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RE: Upvoter

in #steemcleaners7 years ago

Not to mention his entire premise is off to begin with. I posted on another one of his threads but its worth repeating here-

These reports are just a log of everything found for the week. It doesn't mean you did anything wrong, if you look at all those instances of people posting in the wrong category the large majority were not flagged but instead asked to try to keep their posts to a relevant topic.

Tag spam can get out of hand quickly so steemcleaners is making an effort to keep things relatively organized so that people can more easily find the content they are looking for without wading through dozens of unrelated posts. They are doing this by politely commenting, not flagging. Steemcleaners isn't making any money off the fact your name is on a weekly report, they are being supported by people who agree with their overall goal.

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