My steemgig: Sound Engineering | Software Development

in #steemgig7 years ago


Steemit is quite a new platform to me, I only joined in April 2017. Up until now most of my posts have been about fractal art and my ongoing game development project, however I'm actually a sound engineer by trade and would like to offer my skills to the steemit community.

I predominantly work as a sound engineer for live events

sometimes I operate lighting too. Mostly this entails working with rock bands but I've done stuff from all corners of the events spectrum, ranging from theatre shows through corporate events and product launches and into the realm of music festivals.

I'd like to do more audio production

I've been trained in audio production but haven't done much of it in a professional capacity, and haven't got rights to post the little bit that I have done. I'm particularly interested in noise reduction and audio recovery but podcasting and sound design are also things I'd like to get into.

Reaper is my software of choice for audio production ( but I'm a certified Pro Tools user as well, and changing between software packages is not an issue for me.

Programming also falls within my skillset.

As a student of computer science I'm familiar with several programming languages, predominantly C/C++, C#, and Java. My ideal gig would contain a mixture of audio and programming.

I'd like to offer to do a few projects for free

in order to build up a bit more of a showreel, and I'd be especially keen to participate in projects that promote steemit or other blockchain based technologies.


love it!

Thank you alot. We will recall this and find you steemians in need. Please see our vision and do join our discord server.

On the side, have you looked at the steem code yet, can you work with that yet? There is so much demand for devs on steemit!

I haven't done much with the steem code yet, but I'm on a mission to get to grips with it as soon as possible!
Will definitely join your discord server.

I hope you'll be successful in your plan bro !

wow, Im also a producer by profession, though leaning a bit more towards the mixing and mastering arena. Im an ableton user, but I got protools a bit back and Ive been using it to mix for a while now. Its always nice to meet musically incline people here, but like the nature of the work, production/sound engineering is a bit undervalued on steemit. I doubt if even Yoad Nevo or Quincy Jones could bring some respect to us here on steemit. . . . . .lol.

More success, Im following you now.

Hehehe, yeah it seems a bit undervalued in general really, everyone with a laptop is a 'producer' these days...

Thanks for the follow! I followed you back :)

O damn, the way you say it, you make it sound like it's a had thing. True though, except many wannabes don't really get past their first year b4 jumping ship because its hardwork. . . .

The main problem I'm having is that certification doesn't come cheap, and its wholly unavailable where I reside. . . I do follow great footsteps though . . . looking forward to hearing more mixes from you.

I think its a beautiful thing that anyone with a laptop has a way to get into music production, and actually some really great production can be done with nothing more than a laptop and a pair of headphones. Its just frustrating trying to earn a living in production when Joe Bloggs down the road will record your album in his cupboard for a can of beer...People aren't willing to pay for time in a good studio or to pay a good engineer to mix the music when there's a cheap option available.
The skill involved is, as you say, a bit undervalued. That's why I've been focusing most of my energy on live sound up until now.

As for the certification, I personally don't think it means anything. If you have a good ear and know what you're doing, you shouldn't need a piece of paper to prove it :)

Sound engineer and programmer doesn't sound bad at all! Can see that you're into making lots of animations and fractals, followed :) Are you making music too? If yes, I'd love to hear some of your best. I'm coding in C++ to, it's a really interesting language don't you think? :)

The fractals etc are just for fun.
I am making music as well but have been really busy with other projects lately so I haven't been working much on the music. Also haven't been posting my music because I want to prepare my live set completely before I do any releases.

C++ is a great language, I totally agree!

Maybe that's what makes your fractals so nice, it's because they're for fun :)

I know how it is to be busy :) Looking forward to listening to your music set!

Yeah, I actually managed to create some very interesting animations with C++ in quite a short time. I'm still a beginner coder, and was really impressed of how many things you can put this language for use :)

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