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RE: [STEEMGIG] Riddle Me This: Where are Vests Born? And, When do Vests become Valuable to the Community?

in #steemgigs7 years ago (edited)

This is very good news. Now for the bad news. I forgot today is Friday and I spend most of Friday getting ready for Shabbat (Sabbath). And then Sunday we've made plans with friends, and @mitchmiester sort of kind of has Monday and Tuesday off. So sort of kind of we're celebrating our 18th wedding anniversary. (He's on call before a software roll-out which technically means I'll probably have time for reading.)

And. I'm going to try to go ahead and transfer the $4SBD today. Small confession. I've never done this sort of thing before. It always sounds straightforward and easy. We'll see how this goes.

I've been mulling over where to go from here. First off, we still don't know how vests are born. If they aren't born until Steem Power is handed over ... then why are they clearly listed in as reward vests and implied as "funding shares"(see first two lines below) ...

182,281,238.881 STEEM
376,414,685,484.165108 VESTS
258,704,509.051197 VESTS
125,092.275 STEEM

Basically, are we looking at a chicken and egg thing here? Does STEEM come first, then assigned a vest value, and then the vests become the rshare, and then the rshares are used to track the true, non-fluctuating value of an upvote ... and then based on the total rshares, are SP and SBD calculated? ... I think I just felt more brain cells fry

Plus I have to dig around in my history and find that set of articles that mentioned the rshare word. hopefully they're there. I lost track when my cell phone died ... we're not talking about how many signs and signals I ignored before it died. At least it loves recharges. Anyway. I'm fairly certain that's something for today's list. I'll post links.

AND then I want to go back and look at the basically triple jeopardy that was set up around the upvoting system in the white pages lol paper. They were doing their best to not favor the very people everyone is so freaked out about favoring. So I dunno.

What about this has gotten your imagination and curiosity piqued?


Well, the transfer worked. Thank you very much.

Well, from what I thought I understood, was that the system just generated STEEM into the pool at an ongoing rate. Since I couldn't figure out how to be a miner to create the STEEM, then I had to assume that there is only 1 real miner and that is the system. I'm going to start another tread.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 58635.35
ETH 3152.96
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.44