Steemfest Recap Day 0: The worse the trip, the better the fest? How I made it to Steemfest

in #steemfest8 years ago (edited)

 I made it to Steemfest together with @lisadang , but even though from Hamburg, Germany to Amsterdam is a short trip, it certainly wasn't an easy one... 

Before taking off: 


So many things went wrong, not only did we almost miss our flight, but in the rush I left my laptop at the security check. Luckily I could call a friend who had dropped me off, who was able to get it from the security and he was EVEN allowed to go through the airport to the gate to hand me the laptop. We were already in the plane and it was about to take off. When my friend got to the gate (which was in the very back of the airport) it was already too late. The staircase from the plane to the airport was already removed and through the speakers we were told to fasten our seatbelt.  So now I don't have my laptop, including my presentation for Steemfest that I will hold in 2 hours, can it get any worse?   Well... we also took forever to get to the location, I lost my ID (luckily took my passport with me), had to throw out my liquid makeup and hair products because I forgot that my suitcase will be counted as a handbag and some other things that happened in a domino effect.  As you can probably guess I was STRESSED OUT! Everything that could've possibly went wrong did, but even though I did not quite relax on the 45 min plane ride, I was even happier and glad when we made it to Volkshotel.  I remembered a quote from my presentation that reads "Everything is figureoutable" and just with that quick reminder I felt a relief and knew I will find a way to figure it out (hopefully).  



Now I'm  really done with wining and literally the second we entered Volkshotel and saw the lobby full of Steemians all the stress was gone and we had an amazing first night. I can't even list the many people I've talked to and how awesome it is to finally have faces to usernames now.   It's still weird to me, but fun that I am recognized as and called "mrs.steemit".  After a fun first night, we had an amazing Day 1. (The recap will follow). All you need to know is that Steemfest IS a success and the atmosphere of amazing, talented, creative and intelligent people is truly incredible. I managed to somehow redo the entire presentation last night until 4 AM, but like I said in the beginning "Evereything is figureoutable" right? Btw this is my first time in Amsterdam and it is soooo beautiful! Just take a look: 

That was pretty much it for Day 0. We got some good rest and ready for an incredible event, DAY 1 of Steemfest!!! The Recap of Day 1 will follow later today, and I caught some pretty amazing impressions. I am having the best time and currently sitting in bed at Volkshotel writing this post and right after get downstairs, to get some pancakes, get ready for my presentation which I'm holding at 3 PM, walk around Amsterdam and connect with more Steemians. I hope you enjoyed this first insight, as promised I am documenting the days here and will continue to giphy blog, so anyone who couldn't make it, feels like they are and know everything important that's going on. I won't go further into detail with this post, but on my Steemfest Recap Day 1, it's going to get interesting. 

Much love & appreciation as always,

- Mrs.Steemit 


Toller Bericht.
Ich wuensche dir noch ganz viel Erfolg, Spass und gutes Vernetzen.

Vielen Dank! :)

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sounds like you had a crazy start. glad you got it worked out.

hope to meet you at future events!

Followed you, that was quite the adventure, for sure. I am glad you got there, had a good time and posted this for us who could not make it. RS this post for you too!!! (Y)

Thank you! I appreciate the support :)

A very nice speach was given by @mrs.steemit during the steemfest.

Nice to meet you in person I am following you! See you an steemfest2 :)

Thank you very much, that means a lot to me I'm glad you liked it:)

That "figureoutable" word completely made the day for me yesterday. :-D
Also was really nice talking to you afterwards. 8)

That's awesome! And yes we had a good talk :)

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