Steemit Blog Landing Page Template for #steemit-blogs

in #steemit-blogs8 years ago (edited)

I created a Blog Landing Page template for everyone to use until the real blog pages are completed.

This template will give your readers a Blog Landing Page that only displays the posts you want to show up in your blog.

It gives you a place for a picture and a bio if you want, and will also let you do some branding and link to any other information you would like to show people when they first find you and see your blog.

I would also suggest a new topic tag #steemit-blogs, so people can find a list of Blog Directory pages with a simple search.

Since the markdown code will not display in this post, you must view it here for it to make sense:
Instructions on how to copy the template text into your new post are included at the bottom of the page.
Blog Page Template link

To check out an example of what this looks like, take a look at the one I created for my pages.
BBQ Bear Blog Landing Page

Blog Landing Page Template Title

Title image

Welcome Note and Subtitle

Say hello and give a short introduction post.

Description paragraph about what your blog will focus on.

Maybe post a cool picture
Title of your image

Table of Contents - Topics

Include a description of your articles, posts, or links.

Topic 1

Topic description
Title of post
Title of post

Topic 2

Topic description
Title of post
Title of post

Topic 3

Topic description
Title of post
Title of post

Add a Branding tagline area, as suggested by nanzo-scoop's strapline idea
Include links to your blog Title of your blog
Add your own like, forward, share statement.

Here is a Markdown code cheat sheet, with all the working markdown codes you might need for your post.
Delete these shortcuts before you post your article.

Title of your link
Title of your image

Text and image location (right and left don't work yet)






This text will be italic
This text will be bold
You can combine them


  • Item 1
    • Item 1a

page break lines

To use this template, right click on this Blog Page Template linkand open it in a new window.
Then select all the template text and copy it into your new post.


Interesting concept, though I feel a bit confused looking over it.

Feels like it could use some clearer directions, as it seems like we're half-expected to figure it out on our own - versus making it simple, easy, and quick to implement for all users...

I added some descriptive text to explain it better.
Unfortunately the website will not display markdown codes in a post, so it is not so simple. That is why I put this together. When you open the text template you can see the markdown code, which explains the parts you cannot see in this post.

It is just a shortcut sheet until they can implement something like this:

Make free landing page and increase your sales on link below
make free landing page increase sales

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