International Steemit-Austria Meetup/Stammtisch 21.01.2018 (article EN/FR)

in #steemit-austria6 years ago (edited)
Hello dear Steemians,

Today, @steemit-austria organized by @nicoletta and @flurgx invited everybody in Wien to show up to their meet up. This time it took place at Restaurant Marks close to the Metro Station Thaliastrasse.

Bonjour chers steemians,

Aujourd'hui, @steemit-austria organisé par @nicoletta et @flurgx a invité tout le monde a joindre le meeting. Cette fois, cela s'est déroulé au restaurant Marks pres de la station de metro Thaliastrasse.

@nicoletta and @manncpt

The theme is always meet & earn, so that Steemians not only get a chance to meet other people from the community, but also get some of the invite posts earnings to spend for their food or drinks later on.

The organizers took some stickers to more easly identify the steemians with their steemit-names

Le thème est toujours "rencontrer & gagner", de sorte que les Steemians aient non seulement la chance de rencontrer d'autres personnes de la communauté, mais aussi d'obtenir des fonds à dépenser pour leur nourriture ou leurs boissons plus tard.

Les organisateurs ont pris la peine d'apporter quelques autocollants pour identifier plus facilement les steemians avec leurs noms de steemit



This time we where 32 participants coming by not only from Wien, but also from other cities and countries such as Belgium and Germany:
Cette fois nous étions 32 participants venant non seulement de Vienne, mais aussi ayant fait la route depuis d'autres villes et pays tels que de la Belgique et de l'Allemagne:
  • Cryptocurrencies, Blockchain Technology, Tangle Technology enthusiast
  • Science & Knowledge Manager ⿻ | Cryptolover Undercover
  • Atirical columnist and the public relation slave of the artist collective Kind Kris and Friends
  • Nature | travelling | writing | haiku | occasional photography
  • Mechanical Engineering Student
  • She is blogging about Life, Food, Travel, Culture, Video-Marketing and Cryptocurrency
  • Family natur recipe writing travel philosophy
  • Feines heimisches Bouquet, erinnert an Birnen, jugendlich und ausgewogen im Geschmack, elegante Frucht, vielschichtig, herbe Noten
  • Co-founder & chairman Option 2.0, superhost Airbnb #HugInnVienna, communications consultant
  • Student; interessiere mich für Politik, Geographie, Wirtschaft und deren Überschneidungen; Hobby-Skeptiker
  • Love all aspects of live :) main interests are nature, health, fitness and traveling
  • Politics, finance, health, crypto, science, self defense, deutsch
  • President of SolidarityWorld and Option 2.0, founder of the Global School and InternetofIdeas
  • Blogger & Crypto Lover
  • Astronomer 🔭 hobby gardener 🌿 human being 💗 #_# loving everything that is outside of the box 🗳️🌌
  • Visual Artist
  • (tbd)
  • just a happy fish (steemit-austria meetup organizer)
  • Bella Volen is a professional academic interdisciplinary visual fine artist and art & culture researcher
  • Visual artist - painter
  • Paint, glorious paint!
  • Artist
  • Yoga | Calisthenics | StreetWorkout
  • Hi, I'm Chris. I love healthy food and sports.
  • Trading Cryptocurrencies & Gold
  • Aspiring doctor who wants to make the world a better place
  • Amateurfotograf, Akrat, Geldspezialist, angehender Digitaler Nomade (PT), Vielreisender, Amateurphilosoph, Schokoholic, Musik- und Filmliebhaber, angehender DJ
  • Author, artist, multiactive person; her blogs are a mirror of her motley life - culture reporter 777, story teller, travel, coaching, art, photography, videos
  • @massivevibration #steemit-austria #baliohbali @steemitvibes-Twitter There is no end.There is no beginning. There is only the infinite passion of life - Fellini
  • IT guy (no longer) working at an ISP. About to start a life as a digital nomad. travel. cryptos. fun. english/deutsch
After this second meetup, I can say that my feelings are shared with @alexvan who claimed in a previous article about the steemit-meetup held in Munich

"...these Meetups turn into smaller Steemfests ".

Indeed, it looks like a little festival with little islands forming around topics led by one and the others. Around the table we can meet people from around the world, and from any age, confession, profession and lifestyle.

We get a little speach from @nicoletta

Après ce deuxième meetup auquel je participe, je peux dire que mes sentiments sont partagés avec @alexvan qui a affirmé dans un précédent article sur le meeting steemit qui s'est tenu à Munich

"...ces Meetups se transforment en Steemfests plus petits".

En effet, cela ressemble à un petit festival avec une de petites îles se formant autour de sujets menés par les uns et les autres. Autour des tables, nous pouvons rencontrer des gens du monde entier, et de tout âge, confession, profession et style de vie.

Nous avons eu un discours de @nicoletta


as well as from @flurgx
ainsi que de @flurgx


Some steemians did not came empty hands and shared some of their creations

Note for the future: always bring something to share with your steemit user name, maybe with a QR code?

Certain steemians ne sont pas venu les mains vides et ont partager quelques de leurs créations

Note pour l'avenir: toujours apporter quelque chose a partager avec votre alias steemit, peut etre avec un QR code?


A steemit-summer-camp table emerged
Une table steemit camp d'été a émergée



I was specially happy to meet...
J'étais heureux de rencontrer...







