Steemfest3 - My experience and insights [EN] | Steemfest3 - A minha experiência e perspectiva [PT]

in #steemfest6 years ago (edited)

Since I came back I could sleep at least 7 hours per night and I could feel hungry again before meals.

I also emerged again in work, prepared and presented one poster during a 2-day conference organized by SPECO (The Portuguese Ecological Society).

But I also missed all the fun we had on STEEMFEST3!!

How can I resume with few words and photos one of the greatest events of 2018!?

I know there are a lot of SteemFest related posts so far, but I this is my point of view, good or not, it will be different of all others!

Desde que voltei consegui voltar a dormir pelo menos 7 horas por noite e voltei a sentir fome antes das refeições.

Também voltei a embrenhar-me no trabalho, preparei e apresentei um póster durante uma conferência de 2 dias organizada pela SPECO (Sociedade Portuguesa de Ecologia).

Mas também tive saudades do STEEMFEST3!!

Como posso resumir em poucas palavras e fotos um dos melhores eventos de 2018!?

Sei que já existem imensos posts sobre o SteefFest, mas este é o meu ponto de vista, que bom ou mau, será diferente de todos os outros!


I will place it day-by-day, sharing the highest moments/ experiences to keep it as short as possible!

06/11/2018 - Before SF3

After landing and checking-in at our studio in Kraków, we went for a walk to get some food. We went to the main square - Rynek Główny, one of the largest medieval town squares in Europe, to find a beautiful St. Mary's Basilica and market.

Vou colocar dia-a-dia, partilhando os melhores momentos/ experiências, o mais resumidamente possível!

06/11/2018 - Antes do SF3

Depois de aterrar e de fazer o check-in no estúdio em Cracóvia, saímos para uma volta e comer algo. Fomos à praça principal - Rynek Główny, uma das maiores praças medievais da Europa, e demos com a Basílica de Santa Maria e o mercado.


We found accidentally a restaurant with polish cuisine, and I ordered a nice piece of "pork knuckle". I was not scared by the amount of food and ate it all!!

Por sorte descobrimos um restaurante com cozinha polaca, e pedi um bom pedaço de porco. Não tive medo da quantidade de comida e comi tudo!!


07/11/2018 - Before and getting into SF3

During the morning we get to know part of Kraków city center using the SteemFest app tips and visited St. Mary's Basilica. After we grab a Zapiekanki....actually 2!!

07/11/2018 - Antes e começando o SF3

Durante a manhã fomos conhecer o centro de Cracóvia usando as dicas da aplicação do SteemFest e visitámos a Basílica de Santa Maria. Depois fomos comer uma Zapiekanki...quer dizer 2!!



At Qubus hotel, where the check-in on SteemFest and Opening Drinks were taking place we opened a bottle of portuguese red wine and shared it among some friends here.

No hotel Qubus, onde fizemos o check-in no SteemFest e decorreu o Opening Drinks abrimos uma garrafa de vinho tinto português e partilhámos com alguns amigos aqui.

Our goup toast with our new friends (photo by @lizanomadsoul)

We talked with a bunch of Steemians, and we were happy when returning from this event.| Falámos com uns quantos Steemianos, e estávamos felizes a regressar deste evento.

@rmach and me on Vistulas' bridge

08/11/2018 - First day of conferences on SF3

The venue was absolutely amazing, Stara Zajedznia it was totally "Let's fire it up"!! If you've seen photos of the venue with all that red light...I recommend you to see it on a regular day by clicking on the above link.

@roelandp opened the first conference day properly dressed in thematic pants and sweatshirt, then @ned was interviewed by @andrarchy, it was more a conversation, an inspiring one. The biggest news was about a new company named "Destiny", built on Steem blockchain, but he didn't explain it.

08/11/2018 - Primeiro dia de conferências no SF3

O local era absolutamente fantástico, Stara Zajedznia estava como o slogan "Let's fire it up"!! Se já viram fotos do local com as luzes vermelhas...agora sugiro que vejam o local num dia normal clicando no link acima.

O @roelandp abriu as hostes com um fato alusivo ao tema, de seguida o @ned foi entrevistado pelo @andrarchy, foi mais uma conversa, inspiradora. A maior novidade foi sobre a nova empresa chamada "Destiny" na blockchain do Steem, mas ele não explicou mais.




