Lisbon, Steemfest² recap ... THE AFTERMATH (the bad, the good, the outcome)

in #steemfest7 years ago

So much was written about and around Steemfest, hard to add anything to what you've probably already read...


Day 1

With my friend @schererf and @bellastella I arrived quite late to the opening drinks. Seeing so many faces we knew from Steemfest in Amsterdam was uplifting and boosting. Seeing so many new ones was just great, too. No camera, no pics but the best story of the evening:

@surfermarly was explaining to a gathered group, how to take "the first step" in surfing. Pushing each of the listeners lightly, to find out which of their feet is the leading foot. @basilmarples , without even knowing what marly was doing entered the line and when pushed let himself fall to the floor like a log hit by lighning.
The faces ... GOSH the faces... a mix of disbelief, confusion, horror turning into amusement, laughter, fun rage. This was just PRICELESS. I wish someone would have taken that on camera. And this is my best memory of the first day.
The critical voice: The bar closed down at midnight and we had drunken ALL the beer around 11 PM. Probably that saved the next day, but still...


Day 2 + Day 3

What a ride between interesting talks, discussions, food, discussions again and finally getting drunk with more talk, dancing and pool... I won't talk much here and instead let some images do the job. Most has been said already and most has been shared with live streams and long posts anyway.

USA talking to Russia ;-)


The less fun about these days was people more than last year behaved like blowfishs around more powerful steemians. At least that was my impression. Puffin up and showing their best feathers as soon as an influencer approached. This disturbed me a little bit, but probably this is only normal human behaviour.

"The secret spot", yet another perfect location found by Roeland...

After talking to some of the devs and other people with interesting projects, I am much more positive than I was during the difficult time just before Steemfest². I see (again) the possibilities more clearly and now I am sure that steem and the platforms around are a thing for and by people.

If you want to change something:

Do it! Connect! Work hard! Talk about it, write about it.

One of my personal highlights was meeting Jeff Berwick @dollarvigilante and telling him a big thank you for bringing me to Steemit. (And also pitching my own project, I hope he doesn't mind and I also hope, he remembers ... more about the project in another post, soon)


Day 4

Workshop day at the LX-Factory. So much to see, so many great motives... just a glimpse here:

Jesus has some work to do...

to seeeverywhere

Is that your doing @opheliafu ?

We ended the day with a real life Beersaturday. I am not sure, but I think to remember that we came back around 5 in the morning... do I have to tell more?


the last pic before everything turned "blurry"

Day 5

A tour around Lisbon. After so much talk and beer, I had really to get into recreational mode for a while and decided to have a tour with @bellastella and @schererf before joining the Closing Dinner.


Castello ViewSunset (no hangover edition)
The insidemore of that

The closing Dinner itself in the Lisbon Green House was an Event of its own. Roeland at his best! More great talks, great food, great surroundings and more beer.



Happy peopleHappy talks
more of thatthe (sad) way home


It was great, wish I could have talked to more people, wished I did not have to choose so much between interesting stuff taking place at the same time. I am much more positive now.
We need some more critical voices without ostracizing them. We need more beer the next time ;-)
thx @roelandp


*all pics are mine, taken with LUMIX G70 / 12-60 mm

THX for reading! THX for being there! THX Steemit and Roeland for making this possible ... and finally THX for STEEM financing that great trip!



Thank you for posting

So lovely to see and hear about Steemfest.2 through your eyes and words.

Greetings to bellastella.....what a memory moment...her photograph with jeffberwick.....who brought you and many others including bleujay to Steemit.

Cheers. Salute'

Hehe... you should have joined, too. Would have been nice meeting you in person! Didn't know, you came here through Jeff.
Keep up the great curation work!

indeed, write talk about it, take action! good point!

Very good review pollux it sound like a pleasure experience. Regards

It was! THX

Welcome man :)

Great recap of the exciting Steemfest days...
I really like the shot of yourself at the snooker club :-)

haha... I wasn't sure anymore if it was you or @shortcut. But by your reaction it probably was you. THX for the great shot, It seems I am on way too few pics to really remember me being there... seems more like a dream somehow ;-)

Nicht schlecht Herr Specht! Ich dachte Du warst auf dem Steemfest? Klingt ja fast schon nach Oktoberfest ;-). Ich sehe es hat Dir Spaß gemacht.

Oh, ja ... wobei Steemfest ja traditionell im November ist. Man muss die Feste feiern wie sie fallen.

Haha, ja Steemfest ist das November-Fest! xD


Great travel you enjoyed

great idea,,,,,,,,
i liked
you are right decision.........//////

Really great impressions, thanks for sharing and see you next year again! 👍👊

Ein sehr schöner Überblick. Pin ich zu mir :-)

Das is nett! Vielen lieben Dank dafür!

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