How to get upvotes: A guide for dummies

in #steemcommunity6 years ago

Since I have completed my Summer 2018 anime list and have the free time on my hand, I decided to take part in the weekly contest sponsored by @legendchew as per the referral of @jlordc. So here goes nothing lol.

This week's topic is about one's strategy to get upvote and support from others in steemit. Let's get down to it.



Quality post... or that is what I would have answered have I been here only for a short amount of time, but things aren't as simple as that because there are thousands of other people competing for the attention and upvotes. Unless you have exceptional talent or really great article writing skills then chances are that you will just become another face in the crowd in the platform.

Honestly, my first few weeks here are agonizing. I wrote numerous articles but reached no one, no upvotes, no comments that it feels like just a waste of time and effort. I didn't feel like quitting though because I have a bad habit of seeing things through and I am glad I made that call because I am enjoying my stay here. The fact that I can share my hobby is a good reason, enough for me to keep posting despite the gloomy market condition but I also have few set of people that supports me now, allowing me to continue writing articles.

So how did I get those support you ask? I came to realize this a bit late in the game but the best way to earn people's support is to support people too. It is basic, it is the application of golden rule, no wonder it works. Some people may have the wrong understanding of that though, it is not about appearing in every comment section to say that you like or love someone's work (it looks annoying most of the time so please just stop it), it is about genuinely reading a post and sharing your own thoughts. I wouldn't deny that flattery works at times too but building a common ground and just getting engrossed in a shared interest is the best in the long run.

Though I am not someone to talk because of my small payouts, I am still glad that at least some people came to recognize the efforts I have been putting into the articles I've made to date.

A little bit out of topic but I think it is a good time to include it here since I am talking about building relationship and real interactions in the platform (I am definitely not trying to prolong this to get to the 500 words mark, definitely not lol). I think that what this platform lacks is human interactions. I am happy interacting with bots too (except @cheetah) but there is nothing better than geeking out with fellow human beings, engaging in real discussions and talking about our passion and interest. I think that is how it should be, but at the current state of things everyone's just trying to get to the good side of others for the upvotes, nothing more. I don't want to sound pessimistic about this but the reason that most of us came here for in the first place, the monetary rewards, could be the same thing that would eventually spell doom for the platform, kind of ironic but it is not totally out of the picture given the number of inactives we got now after the prices went downhill. It signifies that most if not all, are only after the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow nothing else, no commitment, no desire to grow.

That ends my entry that doubles as a rant too. So to reiterate my point : Give and take, support and interact if you want others to take notice of you but do so in a manner that doesn't only sound like someone begging for an upvote. Then wrap it up with posts that showcases who you are and what you are interested in. No need to be the best, just be true and put yourself in your works and someone out there will surely acknowledge your efforts someday.



Thanks to the people who has read this far and don't get mad if the title is a bit misleading lol. Till next time.



Had the same realization too: engagement is indeed the key here on Steemit. Glad to know you still found motivation after an agonizing first month.

Keep it up, man. You write awesome animu content. Hope I could drop by often to read your posts. A busy sched takes me away from reading blogs often.

Yeah and now I am more dedicated to the platform because of the people talking to me here. Glad to find another anime fan here, quite a rare find in the platform if I'd say so myself not to mention a fellow pinoy haha

Haha, indeed. People reading your posts is a great motivator. I'm an anime fan but I haven't watched anything lately. My animu knowledge was stuck in the golden age lol.

There are quite a few anime writers & fans here on Steemit. If I may recommend a few: @roballendematera, a fellow Pinoy, he's got some anime posts but his recent ones are mostly games. Some others are grarkada, alberenza and many others.

Guess life caught up to you haha

Oh I will try checking him. I have actually been talking to grarkada a lot before but it looks like he has given up on steem, the same with alberenza.

Well said, I think it true that genuine relationships are the key. I support you because of your artist talent and sense of humor. I don't watch anime, but I still read your anime post. Who knows maybe someday I read something you wrote and decided to check out an amine show.

Well I am pleased to hear those words, having someone appreciate my posts and efforts are truly fulfilling. It is talking with someone like this that I think everyone should prioritize the most, it is not like everyday we stumble with someone that values us despite being separated by physical locations, so let's make use of it and make our stay here worth it :)

Hi @ascheriit, thank you for your participation in the "Exclusive Blogging Course Giveaway Contest".

Thanks for the contest too :)

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