During the day we had presentations on the newest DApps here and after dinner we had a great Bear Bowling competition. I was part of "Tugas" team (bowler 26) and played with "Stokes Enterprises" (bowler 27) and "The M and A's" (bowler 28). It seems we missed another game...but we went to try Żywiec Sesyjne IPA, a polish beer :)

Durante o dia assistimos a apresentações sobre as mais recentes DApps aqui e depois do jantar, fomos à grandiosa Competição de Bowling do Urso. Fiz parte da equipa dos "Tugas" (equipa 26) e jogámos com a "Stokes Enterprises (equipa 27) e "The M and A's" (equipa 28). Parece que faltámos a outro jogo ... tinhamos ido experimentar a Żywiec Sesyjne IPA, uma cerveja polaca :)


09/11/2018 - Second day of conferences on SF3

This time we went to Ice Kraków Congress Center, and guess what!? SteemFest occupied the highest level :)

More presentations on DApps, some new projects like "", and we had a cup of coffee prepared by @ytrphoto. We had amazing food during the entire day, look to those mini pączki!!

08/11/2018 - Segundo dia de conferências no SF3

Desta vez fomos para o Ice Kraków Congress Center, e adivinhem lá!? O SteemFest ocupou o andar do topo :)

Mais apresentações sobre o DApps, alguns novos projetos como o "" e bebemos um café preparado artesanalmente pelo @ytrphoto. Houve comida fantástica durante todo o dia, vejam bem estes mini pączki (uma espécie de Bola de Berlim)!!


The day was full of surprises, @ytrphoto also offered us chocolate to go along with the coffee (he said it was a perfect combination, and I couldn't agree more). @detlev offered us a beer during is #BeerSaturday presentation, oh...the pączki and the group photo!!

O dia foi repleto de surpresas, o @ytrphoto também nos ofereceu chocolate para acompanhar o café (ele disse que era uma combinação perfeita, concordo totalmente). O @detlev ofereceu-nos cerveja durante a sua apresentação do #BeerSaturday, oh...o pączki e a foto de grupo!!


We finished the day at Klub 89 for a "Night of Steem". I loved to hear for the first time @edprivat, @greencross and also @katrina-ariel!!

Terminámos a noite no Klub 89 para a "Night of Steem". Adorei ouvir pela primeira vez o @edprivat, @greencross e também a @katrina-ariel!!


10/11/2018 - Free day

I could have opted for staying in Kraków for the river cruise, and visiting Art at SteemFest, but I couldn't miss the opportunity to visit Auschwitz.
It was not easy, I do not recommend it, but I think we have a duty not to let it be repeated.

10/11/2018 - Dia livre

Podia ter ficado em Cracóvia para aproveitar o passeio de barco no rio e visitar o Art at SteemFest, mas não quis perder a oportunidade de visitar Auschwitz.
Não foi fácil, não recomendo, mas acho que temos o dever de não deixar repetir.

DSC_8611 - Cópia-COLLAGE.jpg

When returning to Kraków we went to find a nice meal and prepare for the #BeerSaturday event. It was a blast, that deserves a proper post (one for food other(s) for beer(s)!)

Quando regressámos a Cracóvia, fomos comer uma boa refeição e preparar o evento #BeerSaturday. Foi espectacular, e merece um post próprio (um para a comida outro(s) para a(s) cerveja(s)!)


11/11/2018 - Salt Mine tour/ Closing dinner

During the morning we opted for sleep (sorry I missed @cleanplanet event). After grabbing another Zapiekanki we went to Wavel castle and to visit the so famous dragon! We went to the main square where people had celebrated the 100 anniversary of Poland's independence...that's why we could find so many Poland flags everywhere!

11/11/2018 - Visita à mina de sal/ Jantar de despedida

A manhã foi passada a dormir, (tenho pena de ter faltado ao evento do @cleanplanet). Depois de comer outro Zapiekanki, fomos ao castelo de Wavel e visitar o tão famoso dragão! Fomos à praça principal onde as pessoas comemoraram os 100 anos da independência da Polónia... é por isso que vimos tantas bandeiras polacas por todo o lado!


In the salt mine, we were divided into several groups and went downstairs...about 53 levels and 7 degrees each (371 steps, not much!) to reach the first level at 64 meters deep.

Na mina de sal, fomos divididos em vários grupos e descemos ... cerca de 53 andares com 7 degraus cada (371 degraus, não foi muito!), isto para chegarmos ao primeiro nível a 64 metros de profundidade.


Everything was made of salt!!

Era tudo feito de sal!!









We went down some more steps, and finally reached the third level, at 135 meters deep. What a large saloon and great place for the closing dinner!!

