Introducing Philippines Steemit Stats Version 1.1

in #steemdev7 years ago

What is Philippines Steemit Stats Version 1.1? It is a web application built using node.js to show the user stats of Steemit users from the Philippines. The data comes from the SteemSQL Database created by @arcange. You can visit the site here:

It is the first update from the post I did about Philippines Steemit Stats last week:


Version 1.1 Changes:

  1. Solved the deadlock issue while querying the database, deadlocks do not occur anymore.
  2. Added the users who use the post tags pilipinas, and philippines to the list of users, adding it to the list of users who have the word like: Philippines in their location information on Steemit
  3. Integrated a much better front-end capable of displaying data in charts and graphs.


The site now has a better front-end and is now capable of chart/graphs integrations, here is a screenshot:

Philippines Steem Stats.png

Here is a screenshot of the Inner Pages and User lists:

Philippines Steem Stats.png

For a better look just visit the site:

Technologies Used

  • node.js
  • express.js
  • seriate for mssql
  • bootstrap
  • handlebars
  • Deployed on Heroku


  1. Heroku has limited hours the web application might not work once the Free Dyno Hours get used up.

Future Improvements

  1. Host it on a decent VPS
  2. Integrate Angular 4 to make it an SPA(Single Page Application)
  3. Add some more widgets, graphs and charts can now be integrated with the new front-end. Currently working on some suggestions by @themanualbot
  4. Integrate data tables to the tables as the current has no paginations to be used
  5. Suggestions are open, comment down below it will be appreciated.

Thank you very much, hope you find this Web Application helpful. Comment down below for any suggestions for the improvement of the web application. Any rewards this post gets will help in the future developments of the Web Application. Maraming Salamat!

Upvote, Follow, and Resteem.png


Ayos to. matingnan nga.

Salamat kababayan :)

This is a great project for the Steemit Philippines Community.
Keep up the great work.

Thank you for the comment and support. Yes hopefully I can add it on github so other people can make one of their own.

Wow add it on github,so that i can also replicate one for my country.

I will, once the development is finished it is not yet finalized. Will keep you posted @jaraumoses

wow.. this is really awesome ! now i just need some technical knowledge to be able to do it for #teammalaysia .

Sobrang ganda ng paggawa. Sanay tuloy tuloy nayan @vallesleoruther. Salamat at ginagawan mo ng paraan ang mga suggestions ko. Keep it up sit! You deserve some support. :)

Salamat sa suporta. Medyo busy sa work ngayon kaya pakonti konti ang pagawa sana by next month matapos ko na yung iba pang mga feature. :)

Among suggestions from manual bot. I don't see need for covering people's wallet.

Hello @surpassingoogle, What do you mean? do you discourage adding the features that show the data on post payouts for top authors that use the tags 'philippines', 'pilipinas' etc..?

Not exactly. For stuff like this, i talk in the DMs. Everything though will require your own judgement

Hello Terry, just DMd you on Discord so we can talk about it. Thanks

Learned new today, thanks. :)

Thank you :)

Thank you for the comment :) more improvements to come on version 1.2

You're welcome. I'll wait for it then.

Will definitely keep you posted. Cheers

Ok...very good..keep it up guys and find time to check my blog posts

Thank you for the comment! will try to check it out.

This This really a nice initiative. I hope it can be extended to other parts of the world.

Yes maybe in the future after the development is finished. I could add it on github so anyone can make something like this.

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