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RE: How to configure SteemConnect v2 and use it with your application. How it works and how it is different from v1.

I have tried to create an new app but receive an error.
create:1 [DOM] Found 2 elements with non-unique id #username: (More info: <input type=​"text" value=​"" id=​"username" data-__meta=​"[object Object]​" class=​"ant-input ant-input-lg">​ <input type=​"text" placeholder=​"Username" autocorrect=​"off" autocapitalize=​"none" value=​"dwarrilow2002" id=​"username" data-__meta=​"[object Object]​" class=​"ant-input ant-input-lg">​

I also observe that the transaction price is NAN (I am sitting with 20 steem in my account.

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