#9: die Gedankenwelt einer Yogini/ the world of thoughts of an yogini (DE/EN)

in #steemit-austria7 years ago


(all pics are done by MeMyself&I and my iPhone 📲)

The yoga tradition describes five movements or functions of prana known as the vayus (literally “winds”) prana vayu (not to be confused with the undivided master prana), apana vayu, samana vayu, udana vayu, and vyana vayu. These five vayus govern different areas of the body and different physical and subtle activities. When they’re functioning harmoniously, they assure the health and vitality of the body and mind, allowing us to enjoy our unique talents and live life with meaning and purpose.


Granthi is a Sanskrit term meaning "doubt" or "knot;" more specifically, it denotes "a difficult knot to untie." The term is found in yogic literature and refers to knotted areas of energy, which can block the flow of prana in the body. In Kundalini yoga, it is said that granthis can be responsible for preventing prana from rising up through sushumna nadi (the central channel of the energetic body). As such, these knots prevent one's full potential from being unleashed and restricts spiritual development. They are barriers to freedom and spiritual liberation (moksha).

It is said that these difficult knots are what keep an individual entangled in their preferences, desires and fears. Both knowledge and action are needed to work out the knots and transcend their restrictions.


Bandha means to lock, close-off, to stop. In the practice of a Bandha, the energy flow to a particular area of the body is blocked. When the Bandha is released, this causes the energy to flood more strongly through the body with an increased pressure.

There are four types of Bandhas:

Mula Bandha - Anal Lock

Uddiyana Bandha - Lifting of the Diaphragm

Jalandhara Bandha - Chin Lock

Maha Bandha - Practice of all three Bandhas at the same time.

Generally, the breath is held during practice of the Bandhas. Mula Bandha and Jalandhara Bandha can be performed after the inhalation as well as after the exhalation. Uddiyana Bandha and Maha Bandha are only performed after the exhalation.


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Aah, der Seelenwagen, die siebente Karte der großen Arkana. Das hier ist meine Lieblingsserie von dir. Interessant das du auch von 10 Toren schreibst, die Shanmukhi Mudra versiegelt sieben, Vajroli/Sahajoli und Ashwini Mudra versiegeln Tor Nummer acht und neun. Klär mich auf, versiegelt Sahajoli zwei Tore oder gibt es noch eine misteriöse, mir nicht bekannte Mudra?

i am an artist my dear...ich brauchs visuell....zeichne mir bitte auf was du meinst :-*

Das erspare ich uns beiden dann doch lieber :) Ich denke den Verschluß des zehnten Tores übernimmt Mula Bandha, der ja bei Männern perinal und bei Frauen vaginal erfolgt. Analverschluß ist mir als Ashwini Mudra bekannt, aber es gibt ja viele Interpretationen und Schulen. Und Vajroli/Sahajoli verschließt die Harnröhre. Shanmuki verschließt die Öffnungen des Kopfes mit den Fingern.

I never thought, that there are in yoga so much wisdom, so maybe I did not start to deal with it))))

;-) feel free to pactice a style of yoga which is good for your lifemoment at the moment... ;-)

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