My Last Hurrah To Get To Steemfest - Hail Mary to MrWang

in #steemfest8 years ago (edited)

This Is About How Good It Gets...

For Me At Least

A week or so ago, I managed to win a ticket from the amazing and awesome @richardcrill and his post Help Me I Help You Go To Steemit

Once I won the ticket... the planning, which was already in action turned on full force... How was I going to be able to afford this quest to Steemfest 2016 in Amsterdam.

  • $1,200 for a roundtrip ticket
  • $320 for a 3 night stay in Amsterdam
  • $500 - $1000 spending money
  • $110- $200 to get my passport

    I realized I'm going to need to pull at least

    $2500 out of my magical ass to insure I'm there for Steemfest.

    So I continued brainstorming, creating and planning.. up to this point, I still have yet to find a solution.

    Anybody That Can Offer A Piece Of Mind, Donation or Solution...

    I'm writing this post as the extended deadline of October 17 to book the "Steemit Room Special" draws near... anybody with ANY ideas or solutions can drop in some comments below or hit me up in . I'm very open to anybody who might be able to offer anything to help this super duper cool event happen for me or if it comes down to it... someone else, It kind of sucks if I have to part ways with the ticket as I very much feel I deserve to be at this event and with out a doubt in my heart want to meet All you Badasses of Steemit but of course my idealistic scenario isn't really anything close to the realistic thinking any other human being can understand.

    So I'm going to hold back from being a little

    and leave you with my final thought on steemit

    I hope everyone has a freaking hell of a time, whether or not I'm able to attend... Steemfest is looking like it's going to be one kickass weekend to remember. Please comment, reblog, share BUT if you want to see me there upvote the shit out of this and make sure you help get my ASSthere... consider this my last hurrah to attend. O yea, don't forget to spread the word...

    I've Got A Ticket, I've Got A Ticket... HEY HEY HEY HEY


    My son is battling an infection but has a message for everyone which can be found in the follow up post to this one Ethan and Goggles


We need you at SteemFest @MrWang , resteemed!

I couldn't be more happier just to hear you say that @opheliafu


@mrwang, where there is a will, there's a way. I feel you my friend, because I want to go so bad, that I can smell the coffee and skunk weed from here. Amsterdam will be a blast.

You ain't lying... Same here homie
Trying to make some magic happen forrealz

Thanks for the donation @runridefly I really appreciate it and will definitely do that if I make it there... Much appreciated. :)

@mrwang, I resteemed so maybe a few of my homies will throw some big fat juicy minnow upvotes your way. I know what you're feeling. Steem On Dude!

thanks for sharing homie.. appreciate the support

ME TOO.. @stephen-somers, ME TOO

I want to kick back with all my fellow steemers... learn more about the #anarchy or #anarchist movement with all my fellow steemians preaching the word of anarchy... toss around ideas and share stories with all my fellow artist. Film some epic and funny videos with all my fellow filmmakers

I want to go to steemfest

ME TOO, ME TOO! Im selling limited edition art in Peerhub to raise money to go to #STEEMFEST!!!! :-O

nice, good luck on the sales @robyneggs.. hopefully we all get to go and enjoy the weekend in Amsterdam. I hope you get to go

Upvoted, followed and resteemed. I too am dreaming of Amsterdam and all the great connections we will make throughout this community. The ever generous @richardcrill is giving away more mojo toward Steemfest and should I be a recipient of his generosity, I will be seeing you there, doing photography, henna, Tibetan Bowls, art with my fellow artists and perhaps a collaborative piece with @opheliafu. I may couch surf and enjoy any other blessings that come my way that make this trip possible. I hope to see you there @mrwang! We will both be blessed.

Good luck man! I'm in the same boat as you with the budgets.. haha! Fingers crossed for the days to come!

Good luck with your quest @mrwang! Upvoted!
Much easier for us europeans to get there, so I hope you'll be able to gather the funds.

hope so too homie.. let's hope

I really hope you can get there @mrwang! My costs are looking about the same, but I'm hoping to couchsurf to cut costs.
My latest post about the situation.

o yea? interesting lol.. but good luck to you too

yes indeed @juvyjabian but getting there would be even better :)

Yeah right, I'm sure its gonna be fun and exciting because were going to meet many of the high personalities of steemit.

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