STEEMIT IRON CHEF 2018 : List of ideas we received so far! Please add anything you have in mind, I will finalize everything by the 20th December 2017 for the new season!

Hello my lovely friends of Steemit!

I finally found some free time to make a post and do some steeming! Today was quite cool on the business side but I am getting ready for the super busy weekend coming soon!!!

Some days back, I asked for some inputs from anyone interested in helping to make Steemit Iron Chef even better for the 2nd season! Well I would like to thank everyone who gave ideas on that post, which you can find here!

Amazing responses from the foodie community! Thanks again!

So now my next step is to again go through all the suggestions and retain some ideas given! Before going through all of the ideas, I will list them below so that it is easy for anyone to follow the happenings!

In the meantime, if you guys got some more ideas, please feel free to write it on the comments section below!


  • Weekly guest judge - winner of the previous round
  • Judging process to be more transparent - share the sheet I am using to judge the entries
  • 2 bonus ingredients on top of the main one
  • Timing of contest to be reviewed
  • Introduce items like meat, poultry and fish in the theme
  • Monthly winners/season winners
  • More entries to be allowed by each participants
  • SIC best cooking book

So here we are with the ideas, I will analyse each of these and see which ones can be implemented on the new season of SIC 2018! Stay tuned for that post which will be out in some days!

If you still have some more to add, please feel free to let me know!

On the sponsoring side, there's still no one who showed interest in helping us foodies out up to now! So no big changes to be noted on the prizes for the new season unless someone pops up and offer some help!

The launch of the 2018 season will be most probably on the 12th of January 2018, so if anyone is interested in having their name associated in Steemit Iron Chef and wish to help , please do let me know here in the comments sections or on discord or with my normal username!

Until the next update!
Thank you and have a pleasant day/evening ahead!



Good content!

awesome ..I like the suggestions a lot ... I also like the guest judge idea but, yes there is a but , most likely the winner from the previous week would be entering again in the week where he/she is guest judge ... how to handle that ? ...just curious ...

Couldn't they just not enter while they're judging? And they could post about the process of judging if they're concerned about the loss of "income".

What´s up!
Long time since last I was here! :)
Life is just been so super busy!

But last couple of days I´ve finally had some time to make some posts. :)

I really hope to join the 2nd season!

good ideas my friend

That's great content my friend @progressivechef

Maybe some honorable mention titles. Things that might be awarded to one of the seven actual winners, but might also go to non-winners. I'm imagining things like: best simple dish; most innovative twist; most variety used with theme ingredient; most like Grandma's home cooking; best instructions for newbies -- or whatever. I'm mostly thinking of fun additions, I don't know how the money works or if it matters to tie reward to those things.

I guess maybe people could sponsor (and optionally even do the awarding) of these special titles.

Now that I'm thinking about it, I like the idea of specific awards better than just being fourth or seventh or whatever.

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