
Awesome! If I ever come up to New Zealand, I'm sooo gonna buy you a beer :D

Warn in advance and you might taste the one I brew!

Hahaha! BTW, I read the comments on GitHub, from the link you sent me and it seems like they have an auto script that undelegates the SP from users who have gained 55+ SP on their own which also takes into account any extra delegations so you might wanna be careful about this! Probably wouldn't be wise to delegate SP to a newbie who already has a delegation! :]

No... Sorry. This script is "somehow" changing (over time), so do not take it as fixed info and for sure do not get for granted what you read out there (if not from any of the Steem devs). The purpose of the Steem delegation is to provide new users with a chance to start at Steem. It is presumed that users will eventually have their own SP. So the delegation is not actually a rule, it's a temporary gift! They do some other scans to decide on who to remove Steem, which they do not reveal (and are not required to, and you or anyone can also do the same scans). The essence here is that if you are well-behaved, steem (user) will have nothing to against maintaining your delegation. But if you are somehow not worth the delegation, they can wisely decide to take it. Things that promote steem are maybe 50%, SP, so if you have it, likely you will try to behave right? Then other things come to play... like the amount of improvement and people flagging you.

Yes, they sometimes check! So behave. that's my recommendation. We are all trying to build a better network.

I am constantly learning. And I am not perfect. But I would like to improve! Always!

It's a simple process of rewarding people that want to contribute positively to the network. =)

Fair enough. I can't believe I'm the only one who has commented on this! LOL :]]] Thanks for doing this anyway. Much appreciated :]

My friends only thing about money! =) LOL... This is a teasing...

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