About money issues alongside some faces I'd like to see in BKK

in #steemfest5 years ago (edited)
I decided to attend Steem Fest just a couple of weeks ago and obviously I had to do all the planning in a rush and make decisions fast regarding plane tickets, accommodation and all the stuff that you need to book in advance to get a better price.
Oh right,I'm catching up on the Road to Steem Fest writing prompts, if you're also going to Steem Fest, feel free to join in the fun!

Photo by @soyrosa

I knew I had to act fast or my budget would rise alarmingly with every day that passes (especially plane tickets). So I got my ass into planning and once I had a general overview of how I wanted by trip to go, I sat down in from of my laptop and began booking everything that is bookable.

Since it is my first time in Asia, and since my whole @anomadsoul kind of mindset began when I decided I wanted to go to Borneo, Indonesia, South East Asia, now that I'm able to visit this part of the world I want to make it worth every cent I spend, and I definitely don't want to stay in that area of the gloe just for the duration of Steem Fest; I want more. I want one of those long term trips I haven't done in more than 4 months now, one of those odysseys I'm used to having, just like the adventures I had over the past two and a half years.

Which is exactly why I decided that after Thailand, I'm going to stay more time in South East Asia. I still don't have anything planned but, I already know I'm staying. Anyway, to get back to the budgeting part, this is how my spending agenda looks like (in dollar value):

700One way plane ticket with 36 hours worth of layovers
80Thai Visa for Mexicans
40Hostel bed from November 6 - 11
600Event ticket
100Beer money for after dark adventures in BKK
100Food money - you always gotta have some food money in tasty BKK

Doesn't look like much - if you take out the plane ticket and event ticket - so overall it is a cheap trip once you're in Thailand. Which is why I'm going to stay longer, to make it worth spending so much in plane tickets!

About the topic Meeting people in Thailand I am a bit torn

Torn is a fun word, I probably should've said I have mixed feelings. Let me elaborate:

I've been to two Steem Fests already.

The first one was in Lisbon and I was a literal nobody, I was just the guy who hitchkiked to Lisbon and some people have heard of me before, some whales knew about me but overall, I had nothing to prove, show or anything socially impending. I had fun, met new people, finally got to meet in person all of these online friends I made over the previous months... I had nothing to lose and everything to win.

The second one was in Krakow. I could say that after the #roadtosteemfest series, we formed an incredibly tight and personal group of friends. We spent three months reading about each other so much, commenting on each other posts and this definitely lead to, when the event began, it truly felt like we were some sort of friends who studied together and we hadn't seen each other since college, but now ten years later nothing changed and we are still amazing friends. I dont want to mention names or tag you, but if you are reading this, I am willing to bet my ass you know who you are.

For this third Steem Fest I have mixed feelings:

Of all the people who are attending I have just met in person a few, and if I'm being completely honest, I don't consistently follow their blogs. There are a lot of people who joined this year's #rtf writing prompt and I've had a lot of fun reading their entries and getting to know them, I already know there are soo many people I want to put a face into their blog, I really want to meet them,

On the other hand, I know there are a lot of people I haven't even heard about, and since they didn't join - perhaps didn't even knew it existed - this writing initiative, I have no idea what to expect.

It's obvious that this year's event will mark a milestone for the Steem Fest organization. This is the first year it's celebrated outside of Europe. The attendant list will have names very different to what it had over the three previous years.

So, apart from experiencing cultural shock in Thailand, I will experience a cultural shock on this Steem Fest. It will be just like in Lisbon, where I will only know 20% of who's who, and it will be great to find out on my own and just be myself. The language barrier will be a pain in the ass though, I can already see myself suffering to communicate with some people but hey, that's also what makes the experience fun, right?

Either way, I'm reall looking forward to meet you. Only eight days to do :)

PS: Any vote or resteem is appreciated, since all the liquid rewards from this post will go to @funds4sf, the account I set up to pay for the sponsorship of the @blocktrades contests Steem Fest tickets + accommodation.


hope you will have a lot of fun, noma :) south east asia is fabulous to travel through, lots of culture and great value for money, too :D

and bring back stories !!! (and photos) :D :D :D

Wish you could be there spidey, especially since you are so close to the Asias. I promise to take tons of pics (and maybe some stories haha).

I wish I could go. Some barriers preventing it currently (getting them straightened out though).

Maybe I'll catch the next one. If/when it comes to the US I'll definitely be there. Hard to know where Steem is heading, but I'm not giving up hope for the future!

Great job on your blog bro. I see you've been studying hard and staying focused :)

Good to hear you're sorting it out man, and I really hope you can make it to the next (and I can also make it).

Who knows, perhaps next one is in Cancun so everyone can attend!

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