Steem Flag Rewards Report - 8 Flagger Post - 2019-11-01 13:36

This post triggers once we have approved flags from 8 distinct flaggers via the SteemFlagRewards Abuse Fighting Community on our Discord

Flaggers have been designated as post beneficiaries. Our goal is to empower abuse fighting Steemians and promote a Steem that is less-friendly to abuse. It is simple. Building abuse fighters equals less abuse.

Would you like to delegate to the Steem Flag Rewards project and promote decentralized moderation? Here are some handy delegation links!

50 SP 100 SP 500 SP 1000 SP

The following witnesses are providing significant delegations to support the SFR mission. Please consider giving them your vote for witness. Steemconnect links included for convenience.

The following witnesses have shown considerable support and dedication against abuse. Please consider giving them your vote for witness. Steemconnect links included for convenience.

The following have shown considerable support and / or dedication to the cause and deserve a mention. Check out their blogs if you have the opportunity!
@imacryptorick, @mids106, @crokkon, @freebornangel, @slobberchops, @steevc, @underground

Flaggable Posts

LinkRewards RemainingCategory
Comment0.08 SBDbid bot misuse
Comment0.004 SBDbid bot misuse
Comment0.091 SBDbid bot misuse
Comment0.01 SBDspam
Comment0.01 SBDspam
Comment0.161 SBDbid bot misuse
Comment3.527 SBDbid bot misuse
Comment0.656 SBDbid bot misuse
Comment0.54 SBDbid bot misuse, tag abuse
Comment0.288 SBDbid bot misuse
Comment0.096 SBDscam
Comment0.175 SBDspam
Comment0.237 SBDbid bot misuse
Comment0.048 SBDbid bot misuse

