicious!

It was - I can give you the recipe, if you like :) As @mirela mentioned, it should be possible to veganise it. You are going to need a special dough, though. The one for Börek.

Oh yes, that would be amazing! You can give me the original version. I am sure I can easily veganize it. Thank you in advance!

Yes, looks nice! I pinned it to my "veganize it" binder on pinterest ...

delicious! i like it, Thanks for sharing :)

Thank you for your kind words and your support!

Excellent photography of the food!

Thank you so much! 😊

I love mushrooms and leek and wow, it looks so tasty and such a beautiful macros of food! Great job :)
Enjoy your foodporn ;)

Thank you bunches! 😘

Your photos were enough to make my mouth watering! Looks absolutely amazing and delicious!

Thank you! I am so happy that you like it!

Yummmmmmyyy! Hi dear this meal looks delicious!!! Congratulations!💗🌸🌺

looks wonderful !

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