Descemos mais alguns degraus e chegámos finalmente ao terceiro nível, a 135 metros de profundidade. Uau, que salão fantástico para o jantar de encerramento!!


We were all delighted!!

Ficámos todos encantados!!



The portuguese crew: @prc, @tixinhacapitinha, @rmach and @liliana.duarte

Back to the Qubus hotel for a goodbye this moment I was getting too nostalgic and didn't stay long.

De volta ao Qubus para uma bebida de despedida...comecei a ficar nostálgica e não fiquei muito tempo.


12/11/2018 - The return

The day we didn't want to come, right!? At Kraków airport, we find out that we were on the same connecting flight to Frankfurt with @coruscate and @for91days, with whom we barely interacted before!!!

The time was short and we had to run to catch our next plain, fortunately, everything went perfect!!

12/11/2018 - O regresso

O dia que não queriamos que chegasse, certo? No aeroporto de Cracóvia, percebemos que estávamos no mesmo voo de ligação para Frankfurt com a @coruscate e @for91days, com os quais pouco tinhamos interagido antes!!

O tempo foi curto e tivemos que correr para apanhar o próximo avião, felizmente, correu tudo bem!


The "connect" function of SteemFest app was great, now I can remember everyone I met and chat for a bit:
@artakush, @greencross, @bimjer, @illucifer, @surfermarly, @anomadsoul, @rmach, @manncpt, @gandalf (or @gtg), @tixinhacapitinha, @prc, @arcange, @iliasdiamantis, @corinnestokes, @traveller7761, @joannewong, @bitrocker2020, @detlev, @toocurious, @jeanpi1908, @marco, @roxane, @connecteconomy, @steevc, @hashcash, @alexvan, @azes, @twinner, @sorin.cristescu, @shortcut, @rivalzzz, @eric71, @ura-soul, @felixxx, @lizanomadsoul, @kobol-djawa and others I haven't @jaki01. Sorry if I left someone out... did a great job making this happen!



Hi @liliana.duarte, I'm @checky ! While checking the mentions made in this post I noticed that @steevec and @kobol-djawa don't exist on Steem. Did you mean to write @steevc and @kobold-djawa ?

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I love this function, it's already fixed :)

So happy that we got to connect right at the end :) Next time we'll talk more :)

Indeed! Hopefuly next time you can say how you made "pastel de nata" and I'll tell you about my bread try ;)

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Wow! Title post could be "All about Steemfest3" ;)

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Noo, i resumed it a looot!! And it was only my perspective, much more things happened during those days :)

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Fantastico post. Pelo que tenho visto o evento foi soberbo. Tenho mesmo que arranjar forma de ir participar no próximo. Obrigada por representarem tão bem a comunidade portuguesa :D

Foi o meu 2o SteemFest e posso afirmar que naquele grupo conseguimos sentir-nos ligados mesmo (temos o Steemit/ Steem em comum). É raro um grupo ter tamanha abertura e positividade. Obrigada :D

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Que maravilha. O mundo precisa disso:good vibes. :D.
A comunidade portuguesa também precisa de se reunir, estamos a pensar organizar isso. Abraço

@liliana.duarte It was so nice to know you personally too 😊.
Hope to meet again in the future.

Hi Ana (this is how we right your name in portuguese). I loved to meet you and your family, it was very inspiring for us!! Hope we can meet again, either on Portugal, Germany or another SteemFest :)

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@liliana.duarte Hi... and you have actually said it correctly as well. That's indeed how my name is spelled. The Germans have always spell it wrongly, I need to tell them that my name only has one "N" whenever they need to fill in a document for me. :-D
It was great to meet you personally too ^_^

what a wonderful post and great story.

Looking forward to see you soon again. Maybe on a visit in Lisbon

Hope we can manage it because I'm not living in Lisbon. I need to research for good beer spots!! ;)

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I will let you know....

Wow the last dinner looked fantastic, pity I couldn't make it.
Wonderful post thanks for taking the time to recount the whole event..

It was on a superb spot, i never expecteded in my life to have such experience! \nIt took a huge amount of time to organize this post. Thanks for recognizing it :)

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My pleasure, I look forward to read more posts from you!

What a good friend I could see those incredible places, they had a great time, until the following year.

Wonderful account, I regret I could not stay for the visit to the salt mines and the closing dinner! It was a pleasure to get to know you and @rmach

It was a pleasure for us too. I'll keep an eye on your posts and your insights!! :)

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