
haha i am sorry :D i tend to think everyones a guy on the internet lol.. thank you for your support!!

No problem! Us girls are tech nuts too! Seriously though, your stuff is good and Carnage sounds amazing as well. Good luck!

shannon thank you so much i followed you too

thanks for the support it really means a lot

This is what steemit is all about...uplifting others! You are so welcome

isn't it such a relief from facebook or other social media to finally be somewhere the people actually care? i know for me its a breath of fresh air! lol

Hey if you don't mind could you vote for me as a witness? @ , the job of the witnesses her on steemit is to help process the steem blockchain, pretty much the people who keep steem going are the witnesses. Either way, thanks!

I completely agree! I deleted all other social media last week. It gets really tiring to listen to negatives all day! I have been waiting to witness someone but I don't know how to do it so I will hit up the whitepapers and learn and for sure, I will do that for you. I am a mom, an artist, a wife and I can't dance but I sure love old skool hip hop!

the only reason i kept facebook is because i still run a business through it, otherwise i totally would get rid of it too lol.

Definitely check out the whitepaper, im glad to have so many intelligent people aboard this community...and more hip hop fans is amazing! building the hip hop community here will be fun,

Hip hop will be revived and in a new light! It is so exciting to see all of the talent...artists of all genres are converging on Steemit and the sense of community is second to none. I just checked out the witness process and it's complex but I will ask a few of the seasoned players how to do it properly @stellabelle @papa-pepper @steemithelp Can any of you help me to witness @rondonson? Thanks in advance

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