If you like it, DO it!

in #steemfest7 years ago (edited)

I never thought I was any good at drawing (Still not convinced...)

When I was in the third year at 'big school' - secondary school, the place where all my motivation and any confidence I did have was eroded and squashed - I was told, 'Michelle, you can't...' so many times that I actually began to believe it and once that process has started, you can kiss your hopes and dreams goodbye for a while at least.

I was fortunate that I met Trev while I was at school and though it was a little too late to prevent all the damage to my fragile psyche, it proved to be not too late to undo at least some of that damage - although it has taken decades.

@opheliafu has helped a lot too - probably more than she realises.

When in the third year at school, we had to think about our 'Options' - what exams we were going to study for over the next two years for qualifications we'd need for careers and jobs and further education.

Just after I left school

Well that was all new to me. I had no idea what I wanted to do when I 'grew up' - there's still time to decide because I've still not 'grown up' and I have no intentions of doing so, so there!

I 'Opted' for:

English Literature, English Language, Maths, Physics, History, Geography - all at the higher level - 'O' Level exam and Cookery and Typing at the lower 'CSE' Exam level. The reason I opted for CSE in those two subjects was because it wasn't an option to do them at 'O' Level.

Prior to all that, our 3rd year exams went quite well... except Art.

I was not allowed to take English Lit or Lang or Maths at 'O'Level, even though they were (are) my best subjects.

"Michelle, you can't do that..."

I dropped EVERYTHING down to 'CSE' level and left school a couple of months early because I hated school. I hated being told, "Michelle, you can't..." because I know there's always a "Michelle, you can!"

On Sunday, in Evora, around 2 hours drive from Lisbon, I told Trev a story from those 3rd year days at school.

"I don't know why you think you can't draw," he said.

"Because I can't..."

"You can," he said. "I've seen your drawings."

"Trev," I said, in earnest. "I have it on good authority that I cannot actually draw. I came equal 35th in class. The Art teacher didn't even give me the benefit of any doubt and make it equal 34th. There were 35 in the class and I came equal last. Dead last. I got 5%. Five-per-cent. I think I got that because I spelled my name right and the other guy didn't show up."

Seriously. My Art teacher's advice was:

"Michelle, don't take Art."

My reply went along the lines of: "Don't worry... not gonna."

A little while later... 38 years since he gave me the benefit of that wisdom, I've decided to have another go.

And I make cards...

And boxes...

But the drawings I've done lately are the most fun I've had in a while.

@opheliafu started a Doodle challenge and I picked up my pens and threw my self-doubt to the winds and I had a go.

I didn't mind that my drawings are not as good as anyone else's. For the first time, my drawings didn't have to be perfect because they were FUN!

Cat, Balloon, Mouse

I drew this.

Fairy, Accident, Banana,

Owl, Moon, Flying

Pumpkin, Giant, Party

I still have to reveal my next drawing for the challenge, so it's something to look forward to.

On Sunday, while having a coffee in a little courtyard cafe, I took a couple of pictures and I did two drawings. They're not great and they're certainly not exact, but I like them.





I took a picture of this little guy and drew it this afternoon.



When someone says "No you can't..."

You have three words that can break that jinx.

Just Watch Me!


It is sad that when we were young, school was probably the most damaging to our self esteem. I could never read, write or spell when I left high school (Queensland Australia) so I endeavored to re-teach myself. I am now almost 50 and I have done stage & Film acting, musicals and am now writing short stories and a couple of books. My wife 16yrs is almost 60 and she is illiterate but growing through my love and support(also after two previous abusive husbands). She too has lived her dreams of singing and acting and also wants to write and paint, I encourage her everyday. FYI: My name is also Trevor and my wife..... is Michelle, lol.

That's a coincidence!

I have to admit, school was damaging to my self-esteem, but so was living with my family...

Sometimes, you just can't get away from it... fortunately, I managed :)

Nice work. It's great to have a creative outlet of some sort.

@michelle.gent. I wish your teacher could still the stuff you are made and encourage you. But all the same you have proof all doubter wrong that you have stuff in you.
Like to say this, you draw very well and it does not have look good to everybody. as long as you fine with it then it ok.
You have done it again because this post has inspired a post from me and i will mentioned your name in it. thank you.

Always your fan @optimistdehinde.

Thank you. It wasn't even that teacher that did most of the destruction... I was never interested in art to be fair.

The majority of the damage was done by teachers who wouldn't support me enough to allow me to do my best subjects at the higher level - Maths and English - and then my parents who wouldn't press for the opportunity to take the exams at the higher level.

A lovely post.

It is truly unfortunate that the place where children are sent to learn is the place which ends up breaking them.

Whether your art is perfect or not is secondary, the fact that you are having fun doing it is far more important.

Your drawings are pretty decent, though this is coming from a guy who flunked art class when in school :D

Cheers for 'Just Watch Me!'

Haha! Yes, I learned the 'Just Watch Me' just in time ;)

School didn't break me... neither did the beating(s) I took.


Wow!Nice photo!

I also Said that i do like this.

I have some paper and some water colors that need to be used.....soon. Thank you for your inspiring post @michelle.gent!

You're welcome! Enjoy your watercolours!

I am glad that you have taken up art again. I hate it when teachers tell you you can't do something. I too, have what my father called a stubborn streak. No matter how many times I was told I couldn't do something, I just said, Yes I can!

I only got that streak after I left school and had the benefit of having someone who believed I could do anything I put my mind to - Trev.

I have noticed that when I'm forced into doing something, if I have an audience that believes I can do it, I work harder to not let them down... bizarre as it seems :)

I understand that. Having an audience, helps drive us to do more so as not to disappoint...

This is a very cool selection of drawings- I'm liking your latest pieces very much. Are they with your fancy pens?

Thank you!

Yes, the watercolour pens are awesome... and the glittery ones make a difference too - not that I know what I'm talking about, I just like the sparkles :D

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