SteemEngine - A Proposal for Creating Easy, Universal Steem Access Across the InternetsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemengine7 years ago

Introducing SteemEngine

Overview has created a new source of wealth that has yet to be effectively tapped. A few early projects that have attempted to tap into this wealth include basic Steem exchanges, primitive Steem accepting stores, and a few Steem Gambling Web Applications. Current Steem stores are not sophisticated and do not allow for secure, safe, consistent exchanges. Other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin allow for crypto to be transacted as easily as fiat. Steem Gambling Web Applications are not secure and convenient; Steem Dice forces users to sign in with their private key presenting a serious security risk and common cryptocurrency gambling websites use a work around temporary wallet solution that puts money in the hands of a third party. This leaves serious individuals concerned about security with exchanges as their only viable option. If Steem is to be a serious cryptocurrency, it must hold value beyond its exchange value; there must be an advantage to using/holding Steem and creating native Steem transactions.

Steem Engine

SteemEngine is essentially Metamask for Steem. It creates an easy, secure bridge between Web Applications and the Steem blockchain. This will allow for users to have a wallet, stored on the browser, creating seamless interactions with Steem Stores and Steem Gambling without releasing any personal/secure information. SteemEngine will allow for Steem App Developers to forgo worrying about how to integrate with the blockchain and instead focus on making killer applications. It will also allow casual users to transact their Steem in new ways and easily interact with Steem Web Applications.


Development has just begun! Beta test expected early Fall. More details to be released soon. Stay tuned!


Robert nice work. Come look into SteemConnect as well. Maybe we have synergies

Hi brother, I apologize for the comment here
But do not belive post-write for you
I would like to help please
thank you brother @ned

synergy is a great thing.

Really cool! SteemConnect does essentially what I am hoping to do. However, they still require that you login and give your password to a third party (clarifying with them that I am correct in my assumption).

I envision a Metamask approach where your account is local and you NEVER give anyone your password. For example, I have a main ETH account where I store $1000 dollars. But, I want to buy a $100 shirt at ETH store X and then gamble $100 at ETH Casino Y. I could use Metamask to interact with these applications but at the same time not put my main account at risk.

SteemConnect claims to not store user's posting WIF. However, there is still a security risk that I think could be eliminated. I believe, since they do not store the keys they have to rerequest the keys to make future transactions from an account. This could also be avoided by using the Metamask approach.

All in all, SteemConnect seems to be a lot further along than I am, so once I get further I will reach out. However, doubling man power on making Steem more accessible to end users is not a bad thing, even if we are working on similar projects.


I think reducing end user friction will be the key to mass adaptation.


Amazing work @robertdurst10! In this way, steemit will be more user friendly and more and more people will see come and join STEEMIT.

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