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RE: Idea: #steemfirstpublishing cirle.

I'm in, since this is basically the path I'm planning on taking with the work I've posted on here. My sense is that having even a hundred dedicated readers to a book at the outset, especially for an unknown author, is a better marketing method than trying to go with a professional mode of publishing.

Really, independent publishing on Kobo/Smashwords/Kindle isn't any different from normal publishing. You need a solid cover, a strong blurb, a target audience, professional quality editing, passable writing, and a fan base of some sort. Most books are sold by word of mouth or by name recognition, and if you're pushing the first book under an author's name, that means you need to go with fan base.

But, all of these things are now achievable! Editing software like prowritingaid can clean up your writing style to a phenomenal degree, there are plenty of highly skilled graphic designers for all kinds of book covers, layout for an ebook is more simple than a basic webpage, and layout for a print book is literally just an extra week of work once you understand how the design software works (hint: it's stupid easy).

Now, the way I'm publishing my Kor book, at least this first one, is first on instagram, and then collating all the pieces at the end of the week on here. Hope that doesn't put me out of the tag's scope!


Haven't successfully done POD yet myself. I want to go for pocketbook format with IngramSpark, and I'm trying to learn Scribus, but I'm still confused about the whole page count to inner margins thing. Don't want to fork out €300 for a year of InDesign just yet, as of all of the indie authors I know who have done POD, none (including a close friend who sold over 50k copies of his ebooks) sold more than a few dozen printed copies, not even enough to break even on the InDesign subscription.
So for now, I need to try and figure stuff out with Scribus and the confusion about pagecount->inner margins that has currently gotten me confused.

As for ebooks, the channels I'm currently using are:

  • Google Play
  • Kobo
  • Smashwords (pushes to iBooks, B&N and others)
  • Amazon

Not doing so well on Amazon, but if you need tips on the other three, let me know.

If you have any tips regarding my Scribus/IngramSpark/pocketbook POD struggles, all help is welcome.

Not super familiar with Scribus, but with indesign it's a matter of starting your first page on the left hand side or right hand side, then having your master pages set appropriately on a double page layout. I found a novel template for scribus with a quick google, and the PDF they produced looks like it would be fine on a print job, with correctly alternating bindside bleeds. Maybe download it and borrow their parameters for the parts you need?

And, totally agree, I think a physical book is much better for something like rewards or marketing.

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