We had great conversations about the experience we have thanks to steemit. It is for me always interesting to exchange about how this plateform is enabling to share more than money and how sharing values and be recognized for it is fullfilling and how a platform based on blocchain can replace governements. The most exciting or strange or amazing or awesome (yes I am overwhelmed sometimes) for me is that steemians came to me to exchange with me specially on the topics which are at the center of my passions. However, we had also less philosophical talks also about the steemit community, the global school, learning, emancipation, cryptocurrencies, Steemvoter, autovotes in general, flagging, smart media and about how to support newbies in the community, how to organize the global school workshops, I get some contributions and inputs from @smartcoins, from @leoplaw and @gric.

The coffee, beer and food where also awesome and everybody was enjoying it as always!

Nous avons eu de belles conversations sur l'expérience que nous avons grâce à steemit. Il est toujours intéressant d'échanger sur la manière dont cette plate-forme permet de partager plus que de l'argent et comment le partage des valeurs et être reconnu, cela apporte de la satisfaction. Mais nous avons également échangé sur des sujets controversés tel que comment une plateforme basée sur blockchain peut remplacer les gouvernements. Le plus excitant ou le plus étrange ou le plus génial pour moi c'est que quelques steemians soient venu échanger spécialement sur les sujets qui sont au centre de mes passions. Cependant, nous avons également eu des discussions moins philosophiques sur la communauté Steemit, l'école globale (Global School), l'apprentissage, l'émancipation, les monaies digitales, Steemvoter, les autovotes en général, le signalement, les médias smarts et comment soutenir les débutants dans la communauté, ou encore comment organiser l'école globale. J'ai été particulierement tres appréciatifs de recevoir des contributions de @smartcoins, de @leoplaw et de @gric.

Le café, la bière et la nourriture étaient géniaux et tout le monde l'appréciait comme toujours!


I had a great time meeting new and old friends. It is a real pleasure to participate at these meetups and I hope we all see each other and exchange further soon!
J'ai passé un bon moment rencontrant ancien et nouveaux amis. C'est un réel plaisir de participer a ces meetings et j'espere que nous allons nous revoir et echanger d'avantge bientot!




A big thank you to @steemit-austria for organizing this meetups every month and to support our project the Global School and its forthcoming steemit-workshops which will be organized in Vienna. I am looking forward reading you! Jean
Un grand merci à @steemit-austria pour l'Initiative d'organiser ces rencontres tous les mois et pour soutenir notre projet Global School et ses prochains steemit-workshops qui seront organisés à Vienne. Au plaisir de vous lire! Jean

Haha auf dem ersten Bild vo mir schau ich aus wie der Typ auf meinem T-Shirt 😀 Super leiwander Bericht, danke!

Hihihi! Danke für das Lächeln :) Was nice meeting you!

Nice to see such a cool group getting together ;)

Yes indeed! Nice reading you :) Will you be at the next meetup in Munich?

Hi Jean,
Really professional reporting! Thanks for copying all the profile descriptions into the post. This way is is much easier to get an overview of all the attendees! Hope to talk to you next time!

Hi Chris,

thank you for your kind message and feedback about the list, you make me think that maybe I should produce with the Global School and some steemians contributors a steemit-meetup-app which enable to have all this data easly while organizing a steemit-event. Hope to talk to you next time and excahnge in between thanks to steemit, best! J.

A steemit-meetup-app would certainly be much appreciated by event organizers! CU!

Thanks for your encouraging words! I think we found on what the global school will work this next weeks with the participants of the steemit-workshops :) I'll post soon about it and keep you updated! CU :)

really nice article :)
it was so great to see all those new and well known faces ;)

Thank you for your message! Indeed was a great time :) Looking forward to meet you again!

Thanks for the summary. It was a wonderful afternoon with wonderful people - unfortunately so many that I didn't get to talk to you. Hopefully next time, though!

Yes, I also think it is too short time to engage in meeting everybody. For me it is important to take the time to exchange more than few words, so I might have met 1 person on 3?

Thank you for your message Theodora! Hopefully we'll have the occasion to meet again. Anyway we are connected and I'll be happy to invite you to join a forthcoming steemit-workshop that we will organize with the Global School in Vienna regularly from next month :)

Yes, same here. You can only talk to so many people per afternoon.

Looking forward to the workshops. A bientôt! :-)

I'll keep you updated about the workshops. A bientôt Theodora! :-)

Super articel! Thanks for coming and sharing.

oh and spacial thx for the digital guest list ;)

Thanks for the invitation and great support for the workshop initiative! I was glad to see the idea of a summer camp :) I would love to organize a more regular activity with those who are willing to cooperate! Looking forward meeting you soon to exchange further about the outcomes of today and futures plans :) PS: you are really welcome about the digital list, I think its really useful to have not only the alias, but also to organize in the future to have an intro or the interests of the particpants to reconnect more easly ;)

Great summary! Thank you :)

Thanks! I am following @lizanomadsoul advices! ;-)

I see :) Great one!

Hey, it was cool meeting you - and you even got my mug on the post!
Looking forward to next time!
Anyone else reading this: I am following all that I can find linked to this event.

It was a real pleasure meeting you and your artist crew! You all made me feel home. I am looking forward meeting you again and discovering others of your stories and experiences :)

great - and this very informative and comprehensive post I saved on my computer in my bookmarks, a special folder about the Austrian Steemit Stammtisch.

I am glad that you find this post useful! Also, I am really willing to invest more time meeting the steemians and present my discoveries by writing articles from another point of view than they would present themselves!So, about this, I would be really happy if you and your artist group would accept to be my first trial on this idea! :)

Thanks for the reply @wolfgang! A lot of people I am meeting in Austria are speaking few words of French, so I made the effort for those who are enjoying to train their languages skills :-D Hope to see you around at the next meetup! :)

Toller Bericht ... ja, es war wirklich so schön wie auf den Bildern!

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