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RE: Upvoter

in #steemcleaners7 years ago

Yes, ty. Because that's all I ask here. If there is nothing to hide, then please stop flagging my posts. I watch very closely, and the abuse is overwhelming from all angles. I simply would like for the comments or posts to stand for others to see, again if nothing to hide. That way they are free to decide on their own. We are all free in the same life are we not? <3 Now, I would like to bring to the table and everyone's attention of the rash of bots lately with LOTS of steempower. My issues come seemingly only when I offend a steemcleaner. Now I ask, who makes all those reputable, powerful bots that take people's posts down in 1 flag? Someone who does not have to earn the power. As the days and incidents go by, the dominate pattern of the rash of powerful spam flagging bots lately may very well belong to steemcleaners who have "expendable " accounts and power. This is a tactic many creators use in their networks for additional profits. From huge networks to video games, creators or moderators with power often strike multiple avatars or accounts to take advantage of the ever growing online marketing. Further actions against me will only cause more doubt and haste to investigate the situation at hand of abuse to new Steemit network users. With my voice, I show and tell. Let us all have a voice, and let everyone free to decide on their own what is relevant without powerful bot flags or abuse of given or stated power.

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