
@mammasitta!!! Wieso fehlst Du in meinem Artikel?? Ich habe Dich gerade hinzugefügt... Mea culpa 🙈

I just read your add on about me and I nearly blushed! We need to stay in touch much more and oh gee the next time I chat viel, viel mehr with you 🐬🐬🐬 du bist wirklich eine tolle und warmherzige Frau! Nice to meet you!

Likewise, likewise... 😘

Jaaaaaaaaaaa! :-) Me, too!!

Somehow I also feel that I didn’t have enough time to talk with everybody and get to know many more, as I wished to. I am not good in small nor fast talk and always need more time to get closer to People. I observed a lot more than I chatted away....your article helps to remember all the faces but didn’t connect. Hellooooooo to all of YOU!!
Danke schoen!

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