April Fitness stats

Well April was far more active than February & March and i have a whole list of excuses why here and after thinking about it a may have a couple more excuses LOL.

Today we have had a warm sunny day which has nothing to do with the below picture, that was taken 6 months ago on the coast for my 50th birthday party.

Onwards and upwards is the only way forward for me and i am quietly happy with April's effort.

April 2023

The below graph shows my exercise activity by month which i hope will steadily climb over the next couple of months, this month i am taking part in a competition which is nationwide.

I just beat the first month i had the fitness belt back in November of last year.
This month view shows the individual days i worked out in April which shows only a couple of full rest days, some of the other days werejust a morning & evening walk.

May 2023

I have started this month with 2 pretty good work out's with todays one the best so far this month, as stated we as a GYM are competing to see which GYM can have the highest average MEP's for the month.

We are having a BBQ for dinner again tonight with Chicken Kebabs & Sausages which will end a pretty productive day, that reminds me i must get the washing in.

Hope all is good in your part of the 🌍and feel free to let me know what you are having for Dinner tonight.

all pics/screenshots are mine
smudge approves this post

I am @kiwiscanfly🐔



"Onwards and upwards is the only way" 💪 Sangakkara used to say this a lot. It's clear that you're fully embracing that mindset. Keep up the amazing work!

Hey Bro
Sangakkara the cricket player? excuse my ignorance if this is not the case

This month i am getting after it

Yes bro.. cricket player.

He da man

#cricket Legend

Used to love watching him bat

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