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RE: Wish list for Steemit

in #steemcommunity6 years ago

Nice list😉 But i will never ever dont understand why the people in ph starting to talk about christmas already in september october 😂😂😂 Makeing me always angry when i go somewhere and they tell me happy christmas😂😂😂 omg not yet even winter the christmas is so so far😂


I have read somewhere on social media that Filipinos celebrate Christmas the longest because people usually start decorating after All Saints Day. It is actually this year that I am so surprised, or rather shocked, with my fellow Filipinos when I saw Christmas decors in malls last August. Again, those used to come out in early November. I do not know what came out of the heads of people these days...

He he defenetly correct😂 you knowi am just disapointed because in ph they always find a reason to make a walang pasok. No school no offices. When i first time arrived i tought that ph is mainly christian. But later i find out that they celebrate same way the muslim and the chinese special days. So actially example the students they miss a lot of days from the school and also it makes a fake personality to the people because they cant stick to the christian habits. Intersting. 😁

The Muslim and Chinese holidays were not there during my school days. When holidays for them were approved, the government was saying that those are in respect to the next majority religion in the country. And I do not think that respecting them is being fake.

No ididnt told that. My oppinion is just that i see many days makeing a reason to dont go to school and dont work. Most of the countries have more religion but do you think they celebrate the christian holidays in the middle east? Also if there is a muslim or what ever special day in US or Europe they dont make it a work holiday. I am strict if it is all about the education of the kids. And i just dont agree that if example the main religion is roman catholic than my kids miss the school because of others. The future is in the education of kids. But if they are always at home because of special days or because the teacher is sick than they cant build a better future. 😔 You see also this crazyness that i remember if in our school the teacher was sick they gave us another teacher unlike here they send home the kids😔

As the saying goes, "When in Rome, act like the Romans do." And you're in the Philippines. How about that?

He he yes that is right. But i want the best for the filipinos. Thats why i share. Example if every driver pee on the street as they do in PH i try to search a toilett. And if i can i will recoment them to use it. Or if orher farmers they dry they rice on the road. Witch is now against the law i will dont do that because of the safety of the drivers and because i dont do like the "romans". Instead of that i pay for drying on the private dryier😉 Make sense? 😊 We have a saying also: If everybody wanna jump in the deep well you will jump also? 😉

Of course those misbehaviors are totally a different story. You were complaining about holidays and those are our national holidays. I can not change that. Can you? You called Filipinos fake because of that. You also complain about teacher being absent and no substitute. That is because we do not have enough teacher like wherever you mentioned. I also can not change that. I do not want to waste my time and stress myself for things that are beyond my control.

By the way actually i dont say thay my place is perfect. Even on the facebook many times i share my oppinion about my home country and some people dont like it.
But thanks Lord i have been in many places in my life i study a lot of and even now i am studying. But also i try to share my experience.
You will laugh but even in US or UK the education is very poor. I know i have been there i experience it. Now beause i choose a filipina to be my wife and because my baby is also half filipino i feel that i have to do my best for this place. But it doesnt mean that i have to be silent if i see something that is not good diba? 😊

But it doesnt mean that i have to be silent if i see something that is not good diba? 😊

I myself has an activist in me. But it is also not good to keep complaining about something that you can not change because that is just rubbing more salt on the open wound spreading negativity even if others don't take it that way.

Nope you misunderstand me as i see. I just told that of the childrens they are always out of school because of this religion or that it can make a bad identity. Sorry to.using fake my fault. Me example i grow up with catholic rules and thats why i am tru. I respect others but not to mix these is not a solution.
Actually you are right we cant change these.
By the way i think there is a lot of teachers looking for job. I see because i know around 5 just here in the area. But i dont know why they dont get a job than.
Why is it important to talk about this? Because if many people find out that there is something not good they can act. The power is always in the hand of the people. Just sometimes they forgot it. Me unfortunatly i cant do nothing here because i am a foreigner. But hope my doughter will study abroad one day and than i hope she will stay in PH so she can do her best for this country.😉 Maybe she will make what i cant. You know hard to see the people here around me that they are suffering but they suffer because they:
1.dont have a oportunity to change they life
2.dont have the knowledge to change they life
3.if they have both than others dont let them to make it.
Like when i saw my coworkers on the cruise ship. They was working hard day and night. But they domt had nothing because they just send it home.

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