On My Way To Steemfest!

in #steemfest7 years ago

12 hours after leaving my house the plane is about to leave LAX. Off to London and then Lisbon! I am so excited to meet everyone!

I got an AirBnB apartment nearby as I left booking until too late and the hotels were all booked.


Oh well, the deal was good. I'm always looking for the best value. That's why I did the drive from Tucson to L.A. The flight was half price!

Anyways, looking forward to chatting with everyone there and reporting in for those not attending.

Anyone that's going to be at Steemfest want to do a quick and friendly interview? I was thinking of doing a series of interviews at steemfest to let everyone know you a bit better.

Definitely looking forward to drinks with my buddy @ezzy. 😊

First time posting from my phone and I have subpar service. Let's see if it goes through.

Oh, if you've read and commented on my stuff before AND are going to be at steemfest, let me know below so I can seek you out. A role call of sorts.


Hey there, buddy! Man, how unreal I'm gonna be hooking up with you soon! You're a big part of the reason I'm still posting on here, my bro! And I thank you so much for it! Can't wait...

See you real soon. :)

Heck yea! Sitting in Gatwick right now. Cya soon.

@getonthetrain Enjoy STEEMfest and thank you again for all the kindness that you have shown to me here on STEEMIT.........

Thank you for the kind words. I'm gonna get acclimated to the jetlag tonight so as to be good for the 'fest.

I wish I could go too...

Work got you stuck?


Please keep posting about Steemfest. I'm excited to see all I can see about it. Thanks.

I'll do what I can.

Safe travels bud! Can't believe I didn't make the trip happen.

Already am. I should have gone. I'm a dork.

so exciting , have fun in steemfest!

It is! Will do!

Have a good time!

Thanks, I will do just that.

Hey ! Bring us some good news from there 😉

It was great that we have met us there!

Heck yeah it was!

See you next year again! 😎👍

I'm very excited to meet you in 3D very soon! :D I can barely believe I'm about to meet so many people with whom I've only had contact online until now. Take that, Facebook! LOL

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