5️⃣Walk Wednesday

We have had another nice day here weather wise with 19 degrees and sunshine which has been great to get in a few walks.

I started the day with an early morning one and then have been on 3 separate walks since midday. Tonight after dinner we will go for a walk as well which will make 5️⃣ for the day (15K)

Here are some shots i took while walking around the edge of town/country boundary, this picture below is a new subdivison being finished before new houses are built🔨
Here is a country road on the edge of town that i like to walk down as it's normally pretty quiet car wise, this area is getting new subdivisions so it wont stay like this long.
Same country road as above but i am looking the other way 🤳

Here are my four walks so far with another 30 minute one tonight



This was me parked illegally👀 picking up the kids from School on yellow lines 😁
Apart from that i have done 2 x loads of washing made the beds while doing a general tidy up around the house, for dinner tonight it is Takeaway night so i will be having Subway which will be a Steak & Cheese footlong on Malted rye bread ➕vegetables.

Something like this


Thanks for reading this far and i hope me parking illegally gives you inspiration to do the same 😁

Have a good day wherever you are reading this 🌍

all pic/screenshots are mine
Kat approves this post
parking feedback welcomed

I am @kiwiscanfly 🐔🍗



Come on! it's a everyday thing here in Sri Lanka.. We've mastered the art of parking wherever we please and then magically transforming into traffic critics 😅 & how one should be a disciplined driver!

Cheese footlong on Malted rye bread

I'm more interested on this! Pic please.

LOL i will no longer use normal car parks so i can be like you

As for Dinner i forgot to take a pic

I won't be responsible for any parking tickets though..

불법 주차해서 과태료 처분 받으면 너무 억울하죠.
그렇지만 급하다고 도로에 주차시켜서는 안되는 것이지요~~

가족과 함께 행복한 식탁에서 화목하고 건강하시기 바라겠습니다. 🤭😁😅

Its good fun and causes no real harm


"In the morning a man walks with his whole body; in the evening, only with his legs." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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