Virtualgrowth Steemfest² Appearences

in #steemfest7 years ago

Some mentions of virtualgrowth at Steemfest from layovers while flying back

Great meeting so many people at Steemfest! Thought I would take the time to share something between airline flights through Europe. Fun meeting @lifemovedbysteem and @connecteconomy who had said, "I know that @virtualgrowth likes the number 108 (me, too) and pretty much any other number that exists in the universe. And he likes to fill his notebook with them. But he likes people just as much as numbers and seems to be a genuine, kind human being." Will share a picture of my notebook when I find one that sometime shared to make it more fun so they are picking the page to show instead of me.

"Big Shout out to @VirtualGrowth on Steemit. Maximus got his first silver coin, I love it." ~ @anahilarski

Great to see and here that Maximus got his first silver coin in part because of me! Brought some of these silver STEEM rounds to share with people that would appreciate them and great to see such a young member of our STEEM community have one! Thank you to @anahilarski and @hilarski for lunch, cab rides together, great fun and conversation, and more!

¿Cual sera el precio de Steem durante los próximos meses? by @anahilarski

Some other people got a silver STEEM round too!

"Got one of these beauties from @virtualgrowth, one of the very first folks I met on Steemit over a year ago on @neilstrauss's Steemit Book Club calls." ~ @dougkarr You may find some form of "Proof of Concept" of me with a silver STEEM round with a certificate for @dougkarralong with my #steemfest name badge. Was great to finally meet after having found each other in the Steemit Book Club reading together. Look forward to the Hardfork he is working on.

Epic Adventures in Lisbon @ SteemFest² by @dougkarr

More to follow after I find my way back across the ocean and get some sleep!

Best, @virtualgrowth


hi bearded steemian. I'm going to make a EOS trinket myself ;)

Aweee, It was great meeting you @virtualgrowth, we really enjoy your company. Hope to see you next year ;)

Thank you very much @anahilarski. Great meeting you as well. :)

It was great hanging out with you Brotha! Thank you for help make SteemFest amazing. The coins are gorgeous!

Great meeting and hanging out with you too! Most welcome!

100% upvote 14 cents! that silver is beautiful! i wanna have more steem silver rounds made and sel them on @paywithsteem and ill talk to @btcvenom about it !

I know @neoxian will want one of these for sure!

@ackza to me plzz. hahahah
let me follow you

we have to make these coins! i will make more and i want EOS coins too

I already have 60 of those.

holy shit did you have them made custom or what??? Those will be a super collectors item! I want some that have RFID dust embeded which you an scan to get a private key OR just an encoded private key engraved with some encryption so u type that code into a codec and get the private key using a simple BIP32 password ... so itd be risky but having a steem walet with like 10 steem or as much as on ounce of silver would be great!

But i honestly see silver stagnating and BARELy goingup and just being mroe for fun! I used to colect it and had the pandas the philharmonci si had rolls anrolls of american silver eagles, i sold em all for heroine but eh they would have been worse L:ESS than where i boughtthem for $20 each so HONESTLY i actualy mad emoney doing that hahahha all my godl and islver if i HADNT had dolds it woudl ajust depreciated and it reallys ucks, i remmebr in 2009 buying silver at like $50 and its STill $10 so yeah i just dont think its as simple as keeping silver prices down etc i just think theers too much supply too litteld emand and now with cryptro we REALy dont need godl and silver but hey i coudl br wrong i coudl tiotally see silver going back up[ to $50 I GUESS but thats a longw ay to go from whre its been ...

i still love these coins

Have more so you guys let me know! members want them
@seablue i think wants 1

Will reach out to members there about them then.

thats a nice collectible they handed out!

Cool meet up with @anahilarski . it sounds like a life-changing event.

very nice.. hope to be there next year

Safe travels! Yes, post some pictures of your notebook! :)

Yeah, it was really cool to meet you in real life @virtualgrowth!

It was really great to meet so many steemians there! @anahilarski and @hilarski are a wonderful couple! ^_^

Heey!! it was nice to meet you at the steemfest.. hope to see you the next year.. meanwhile see you here on steemit.

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