Comment@jaguar.forcevote farming
Comment@adamadabid bot abuse
Comment@adamadabid bot abuse
Comment@adamadabid bot abuse
Comment@adamadabid bot abuse, collusive voting
Comment@jaguar.forcebid bot abuse, collusive voting
Comment@adamadabid bot abuse, collusive voting
Comment@jaguar.forcebid bot abuse, collusive voting
Comment@adamadabid bot abuse, collusive voting
Comment@jaguar.forcebid bot abuse, collusive voting
Comment@adamadabid bot abuse
Comment@adamadabid bot abuse, collusive voting
Comment@jaguar.forcebid bot abuse, collusive voting
Comment@jaguar.forcebid bot abuse
Comment@katharsisdrillbid bot abuse
Comment@adamadabid bot abuse
Comment@adamadabid bot abuse, copy/paste
Comment@adamadabid bot abuse, spam
Comment@revisesociologybid bot abuse
Comment@revisesociologybid bot abuse
Comment@revisesociologybid bot abuse
Comment@revisesociologybid bot abuse
Comment@revisesociologybid bot abuse
Comment@adamadavote farming
Comment@revisesociologybid bot abuse
Comment@jaguar.forcebid bot abuse
Comment@katharsisdrillbid bot abuse
Comment@revisesociologybid bot abuse
Comment@katharsisdrillbid bot abuse
Comment@adamadabid bot abuse
Comment@katharsisdrillbid bot abuse
Comment@katharsisdrillbid bot abuse
Comment@revisesociologybid bot abuse
Comment@adamadabid bot abuse, spam
Comment@katharsisdrillbid bot abuse, plagiarism
Comment@revisesociologybid bot abuse, plagiarism
Comment@revisesociologybid bot abuse
Comment@adamadabid bot abuse, plagiarism
Comment@katharsisdrillbid bot abuse
Comment@revisesociologybid bot abuse
Comment@katharsisdrillbid bot abuse
Comment@revisesociologybid bot abuse
Comment@revisesociologybid bot abuse
Comment@adamadabid bot abuse
Comment@jaguar.forcebid bot abuse
Comment@adamadabid bot abuse
Comment@adamadabid bot abuse
Comment@adamadabid bot abuse
Comment@jaguar.forcebid bot abuse
Comment@revisesociologybid bot abuse
Comment@adamadabid bot abuse
Comment@jaguar.forcecopy/paste, spam, vote farming
Comment@jaguar.forcespam, vote farming
Comment@jaguar.forcecopy/paste, spam, vote farming
Comment@jaguar.forcecopy/paste, spam, vote farming
Comment@katharsisdrillbid bot abuse
Comment@revisesociologybid bot abuse
Comment@revisesociologybid bot abuse
Comment@katharsisdrillbid bot abuse
Comment@katharsisdrillbid bot abuse
Comment@katharsisdrillbid bot abuse
Comment@revisesociologyspam, vote farming
Comment@adamadaspam, vote farming
Comment@revisesociologybid bot abuse
Comment@adamadaspam, vote farming
Comment@adamadabid bot abuse
Comment@adamadaspam, vote farming
Comment@revisesociologyspam, vote farming
Comment@revisesociologyspam, vote farming
Comment@adamadabid bot abuse
Comment@katharsisdrillbid bot misuse
Comment@adamadaspam, vote farming
Comment@revisesociologyvote farming
Comment@katharsisdrillbid bot abuse
Comment@adamadabid bot abuse
Comment@revisesociologyvote farming
Comment@revisesociologyvote farming
Comment@revisesociologybid bot abuse
Comment@adamadabid bot abuse
Comment@jaguar.forcebid bot abuse
Comment@adamadabid bot abuse
Comment@jaguar.forcebid bot abuse
Comment@adamadabid bot abuse
Comment@jaguar.forcebid bot abuse
Comment@adamadabid bot abuse
Comment@jaguar.forcebid bot abuse
Comment@jaguar.forcebid bot abuse
Comment@revisesociologyvote farming
Comment@adamadabid bot abuse
Comment@jaguar.forcebid bot abuse
Comment@adamadabid bot abuse
Comment@jaguar.forcebid bot abuse
Comment@adamadabid bot abuse
Comment@jaguar.forcebid bot abuse
Comment@katharsisdrillbid bot abuse
Comment@adamadabid bot abuse
Comment@jaguar.forcebid bot abuse
Comment@adamadabid bot abuse
Comment@jaguar.forcebid bot abuse
Comment@katharsisdrillbid bot misuse
Comment@katharsisdrillbid bot abuse
Comment@katharsisdrillbid bot misuse


Mission Failed!

Reward removal at: 49.6 %

SFR Leaderboard

FlaggerSBD AmountRankImage
imacryptorick820.532 SBDF10 1 Quad
themarkymark406.43 SBDF10 1 Quad
gtg187.041 SBDF9 100 Tril
slobberchops152.776 SBDF9 100 Tril
gamblingman108.252 SBDF9 100 Tril
mids106105.698 SBDF9 100 Tril
eonwarped69.373 SBDF9 100 Tril
pjau54.261 SBDF9 100 Tril
jacobtothe52.159 SBDF9 100 Tril
joshman49.93 SBDF9 100 Tril
ipromote49.298 SBDF9 100 Tril
mrkebab46.317 SBDF9 100 Tril
anthonyadavisii33.956 SBDF9 100 Tril
lebin33.953 SBDF9 100 Tril
steevc32.364 SBDF8 10 Tril
kabir8828.076 SBDF8 10 Tril
jlsplatts28.064 SBDF8 10 Tril
enforcer4827.401 SBDF8 10 Tril
kalif27.011 SBDF8 10 Tril
rollingbones23.988 SBDF8 10 Tril

If you feel you've been wrongly flagged, check out @freezepeach, the flag abuse neutralizer. See the intro post for more details, or join the discord server.

Please take me off the spaminator and mack-bot hit list.

Not our problem.

Do you know who runs those? I thought you guys on the censorship team were all tied together. I've been trying to contact them and get off but to no avail. I even contacted @Patrice who created mack-bot.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62795.57
ETH 2581.60
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.74