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RE: Are voting bots basically a self esteem boost, and imaginary free money?

in #steemit-help7 years ago (edited)

If understanding maths is now part of using Steemit, I have to say I am going to continue to ignore all that.

Paying for upvotes is tragic - post content for humans and ignore bots!


I understand your position. However, I wonder if you might consider differently if you were a new user today, and had to work up among the masses. Sometimes an upvote bot can carry an already successful post into "hot" or from "hot" into "trending". Primarily I use the bots because people don't want to read a post that's only worth .06 if it's more than an hour old.

but seeing as you are more experienced than me, I would appreciate any feedback you have to offer.

It is really hard getting started - a key difference a year ago is that there were a lot less people, but there was also no money at all for most posts - so we had to do about 50 good posts to build an audience - I recently did a post about this -

wow. thank you for giving me some perspective.

For sure, I'm not in a rush for "rewards". I'm in to becoming a better writer, not afraid to do the work. This whole experience (all 3 weeks of it) has been a real blessing, and quite educational.

All that to be said, doing all of that work, I'm also trying various ways I can to encourage that post to reach a wider audience.

Of course there are also the precious vests that come with payout.

I think over time, I've sort of gone through phases myself, I remember looking at the trending page when I first started out, but after a few weeks I lost interest in it - these days I only look at my own feed, and that is enough material to keep up with.

Eventually some of the people you interact with may become more wealthy, and that can make a big difference - my biggest payout this year was for a comment!

But other than working it like a fulltime job, I think for most people Steemit is a blogging platform, that may eventually pay some rewards. For anyone who is cool with that it's great, but for anyone who wants to make fast cash it will suck!

it's definitely a full time job for me. but I'm not looking to get rich quick. I'm gonna work until I have enough steem power \ following that I can afford an oil change every now and again ;-) my expenses are minimal

Yikes - you're really going to have a crack at it?

Personally it's what I've learned about Cryptocurrencies here that has earned the $ - this blogging has not paid much for the time it takes - lucky if it has paid $1 an hour - Bitcoin and all that stuff on the other hand - WOW!

well, I don't have money to invest in anything. I have time. and the incentive system keeps me motivate to keep writing. the stuff I'm writing now I will be re-working over time, polishing to have good works that add value to my life and other lives. The money... welll..... I live in a Tinyhouse on wheels, lol... minimal expenses, but minimal income also. lotta free time tho

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