The Ultimate Way to Earn STEEM As Passive Income! - Day 54


Just in case you have missed the official announcement of the Project, you can take a look here: Let The Show Begin: Introducing The Ultimate Way to Earn STEEM As Passive Income!, and you will have all the details to get you started.

If you delegate Steem Power to my account (@georgemales) you will start earning STEEM every single day based on this formula:

A*19.89%/365= Your daily reward

Practical example:
Let's say you will delegate 500 Steem Power
500*19.89%/365= 0.272 STEEM

Daily reward report:

Steemit ID
SP Delegated
Daily Reward
0.821 STEEM
0.190 STEEM
0.041 STEEM
0.031 STEEM
0.019 STEEM
0.010 STEEM

All Time Leaderboard:

Steemit ID
Total Amount Received
30.847 STEEM
6.329 STEEM
1.700 STEEM
1.657 STEEM
1.426 STEEM
0.664 STEEM
0.250 STEEM
All Accounts
42.873 STEEM

All values are based on the time when this post is generated. As you can see it's simple and straight to the point and no matter what; it's 100% a WIN-WIN situation for all the Delegators!



Good news thanks

@tipu curate 2

Hello @georgemales
I sign up for your proposal

I'm going to participate

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63326.84
ETH 2648.69
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.82