Daily RescueTime.com Report

in #steemdev6 years ago (edited)

Holy hell, What a productive day! While I woke up quite late today the amount of work put into development and getting my witness up and running again has been off the charts.

Cheers to @someguy123 for showing me this app to monitor my working.
It's helping drive my development and manage my daily hours better.

Tons of Steem-Roller Development

A lot of bug fixing happened today on project Steem-Roller with the most important bugs regarding the display of integers on the site seeing rounding errors being fixed by opening up the decimal places to a degree that better works with nodeJS. Spent nearly 8 hours today coding, testing and bug hunting.. Which honestly feels great, I'm glad to be back on my coding groove and making progress. Although I'm not entirely 100% sure that the Steem-Roller project will be fully tested and launch ready for the end of the month, that is still the goal I'm working towards. The bug fixing is going well however, with 7 of the 11 known bugs being patched so far in closed beta testing.

If I keep having incredibly productive days like I did today it's entirely possible that by the end of this month we'll see Steem-Roller launched into public beta (much like how steemit is) and allowing users to join the site to bet and invest their STEEM at their leisure.

Witness is Back Online!

On a side note, I finally have my witness server back up and running again! It was down for months due to financial strain and high server rental costs but is now back and hosted on Privex.io which is run by fellow STEEM witness @someguy123. If you're looking for affordable, highly secure and privacy oriented hosting or dedicated witness server rental, I highly suggest checking out Privex.io.

If you would like to support development of Steem-Roller and future projects, please consider voting me as a witness! Every vote counts, You can send a witness vote by visiting the illustrious witness vote page then scrolling down and clicking the upvote button:

Huge thank you to everyone who witness votes me, upvotes my posts, reads my blog and ultimately makes our Steem community a great place for me to socialize, work and live.

Looking to make better use of your time? Check out RescueTime.com and get hooked up with a monitor to help you monitor your daily computer/mobile tasks. Each person who signs up for a free account through the link above I get 2 weeks of premium, which is awesome!

Later everyone, have a grand productive day or night!


Every Single Vote Helps, Thanks for the Support!

Witness Server Hosted Via Privex.io


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