I've Been Hacked-- Somebody Please Give Feedback on How to recover funds

in #steemhelp6 years ago (edited)

I'm going to keep this short because I have to be at work soon, but I was recently phished into a scam here on steemit. It was my own dumbass fault, but I need your help because I do not know where to go from here.

I recovered my account and obtained a new private key, but the scammer still seems to have my SP 'delegated' and I don't know how to go about recovering my vested SP, if there even is a way....

I'm not entirely sure, but I think my master key was the key that was compromised.

Does anyone know what I can do in order to try to 'undelegate' the SP that the scammer has seemed to have taken from me??

Please send any feedback that may help me in doing so, I will be fortunate for any advice that may help recover this hard earned SP.

Thank you so much


Hey @conradsuperb, saw your comment about this and I'm sorry that it happened to you. Gotta be extra careful with the links you click with all these phishing scams running around these days. I usually bookmark all the sites I regularly use.

To fix your problem you should undelegate the 700SP and make sure you change your master key (which it seems you've already done!) Hope this all works out for you, keep me posted buddy!

Hey man, wanted to give you a quick update. Everything seems to be back to normal here on my end. Big time learning experience for me here, that's for sure. Definitely going to be a lot more careful of what I do around here.... never think it will/could happen to you, then when it does.... it's not a good feeling, let me tell you.

I have been offline for awhile trying to focus on other things in life, but hope to be back in full swing of things here early next week or so.

Thanks for looking out, as always
-Respect my man

Good to see you're in control of your account. To undelegate all you need to do is re-delegate but with zero shares. Here is a link for it: https://v2.steemconnect.com/sign/delegateVestingShares?delegator=conradsuperb&delegatee=copyit&vesting_shares=000000.000000%20VESTS

@conradsuperb , Please see this Link that provided by @guiltyparties

hey @guiltyparties I wanted to reach out and thank you again for helping me out. I actually just did a post on my experience and thanked those that gave/showed me support during this time, so without further ado, here it is:


Appreciate it man, see you around
Respect from @conradsuperb


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